Red Strawberry Banana auto from Sweetseeds


Well-Known Member
You like that auto pot system? Used it many runs?
This is an Aircube system from Growace and just started my 3rd run with it. I had grown in soil for years and was totally blown away by the growth rate.
I grow a lot of autos and was pleased with 8oz/plant....this thing has already produced 1 1/2lb+ auto plants, so yes very impressed with it..


This is an Aircube system from Growace and just started my 3rd run with it. I had grown in soil for years and was totally blown away by the growth rate.
I grow a lot of autos and was pleased with 8oz/plant....this thing has already produced 1 1/2lb+ auto plants, so yes very impressed with it..
Aircube, bad. That's awesome man. I got the 12 pot system 2 yrs ago planning on the future. The future hasn't come yet lol. It might come sooner than later seeing your results. Is that lava rock? Was there a big learning curve? Sry for all the questions man, I just haven't seen one run yet.


Well-Known Member

Aircube, bad. That's awesome man. I got the 12 pot system 2 yrs ago planning on the future. The future hasn't come yet lol. It might come sooner than later seeing your results. Is that lava rock? Was there a big learning curve? Sry for all the questions man, I just haven't seen one run yet.
They call it hydroton and this is the cheapest I could find's clay pebbles usually more round and reddish than what I use.
Once I figured out how deep to flood them and how often, it was off to the races. First grow I was worried about the rez alot and nutrients was a big change too. I now use the same rez to feed my soil grows Jacks 321 for all my grows from start to finish. No finisher products or boosters...I thought sure all that N in flower would result in subpar buds......I was wrong. :eyesmoke:
I still add fulvic acid, calmag, silica and kelp every once in awhile with hydroguard.
Now I just stick seedlings in at full nutrient levels and they still just take is truly amazing and I highly recommend it.
Better have a BIG room for 12 pots...the growth is crazy.....I mean these are auto's I'm growing in this thing finishing in 70 days or less with good yield. I would never have believed it..


They call it hydroton and this is the cheapest I could find's clay pebbles usually more round and reddish than what I use.
Once I figured out how deep to flood them and how often, it was off to the races. First grow I was worried about the rez alot and nutrients was a big change too. I now use the same rez to feed my soil grows Jacks 321 for all my grows from start to finish. No finisher products or boosters...I thought sure all that N in flower would result in subpar buds......I was wrong. :eyesmoke:
I still add fulvic acid, calmag, silica and kelp every once in awhile with hydroguard.
Now I just stick seedlings in at full nutrient levels and they still just take is truly amazing and I highly recommend it.
Better have a BIG room for 12 pots...the growth is crazy.....I mean these are auto's I'm growing in this thing finishing in 70 days or less with good yield. I would never have believed it..
Nice man! Yeah I didn't like the idea of 5gal pots. I figured I could just utilize say 3gal of it or something. The res and nute adjustments/changes makes me a bit stand-offish. Suppose I'd learn. Future plans would be a 8x8 or 10x10 room. Why I got the 12 pot. It's still boxed at this time, extra lights still boxed. 1 day...
I'm gonna keep up w this and watch n learn man. Amazing growth.