Fungus gnat experiment #569

If you're needing idea's it's something I've thought about.

I've learned if something isn't convenient to use it won't get used continuously.

Anti Gnat pot V1.0.0
Let's say a felt pot for easy speaking and a strainer bag with a draw string sewn in.
Sew the mesh to the top of the felt pot so you've a draw string to tighten around the stem...Or a neoprene Puck?
A neoprene puck around the stem would give a secure fit and it allows growth without strangling the plant.

Draw strings don't seal great when you pull them right up, they create bunching, a neoprene puck having a bigger diameter would make it better suited to loose that bunching, with a little recces in the puck to prevent a pia trying to tighten it, the bunching and draw string would fit snugly keeping it gnat tight...does that make any sense :eyesmoke:

@Spiderfarmerled hello you need some pots with a mesh around the top and draw string to seal around the stem, that would allow watering while keeping gnats and other pests out.

A velco version of just the top that would fit any pot would be a good option, I've a couple of idea's for it if there's any real possibility of you getting it off the ground, I'm not a marketing guy but what grower wouldn't want gnat free pots?
Thank you for the suggestion! I'll pass it along to our R&D team for review. Appreciate your creativity!
I can say after trying h202 watching them get sopping wet they just shook it off and said f u. So I think the athenas working! Ok will start to use it then.. Will refer to instructions waay back in theead I have screen shot. Just a pain I didnt think worked but ya.
The peroxide won't kill anything but larvae. If they've developed legs and/or wings.. it won't work. I don't doubt you could have a resistant species, but it has worked for me to control the population. I did find 2-3 gnats in the growspace yesterday, but, I found an open centimeter of material in the top of the pantyhose. I sealed it. Today nothing. Scrog net arrives tomorrow. Gonna flatten them back out. The weather here has been below freezing overnight for several days. The cool does seem to have helped me also.
Lots of them are getting out I dont see any holes. Started with zero spotted. We are all screwed. Theres no hope nothing will ever get better. Maybe tie plastic bag around stem and around the pot kinda like the panty hose idea with no bottom, so the fabric pot can runoff. If they can get through that then idk.

Yea my veg plants clean but if I cant see any holes that means they can probably get in. They will be sharing spaces soon. Maybe constant athena ipm treatment but thats gotta be bad for plants. Only thing this is still good for is lessening greatly the flyers around the house if the grow is in your home. If people were complaining this would get them off your back.
Thank you for the suggestion! I'll pass it along to our R&D team for review. Appreciate your creativity!
I just want to say that if you guys would make these things available in 1, 3, 5 and 10 gallon size so we could just pull them up and cinch them and offer them at a reasonable price, then, I would buy them. Sure, I can hack something up like pantyhose that serves the same purpose, but my grow would look alot tighter and be alot more manageable with something like this that is designed for the purpose. This year and this thread have proven to me that guarding your medium is important to cannabis growers and your company is perfectly suited to meet these needs.
Lots of them are getting out I dont see any holes. Started with zero spotted. We are all screwed. Theres no hope nothing will ever get better. Maybe tie plastic bag around stem and around the pot kinda like the panty hose idea with no bottom, so the fabric pot can runoff. If they can get through that then idk.

Yea my veg plants clean but if I cant see any holes that means they can probably get in. They will be sharing spaces soon. Maybe constant athena ipm treatment but thats gotta be bad for plants. Only thing this is still good for is lessening greatly the flyers around the house if the grow is in your home. If people were complaining this would get them off your back.
Just keep digging dude.....I didn't think I'd even get this far. I'm thinking the couple I found the other day crawled out. I went over everything multiple times before finding that tiny hole. I'm thinking that even if you can't completely seal the hole, then wrapping the yellow tape around the spot would catch most anything that gets near the hole. I might be back on in a few days saying there's a problem. But, for now, it's fixed. Keep up the IPM and fix any holes. Good luck!


I just know there wasnt, I made each of them ocd ever since one snagged then noticed it just snags so fast. With no warning or sound or tention felt it appears. I tried stretching them out to see if its that but nothing. When it touches the fabric even with a grocerybag over the pot to help, it still appears.

Theres still hope I was just kidding but it really does seem they can squeeze through appx 120 micron panty hose. The double lining by wrapping the slack back down to almost the very bottom of pot might help. Maybe using athena ipm strategicly if you spot one or even just because. I watched a commercial grower say they do that.

If that doesnt work, I think star dog had the right idea using plastic bags. Just need to have it wrap tight around middle of pot or lower, so can runoff. I might just phase them out with all the above just keep trying. I cant believe I got rid of powdery mildew and botritus before the gnats and possibly aphids.
I never seen an egg though Id think itd be like a square of a 90 micron pressing bag. Hard to think the panty hose is 120 micron as I have thos ebags too and those seem much better but they stretch, the panties. Idk how strong a bug would have to be but maybe its age related they grow pretty fast. I tend to see small baby gnats outside the pots trying get back in.

Maybe some of them age and get caught as adults on the jell trap. That really puts in perspective how fast they breed and how many larva are eating the roots easily killing a plant. Idk why it has to be breathable mesh, maybe just use plastic bag type material. Im gonna try a garbage bag so it can expand. Idk.

I need to get my lazy ass to use the athena but idk if it will kill all stages and see differences but its just hell. If one can get in its over. Hell Im feeding 12x a day dtw coco idk anyone doing that maybe I can include constantly treating with IPM athena. Idk what my deal is I just need to harvest this plant and work up courage I didnt think Id win with PM but Im 14 days from chop.
Every 3 days treat each plant for an hour.. 5 clones. I already lost the benefit of a large reservoir Im using 5 gallon buckets for each tent. Its a pain but it works idk if its just my microbiome or whatever but my larger rez in flower rots in 3 days no matter what. I wasnt open to using r o water its too much and a last resort. Lower temps in basement veg a 25 gallon works.

Buckets last a while at first almost 3 days but some curve balls having me refill daily for last couple wks flower. However not all my plants need 12x a day so its not as extreme as it sounds its just crazy right now. Low rh and box fans 77F.
Thought of something else. Staple the top of fabric pot shut put bug jell in the seam. Even has a corner I can feed the dripper through to staple/bugjell shut. Probably will work. The problem with panty Im positive they can get in and out the panty itself, I promise its not a me error.

I doubt its the tied off area as its impossible to get in if you try it yourself youll know what I mean. Its like caulking a crack shut.


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Thought of something else. Staple the top of fabric pot shut put bug jell in the seam. Even has a corner I can feed the dripper through to staple/bugjell shut. Probably will work. The problem with panty Im positive they can get in and out the panty itself, I promise its not a me error.

I doubt its the tied off area as its impossible to get in if you try it yourself youll know what I mean. Its like caulking a crack shut.
If you're sure i don't doubt you but what makes you say they can fit through the pantyhose, did you see it or was it something indicating that?
Some insects lay eggs in/around places knowing the offspring can fit in?
A bluebottle for example lays eggs on the zipper of bag with rotten meat inside.

That was the reason I didn't just seal the top of my pouches, I didn't want them laying eggs on the wet pouches?
There are baby gnats just sitting on the outside of pot that look small enough to fit through stretched panty hose. There are gnats of small and large size flying around the tent and sitting outside the pots and getting trapped in jell trying to get back in through there.

I figure if theyre used to squirming around as larva into fyers and even crawl back deep in soil to lay eggs.. Theyre some what octopusses. It keeps most of them inside which can be like hundreds based on the graves beside outer pot and panty attempting escape.

It helps a lot as I had roomies complaining and it was getting out of hand. It helped a lot. Maybe only having access to top layer of pot the bulk of rootzone is ok vs above and below. With most rootmass being rootbound at the bottom of plastic pot.

I worry they can squeeze eggs into the poked roots at the bottom and the larve squirm their way into root zone. Maybe put a spacey bag around it and tie to stem, should be easy with a established thick trunk plant. Idk if thats what you mean by being athletic with their eggs but I thought of that.

On a positive note there are no visible flyers on the veg plants in basement 1.5 months old and better yet no grave sites. Might just put a bag over them and around stems like mentioned. Slowly working up courage about to harvest in 9 days and a week after that almost the rest of garden aside from one plant.