Fungus gnat experiment #569


Well-Known Member
5 gallons was enough to soak 5 gallons coco its just been a while since I done this but ya. Just soaking for an hour and then refresh with calmag solution then mix with pearlite.. Just let it sit in a closed tub as I pull coco out of it till its gone like now.


Well-Known Member
I was over thinking it and on a time crunch. Its clearly for general purpose sprays and the drench is for plants in medium. Simply same thing if you were going to soak the medium instead and up to you how long.

Im doing one hr that should be enough for something that kills on contact. Maybe longer next time but I got clones ready to plant.

Drop That Sound

Well-Known Member
Pasteurizers for steaming bulk amounts of coco medium/substrate don't have to be all that fancy or expensive, like the more complex ones with heating elements and PID controllers, etc.

You can DIY a small scale version with parts you might already have laying around.

Simply hook up a tube from a pressure cooker directly into a plastic storage bin (large insulated cooler would be even better!), and toss the coco right into the fabric grow pots. Then set them down in the bin on an elevated rack, and let it rip. Monitor temps with a large meat thermometer. EZ!

Can also use an electric wallpaper steamer unit along with a digital temp controller, or an automated instant pot to generate your steam.
