The Scrog Method


Well-Known Member
What is a scrog? What is screen of green? Well, it is just that. A screen is the main character of scrog. It is usually made of wire or something sturdy enough to hold back the growing canopy. This wire should have some holes in it about 2x2inches in size so that the plant mater can easily grow up through the wire and be supported by it. The wire is secured between the grow medium and the lamp at a distance determined by the size of your lamp. The plants grow through the screen about 3-4 inches and then are pulled back under and spread out where YOU want them to grow.

Getting Started
This is the hard part. Getting started.If you've already got an area where you established plants growing you are halfway there.

Remember at least 2x2inch squares. You can use chicken wire as well or even some tightly strug rope but I would suggest wire. You need something strong to support the buds and hold back the canopy growth. The screen needs to be cut to size. The size of the screen is determined by the size of your lamp. Remember that to get the good bud formation you want 50 watts per square foot of screen size . Check the examples below.

150hps screen size 1.75ft x 1.75ft

250hps screen size 2.25ft x 2.25ft

400hps screen size 2.91ft x 2.75ft

600hps screen size 3.45ft x 3.45ft

1000hps screen size 4.4ft x 4.5ft

If your screen exceeds the 50 wpsf thing a little. Thats perfectly okay. Now once you've determined the size of your screen and cut it to size. Situate it over your grow area and secure it into place. Just a few screws will hold it in place.

You need to figure out where to set the screen. First, a few questions to ask. Is your lamp air cooled and what size is your lamp? These two questions determine how close you can get to your canopy. This is very important stuff. The closer you get the better off you are. If you do not have air cooled lamps then a simple fan blowing between the canopy and the the lamp should do the trick.

Okay, now lets set that screen. Here's some examples of screen settings for hps's. These are not exact settings.

150hps 10-12 inches
250hps 12-15 inches
400hps 16-20 inches
600hps 20+
1000hps 24+

Your Plants
How Many Will I Need Under The Screen? Usually the rule is one plant per square foot of screen. I go with as few plants as I can whenever possible. One side of my flower chamber is almost 3x3ft. Thats almost 9 sqft.

Lets talk about the spacing between the plant medium and the screen. This space will need to be large enough to allow you room to manipulate your plants during the training phase, around 8 inches.

What Is The Best Strain To Grow In A Scrog?
Most any plant strain can be grown without much difficulty using a scrog. The secret is in the screen. Some strains require more training than others but that is the only difference. Heavy yeild indica's are excellent scrog candidates but the unruley sativa can really shine with proper training and timing.

Hydro or Soil?

So, how are you going to do this scrog? Is it going to bubble, flow or just sit there? Here's some things you may consider before your plants get tangled up in the screen.

No real problem here. I prefer to scrog with a bubbler system over soil anyday. The problem lies in the flush. I explain below.

Soil grows and scrogs are a wonderful thing. Orgainc buds rule. One problem I ran into when scroging with soil was the flushing of the medium at the end of the grow. Well, with the plants tangled in the screen. One can not just transport to the sink and flush.

Managing the Scrog Grow

Here is where alot of people make mistakes. Flip their shit over to 12/12 way to soon and wonder why their screen never filled up. Normally one would veg a plant till the screen is 70-80 percent full before switching over to the flowering cycle. Having knowlege of how much your strain stretches is helpful when determining when to switch to flowering. For example: If one had a very stretchy sativa. You would want to start flowering her with much less of the screen filled.

Pulling It Back Through:
Reach under the screen and pull that branch back under the screen and place it where you want it to be. Even if it takes tying it in place with the plastic twisty ties. Now I could really get technical and shit and start with the be sure there is an internode in each hole of the screen but it really doesnt matter man. Just get the growth under the screen first. In the next few weeks. You will see were to guide the new growth to best suit your needs.

Training: Scrog is not natural growth for the cannabis plant. Training begings in the pulling it back through section. Try to situate your main branches towards the barest parts of your screen. They will branch out the most and usually be the largest bud in the bunch. Use some kind of uniformity to your laying out of the branches. Crisscross/ zigzag whatever you use. Remember theres are going to be alot more branching when flowering kicks in high gear. So allow some room for that as well. Lesser buds that are now exposed to more light are then encouraged to grow upwards toward the screen through some leaf triming. An often debated subject but one I feel that is useful in the scrog method.

Leaf Trimming:
Now we need to chat about a touchy subject. If the leaf is in the way of light for a bud site. Then it needs to be removed. Sometimes I tuck the leaf instead of removing it. This trims away leaves and allows the new sites to get light. You will be surprised at how fast they will respond. Too much is not a good thing here. Its all about light penetration and bud sites in a scrog.

