Well-Known Member



Day 3 MS

Day 2 WR

Whats up all? as you can see its week 1 for the OOG, PBK, and the TW. The MS and White Rhino(WR) are only a couple days behind. There all growing good now, nothing really different from the last Update, growin like wild fire. I love how fast the AG is. Again I get paid Friday so for sure i WILL have my lights and Pump, no more excuses ;)

Pic 1. Starting from left to right is the OOG and the TW. The OOG sprouted pretty well, haven't put any good pics up yet of her but now you can see she is doin good. The TW still has those curvy leaves, and the first set of leaves are starting to go a lil brown but not that much, figue it was from the seed having a hard time comin off the plant, but all is good

Pic 2. Left to right, is the WR, PBK, and MS. The White Rhino I jus transplanted Saturday morning and is looking really good. No trouble with the seed or anything, she is lookin promising at only 2 days old haha. The PBK, again my fav :D is lookin great, nice and green. And Finially is the MS, the seed just fell off with my help :roll: so it should shoot up here in the next couple days, they all are not that far apart so hopefully i wont have that much trouble with them being different hights




Well-Known Member
Lookin good sicc take good care of those babies 1 slight mistake and they are done i have had it done to myself due to noob mistakes.. Good luk


Well-Known Member


Day 10 - OOG, TW, PBK

Day 5 - MS

Day 4 - WR

All is lookin good. I raised the light a lil bit so they can grow a lil taller. Again i will be getting more lights and the air pump this weekend, they seem to be goin good with out it so far. Put some more water in the rez, they drinkin, not too much tho. :D

Pic 1. From left to right is the OOG and the TW. The OOG is doin good, she is gettin her second set of leaves, so far out of the oldest she is the smallest. The TW as you can see has a mind of her own haha. Is already getting the 3rd set of leaves! like Budda said she got it twisted haha. Both have a goos shade of green 8)

Pic 2. Left to right, is the WR and the MS. There still babies :hug: but are lookin good so far. The WR sprouted really good and is starting to take off. The MS as you can see is already like 5 days old, had the seed on for like 2, so basically she is as old as the WR. Even tho the seed slowed her down she seems to be takin off too, all is goin good so far

Pic 3. Last but defintely not least is the PBK. Im actually proud of her, nice and big. The only thing is that she is starting to turn a lil yellow where her new growth in comin in. I kno they all usually start off like that but i hate seein my girls lookin un healthy :( im sure she will do fine but yall know how i feel. Other than that she is doin good bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
I really like how you make your updates bold sicc it makes them easy to find for stoned people like me. All looks good bro! The one in the last pic will be fine. :peace: