Any other runners here?


Well-Known Member
Bunch of half marathons as well, never done a full marathon-my main blocker for that is I don't have the time for long runs on the weekend!
I get that. The full is a big time commitment but even an HM takes up a fair amount of time. I'm a "new runner" so I'm very much in the "building up my endurance" stage.

What part of the country (I assume US?) are you in? I'm in Southern California so I can run all year. I ran at 4 PM yesterday and the temp was dropping down through 60. Nice temp to run in but a little chilly at the start.


Active Member
I'm in the states but we get winter! No snow yet but it's 30s and 40s. I have a light running jacket that feels great but by the time i hit mile 3 Im sweating like a pig. Win some lose some. SoCal running sounds like the dream!