Timing: Timing is critical when it comes to a scrog grow. You must be paying attention to the progress of your grow in order to know when to induce flowering. Knowing what strain you are dealing with and what the growing characteristices of the plant are is very helpful when it comes to timing. I cant express the importance of having a good clone base for this purpose. As mentioned above if you induce flowering to early. You will have a lot less of a yield. However, if one was to wait to long. The same can happen as well. An overcrowed canopy is just as much a mess. An out of control scrog is just that. A mess. Not something you want to deal with. Remember, the plants you start to flower are probably going to double in size. Stand back and get a visual picture of that in your head. Ask yourself some questions. If I start flowering now. Can I visualize how big they will get? Do I have enough veggative growth to start flowering? Do I have to much? Is it time? Time to start flowering?

Clones/Seed Grows I suggest clones for scrog growing over seed anyday of the year. With clones you usually already know the characteristics of the plant and how it will perform and know who the sex before going under the screen.

Damage Control: If you move branches around and bend'em. Eventually somethings gonna give. Dont freakout. Just support her wound and leave her alone. She will take care of it on her own. Unless you break her completely in half she can be saved usually. You can splint the wound or support it with some heavy gauge wire around the stem. If the break is not that bad and the branch can somewhat support itself. Leave it alone. In all cases. A knot will form at the break and most times an explosion of growth will happen above the damaged area. At times even new growth sometimes sprouts from the knuckle formed.

Undergrowth: Its an area that should be kept clear of dead leaves and you should also ensure that proper ventilation can get through the canopy via the undergrowth. If it cant. Then thin out some growth. This is an area that is dim and often humid. An open invitation for not so good things to come visiting aye? Some people have mentioned putting a light down there. Why? There's no need for a light down there. There are no buds to be harvested there. Just stems that support the canopy. If one were to put a light there they would just be adding to the congestion of leaves already growing. Not good. It is a good idea to clear out your undergrowth as your scrog takes shape and you have taken the clones that you need for the next grow. Trim all remaining sprouts left on the stems and any other undergrowth. Now lets not get to crazy here. Leave a little growth. Use some common sense here. Take out the sites you know are not going to make it to maturity. This will help the plant direct more energy towards the larger buds instead of wasting energy on the smaller ones.

Ventilation: Here's an issue that can not be overlooked. Once a scrog has been established it is a leafy sight to behold. Air circulation becomes critical as the buds begin to form and things start to get packed in the box. 24hr air movement is suggested 7 days a week. Better safe than sorry. Mold sucks.

Even Canopy: Maybe I should not put it in those words. Your canopy does not have to be perfectly even. Just close. The idea behind this is even light distribution. We are looking for a field of buds here not a forest like in SOG. If a dominate bud is allowed to overtake the canopy. It is defeating the purpose of the scrog. Tame that bitch.

TrickyTip: Occasionally you will have a stretcher that decides that she wants more light than the rest of her friends. This often happens when the branches are competing for light. Reach under the screen and find her stem. Half way up her stem start to pull her back through the canopy till she is even with the rest. Now where she is bent. Crush her at the bend with your fingers. Dont smash it in half. It will heal with vigor and you have solved your canopy problem.


Well-Known Member
well, if you grow under that screen with soil, i guess you gone have to build up some tubing to water in the first place and if you on that you could set up a tray for the run off too. and if you got that in place and add a little pump for a buck you can flush as much as you want mogie;)


Well-Known Member
by the way, thanks for that one mogie;)
nice one, even without your usual pics, but what has happen to your visual fixation green lady?;)


Just some idiot
Does anyone know if there is a grow journal on here following a screen of green grow? Or images? Great info Mogie, I might consider doing this at some point.


Well-Known Member
Beentheredonethat (If I recall correctly and may pass on a big kudo) had an avatar pic of one of his single plant scrog grows that made me obsess on scrog and plan my next indoor scrog grow. I am going to attempt mine this fall.

Great logic and great easy increase in yield.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
I'm a serious NOOB at SCROGGIN''' and at DWC..which is what I combined to make that plant you referenced ramblerpimp(pic below).

It was a Cannlaope Haze plant...and I usually/historically have done 'em in soil. On average, in soil, I'd get between 1-2 oz in a 2 gallon pot. Nothing spectacular, but fairly consistent.

I decided to try the DWC method because I've seen MASSIVE yields come out of such grows. I used the CH plant because she was a very prolific brancher..which is what you DEFINTELY need in a SCROG set up (strain choice is important, IMO).

Growth was AMAZING. Easily 3x the growth rate of the clones in soil taken at the same time. In 3 weeks she was a good 2 ft tall and 2 foot round BUSH.
I'd originally thought I was gonna do a TREE grow...but as she branched and branched a friend suggested I found a piece of green plastic construction fencing that was 3 ft tall and I chopped off a 4 ft long piece of it and affixed it to the walls of the space.

The plant was vegged under a 600 watt conversion lamp for a month...then was moved into the area w/ the screening. (some folks would veg in place but I was winging it the entire time and really had no clue WTF i was doin')

Blooming was carried under a 600 watt hortilux hps. As she stretched going into bloom I started weaving the branches through/into the screen....spreading outward as much as possible. Every few days I'd go in and weave more branches into more screen. By the time she really got with the blooming program the screen was nearly full. ALL budsite were recieving about the same amount of light...

