PETA The Discussion

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hey, I agree with you, there.I find myself using hamburger in a lot of stuff because it's cheap and I'm on a budget...chili, spaghetti, casseroles, cheeseburgers....
One of the true problems of eating meat is NOT the act of consumption. It is the VOLUME by which we ingest it. Especially western culture. It is this voluminous demand which creates situations of abuse. It's hard to give a condemned animal the respect and humane treatment, when the schedule is so tilted upward. We as a people need to make that porterhouse last three meals instead of one. We eat meat in far too large of portions. I know I used to.......:peace:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
What the fuck are sea kittens? They looked like fish to me...........where are the PETA people buying their weed, I wanna get some of it..........

chronic vegan

Active Member
So you wont drink human breast milk but u will drink cow breast milk??? UM Who is being brain washed??? YOU are by the Dairy counsel. And the meat industry?

Quit focusing on the PETA stunt,and start talking about the real issue, The real issue is the way we allow animals to be abused and neglected for our consumption and entertainment, and pleasure?

And maybe if more people could show compassion to animals, then maybe we would find more compassion for our fellow man and women and child.



New Member
Chronic vegan, do you wear leather shoes, how about leather belts, have you ever used any kind of glue? (this is the one that always gets them, don't eat meat, wear it !)


Well-Known Member
I`m not all out against people who oppose the abuse of animals. Some of the things PETA is complaining about are legit. They have some footage of knobs abusing the crap out of turkeys by sitting on them and bashing the crap out of them. Those people are just cruel jerks. The trouble is that PETA are a bunch of sensationalist media whores. They are destroying the reputation of more so legitimate organizations fighting for humane treatment of animals and environmental protection.


Well-Known Member
I`m not all out against people who oppose the abuse of animals. Some of the things PETA is complaining about are legit. They have some footage of knobs abusing the crap out of turkeys by sitting on them and bashing the crap out of them. Those people are just cruel jerks. The trouble is that PETA are a bunch of sensationalist media whores. They are destroying the reputation of more so legitimate organizations fighting for humane treatment of animals and environmental protection.

I couldn't agree with you more!, I like meat myself, it tastes good, that's probably a bad thing for me to say, but i was introduced to meat early on in life, can't be hated for that.

As an adult I have tried eating veggies, and love them, thought I still like meat. I do at a level feel bad for eating it at times, though I still do. If I had my own chickens, I know that I would be killing them with love, if that makes sense.. lol, they are still dying..

think of it this way.. we as humans could be as tasty food to aliens as cows are to us.. we don't think of cows when we eat them, well most of us don't.. so in that sense.. we are just as a meat to aliens as cows are to us..


New Member
Tis sort of thinking didn't arise until we separated ourselves form the production of our own food. By killing your own "Bessy" you reconnect to the cycle of life, and reignite the respect for said life. Society has disconnected us from this cycle and so gives rise to people who think illogically like PETA.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member

I'll jump in......

How about whale wars?

Seriously, the founder (can't remember his name) is a fuckin nut. On the Sea Shepard site you can find some of his essays. Basically he thinks the population should be no more than 1 billion, and can only live in an area designated for humans. The animals get the rest.

Now, on to the show! Whale Wars is THE FUNNIEST REALITY SHOW I think I have ever seen.

Episode 1 - They break their crane, and almost drown 5 or 6 crew members launching a boat!
Episode 2 - Everyone gets sea sick.
Episode 3 - They almost lose a boat hours away from picking up the "hostages" on the Japanese whaler.
Episode 4 or 5 - I missed one in there - FUCKING MUTINY - 1/2 the crew leaves! Oh, and they lose an engine.

This is the most disorganized sack of hippie shit I have ever seen! It is hilarious. All Vegans. That's THE ONLY REQUIREMENT! "Ever been out to sea?"........"No, but I don't eat cheese."......"WELCOME ABOARD!" You think I'm joking? On this "voyage" 1/2 the crew had NEVER BEEN OUT TO SEA!

I didn't even know you could eat whale. Now I know, only Japan serves it. Because of this show, I WANT TO GO TO JAPAN. I want to try whale now.

I sent them an email saying if they really want to stop the Japanese from whaling they need to hire some Somalis........


Well-Known Member
So you wont drink human breast milk but u will drink cow breast milk??? UM Who is being brain washed??? YOU are by the Dairy counsel. And the meat industry?

Quit focusing on the PETA stunt,and start talking about the real issue, The real issue is the way we allow animals to be abused and neglected for our consumption and entertainment, and pleasure?

And maybe if more people could show compassion to animals, then maybe we would find more compassion for our fellow man and women and child.

I do not know about you but I am not having any Ben and Jerry's Brittany Spearmint crack hep c ice cream.


Actually I have had both milks it's just because I have teeth now my 70 year old mommy can not make enough milk to sustain me and my siblings.

Oh hey FYI there is a GOD, Jesus, Buddha, Santa, and some nice folks here have been telling me about the Square Pants bob sponging some fellow. He is cool to.
Brain washed my a$$ I am just hungry and not for a salad!

Stay on topic.:cuss:lol