Carbon filter on portable ac

Blue brother

Well-Known Member
I know I know, this really isn't advised, but I know some of you will have tried it before so I've gotta ask.

I want a portable ac for my drying tent, I know I can put the portable in its own tent and use that as an intake for my drying tent, but that's gonna take up space I really don't have.

I also can't have a split or a window unit as anything showing at a window or on the outside of the house is a big no no.

I've got a few 12inch carbon filters, and I thought that maybe one of these connected to the 4inch exhaust on the portable ac might not restrict the air flow very much at all, I know these things break when the exhaust is restricted so my aim would be to provide the biggest filter with the highest flow rate possible so hopefully it won't make much of a difference to the flow leaving the ac.

If anyone has done this I'd love their opinion, it would mean I can keep the ac in the drying tent and not have to use another tent just for the ac, if I do have to use another tent for the ac I'll probably get one of those 3d printer tents rather than an actual grow tent as these seem to fit the dimensions better


I use an activated carbon charcoal sheet on my intake of my Dehumidifier so not to process the odors, but my portable AC unit I run a 4" duct to the outside without issue, as the wind or breeze dissipates the smells. My main AC has an intake near my tent and I run a activated carbon sheet on it as well, and have noticed no real smells, though I also run a carbon filter on my Tent exhaust as well. IMHO if your sowing down the exhaust, you may see the unit shut down every once in awhile, don't really know.

420 Garden

Well-Known Member
Not knowing anything about your living arrangements, it hard to advise. I dry in a room across from my grow room. I use a portable ac unit, close off my hvac vent with plastic and the ac vents to the window. This is all on the 2nd floor of my house. I also use towels at the bottom of the door with a weight to keep pressure on the towels. I won't lie, I still get a small odor of weed but nothing like opening your tent to do maintenance in the middle to end of flower.
It's also a good time if you need to say we are going on vacation for a week or so. That way no unexpected visitors.

420 Garden

Well-Known Member
Incase you do try the carbon filter method it would have to be on a low draw setting and remove the dust cover on tour filter to cut down on resistance.

Blue brother

Well-Known Member
Not knowing anything about your living arrangements, it hard to advise. I dry in a room across from my grow room. I use a portable ac unit, close off my hvac vent with plastic and the ac vents to the window. This is all on the 2nd floor of my house. I also use towels at the bottom of the door with a weight to keep pressure on the towels. I won't lie, I still get a small odor of weed but nothing like opening your tent to do maintenance in the middle to end of flower.
It's also a good time if you need to say we are going on vacation for a week or so. That way no unexpected visitors.
I absolutely cannot vent the ac out the window although I could vent it back into my grow room where any smells would be taken care of by the grow room hvac

420 Garden

Well-Known Member
You just want to try to keep it as close to 60 degrees and 60 % r/h as what you can. I usually can hit 63 and R/H is not hard to hit.

Blue brother

Well-Known Member
You just want to try to keep it as close to 60 degrees and 60 % r/h as what you can. I usually can hit 63 and R/H is not hard to hit.
Thanks for the advice bud but I've got drying sussed to bits haha, I've got a converted wine cooler I dry smaller harvests in, but I'm sick of being at the mercy of the ambient temperature when it comes to my large rooms harvests

Blue brother

Well-Known Member
Sweet! Not tried a cooler. Got a garage fridge will that do the same or is a wine cooler different?
We generally use thermoelectric wine coolers cos their method of cooling results in more gentle humidity swings vs that of a compressor based fridge. I built mine a few years ago but there's someone else who has really ran with the concept and his thread is really popular on here, I'll find a link to his build thread, my build thread started as a discussion about drying in a fridge and ended in me building mine. His is a lot less heated to say the least.


Well-Known Member
This may be overkill but you don't want to reduce or restrict the AC units exhaust. You'll burn out the unit much faster. Plumbed to a carbon, you'll certainly need a booster to even out any resistance or positive pressure.

AC Infinity Duct Fan

You could go with a basic raxial with speed controller for cheaper.
AC Infinity Duct Fan