Mix Spinosad and Micro Sulfur for Thrips?


Well-Known Member
It seems compared to Russet and Broad Mites, Thrips dont seem nearly as bothered by Sulfur. However I like using it as it keeps my PM completely at bay during Veg. My next 2 Options for Thrips are Spinosad or Pyganic 1.4% Pyrethrin. I am not sure if Bonide Captain Jacks Spinosad is oil based or not -- I think not. I could of Course alternate. But why not mix the 2? In other words trying to Not Mix Oil with Sulfur! And of course KILL thrips. Luckily me in L.E.C.A so Thrips are not extremely active it seems. My friend in Soil said it quit due to THRIPS in soil


Well-Known Member
Spinosad will kill all bugs. No need to mix sulfur. Only apply after lights out.

Edit: spinosad works while it is wet for the application that you use it, it will kill all the live bugs, but eggs might survive.

My typical mix during veg outdoor is with Spinosad, Azamax, GFF, and BT. I don't apply anything after bud formation starts, just fingers crossed til harvest
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Well-Known Member
Spinosad usually works, just takes a few days, I have some thrips dying on my leaves as we speak because of it
The trick is to drench the soil aswell.
But spinosad is not a long term solution, take clones, drown them in water for 30 min, put in cloner and move it to a clean room. that's the only sure way to get rid of them for good.


Well-Known Member
I have used spinosad outdoors for years. Even with spraying weekly on large plants the spinosad would not kill the thrips.
It doesn't kill the eggs buried in the branches so they're a bitch especially on larger plants. I switch between nuke em (Dr zymes) or insect soap and spinosad


Well-Known Member
I use Jacks Dead bug. Dr.Zymes, and Monterey Bt. I used to keep DE but I hate how it cuts up worms so I stopped using it. I would put it around my stalks for crawlers.


Well-Known Member
Definitely works on thrips
What I was referring to as a thrip may not have been a thrip type at all. I think I read there are 1600 types of thrips. Oddly I have a type of greenhouse thrip now and zymes is not totally effective on it. I applied Jacks DB tonight. I think I got them from recycled 1 gallon pots I did not clean well. These things are tiny and flightless.


Well-Known Member
Spinosad is the number 1 spray for thrips
I think how I got them outdoors was that I stopped spraying spinosad and just sprayed BT. That allowed a late infestation in a small area which I killed with zymes. Those thrips were like the ones pictured above. See my post WTF is this little yellow bug to see a flightless thrip.


Well-Known Member
It seems compared to Russet and Broad Mites, Thrips dont seem nearly as bothered by Sulfur. However I like using it as it keeps my PM completely at bay during Veg. My next 2 Options for Thrips are Spinosad or Pyganic 1.4% Pyrethrin. I am not sure if Bonide Captain Jacks Spinosad is oil based or not -- I think not. I could of Course alternate. But why not mix the 2? In other words trying to Not Mix Oil with Sulfur! And of course KILL thrips. Luckily me in L.E.C.A so Thrips are not extremely active it seems. My friend in Soil said it quit due to THRIPS in soil
Sulphur is anti fungal and has anti bacterial properties .

Spinosad is a bacteria.

So don't mix the two