
Well-Known Member
amazone.ca ?
yea amazon.ca $185 for a 50g bottle. there was another place in canada, some science website but something weird must have happened they now want you to make an account and attest you arent using it for weird health stuff or ingesting the stuff they sell oh and are also no longer shipping to private residences. something weird must have happened if it prompted them to do that lol


Well-Known Member
yea amazon.ca $185 for a 50g bottle. there was another place in canada, some science website but something weird must have happened they now want you to make an account and attest you arent using it for weird health stuff or ingesting the stuff they sell oh and are also no longer shipping to private residences. something weird must have happened if it prompted them to do that lol

Farmer's Hat

Well-Known Member
so i saw something cool i was on the internet pricing out all the shit i would need to make STS spray on my own and it looked like it came up to about $400, then i saw this thing for about $50 and i thought what the hell lets take a gamble im not sure if anybody has tried it but im gona give it a go see if it works

View attachment 5429029
Nice. Curious to see the results.


Well-Known Member
lol do you think that bottle i got will be enough volume to turn one male?
I would guess so, but I am a stoner :eyesmoke: who knows ?
always made my own.

You've already made the purchase... so the gamble is on...
still very much worth it if it works.

good luck my friend, we'll be watching