As time went on I just fuckin coulndn't believe what I was seeing. Branches that woiuld have been LOWER branches and POPCORN buds in a reg grow were now plumping to massive size...easily as big as what I'd normally see as the second tier of buds below the main cola on my soil grow.

When it was all said and done...that one plant in DWC gave me 10.25 ounces of VERY stiiicky iiicky....easily the yield of 5-6 plants of the same strain done in soil.

ScROGGIN in soil would still up yer yields, IMO...even though I feel the DWC s was key in the huge yield I saw from my grow. Spreading out that canopy and giving all buds even light makes a huge difference...for sure.

I hate posting pics here cus they feel they are theirs once you do (so post as many DUMB photos as you do good ones to clog up the bandwidth and force some editing to be ALLOWED as it is on other sites!) but here's a few just the same...

good luck all.'s about having fun.....

bt dt



Elite Rolling Society
For the wire, I suggest what is sold as Chicken Fence at Lowes, Home Depot, and hardware stores.


Well-Known Member
Stabilizing the screen above your plants can be a challenge. The screen must be held in place some way.

The articles/books Ive seen usually had a grow area specifically designed for the scrog style. It'll take some thought to be able to do this is a closet or really confined area.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
The problem you may have in a closet is the same problem I found I had in my small space of 4 x 5 or so....which is that once the screen is mounted/iuf the screen is mounted to the wall...etc. and the plant is in place it is impossible to move...and it was damn near impossible to reach/work on the rear of the screen without climbing in uner the screen and fuggin with it in a contortionist-type position. After awhile I just let it go and said fug it!

I think a great set up would be to make a wooden frame....smaller than the closet door. Mount this on casters so you can move it. Then take 1/2" or 3/4" pvc and make a frame for the screen to mount to and mount that to the castered frame. Follow? What I'm describing/what I think would be sweet would be a unit that is slightly smaller than the space that could be wheeled out of the closet to be worked on...spun around...etc.

I'll see if I can find some pics..I once saw something very much like I'm talking about on another site...somewhere.... LOL.

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
I think I know what youre saying. I have a book with pics of a scrog being done. But I would like to see what you mean. Sooner or later Im sure I'll attempt one myself.

Dirty Snoob

Active Member
How exactly do you stretch a plant? Do you move the lights to the sides rather than directly above? Please explain. Also should I feel safe about purchasing seeds online and then having them mailed to my house? All prices are in Euro and not U.S dollars, how much U.S do the seeds cost?


Just some idiot
Beenthere donethat, what kind of plants would you reccommend, you said it is important when doing scrog. I've been researching a little but I was wondering if you could give me some examples, that ch looks good but it is a little out of my price range.



Well-Known Member
easy way to get a screen over your plants to remain adjustable is to stake it down instead of nailing it up. use an adequate amount of pressure to get the screen where you want it and then put the stakes in. i like the metal camping ones cuz they have a small profile and are sterile and cheap. the plants growth will keep the screen above and the screen is light enough to stay on top of, and not through the growth. maybe


I read this same post by someone on another site...posted 3 years before this. THIEF!!!:finger: If you want to educate others on a topic, make sure you know about it yourself. You stole this post from someone else, and for all you know they could have been blowing smoke(no pun intended) up your @$$. So then you come back here and try to pass it on to others, and they read it thinking you may actually be well experienced and/or educated on the subject. All I can say is I find it sad that people actually do steal other peoples post from other forums for whatever reason, I guess just to seem smart. When it really just proves they are even less intelligent in the end than when they started.


Active Member
The problem you may have in a closet is the same problem I found I had in my small space of 4 x 5 or so....which is that once the screen is mounted/iuf the screen is mounted to the wall...etc. and the plant is in place it is impossible to move...and it was damn near impossible to reach/work on the rear of the screen without climbing in uner the screen and fuggin with it in a contortionist-type position. After awhile I just let it go and said fug it!

I think a great set up would be to make a wooden frame....smaller than the closet door. Mount this on casters so you can move it. Then take 1/2" or 3/4" pvc and make a frame for the screen to mount to and mount that to the castered frame. Follow? What I'm describing/what I think would be sweet would be a unit that is slightly smaller than the space that could be wheeled out of the closet to be worked on...spun around...etc.

I'll see if I can find some pics..I once saw something very much like I'm talking about on another site...somewhere.... LOL.

good luck

bt dt
Brilliant I have been racking my brain on this for about 2 weeks I was starting to lose hope on this idea.

Bayou bud

Active Member
I prefer having a small pathway between sets of girls so all can be accessed easily. Orange construction netting works very very well because instead of being stuck in place, you can cut it and manipulate it and re tie it if need be. Also, if you use wood, consider cedar as it is a natural pest deterrent. Scrog all the way guys. Nice pics. Cheers!