I have a few pictures, and a Walmart story. I needed a new beard trimmer. Of course they are locked up so I have to buzz an associate on the intercom thing they have nearby. I buzz and wait. Customers come and go, the light goes out so I buzz again. A new set of customers come and go and the light goes out again. A reasonable man would've said fuck it by now,I'll get it on line. But I am not a reasonable man and it has become a quest at this point. 4 times I buzzed and waited before an associate finally comes by and says quit buzzing I heard it. Ok I would like this trimmer right here, the Wahl that's 19.95. Ok, well I will bring it to customer service and you can purchase it there, but I forgot my key so hang loose for a minute. So I go wait in line at customer service. after a few minutes the associate brings a couple of trimmers up, neither are the one I pointed out. I describe it and she goes to get it again. Meanwhile I am talking to the customer service rep and saying I should have just got it on Amazon. I could have it delivered to my house and not go through this bullshit, fact is I could probably get same day shipping, this is fucked up what you're doing here. The associate brings the right one hooray. I get my trimmer, I have to ask for a bag because I'n not done shopping. So I find my wife and continue shopping and notice the customer service rep has taken off her mask and apron and is shadowing me in the store. I make eye contact and hold up my sack with trimmer. She saunters off and later I notice a middle aged man with a hand basket following us. I am hard of hearing and tend to speak loudly and when I'm angry I speak really loudly. So I tell my wife "there's a secret shopper tailing us" in my really loud voice. We get to the Kleenex and I have to get down on my knees to drag some product out from way in the back on the bottom. In my really really loud voice I say " It would be nice if their secret shoppers did something useful like move product then I wouldn't have to crawl on my hands and knees to get some FUCKING tissue paper, see what I'm doing here, I'm doing their job so the next customer doesn't have to crawl on the floor for Kleenex". At that point he boogied and we checked out with no more hassles. It appears that Walmarts business model is to try and piss their customers off so bad they steal in retaliation so they can arrest you. Similar to the bad boyfriend model the cable and phone people use.
Any way the garage tent

The auto flower is at 8 weeks of flower and loaded with seeds

Gazurple, completely seeded

Macaroon x Gazurple freaky leaved plant. Doesn't look like the pollination took so I hit her again last night

Bedroom tent

Mint x Cake is putting out some frost

Does anybody know what I should be feeding and how much for these seeded plants? I've been feeding maxibloom at 1tsp per gallon. I can't seem to find any info on growing seeds.