wait, what was wrong with ron paul again?


New Member
Yeah old and jaded, but I'll tell you something, you can listen or not, I've never seen this country in this bad of shape in my 68 years. I also don't see much hope for the future, like we, My generation, has seen the best years of the good old USofA. I hope I'm wrong, because of my grandkids, but it looks bad from here.
Well rest assured, Med ... turning over our entire medical system to the types of people that have put our country in the shape it's in will solve all the problems. But wait! First we have to turn the auto industry over to them to run. Right ... they can't run the freakin' government!



New Member
Well rest assured, Med ... turning over our entire medical system to the types of people that have put our country in the shape it's in will solve all the problems. But wait! First we have to turn the auto industry over to them to run. Right ... they can't run the freakin' government!

Uhhhh, and what is your solution may I ask?


Well-Known Member
i am the only one with the solution to the problem..and the balls to carry it out..unfortunate for you all...i am not president...oh well...your soooo screwed...:hump:


New Member
i am the only one with the solution to the problem..and the balls to carry it out..unfortunate for you all...i am not president...oh well...your soooo screwed...:hump:
Call-1-800-IMCRAZY, I believe that's maxs' phone #. He'll tell you his solutions, that is if he can get one hand out of his straight jacket.


Active Member
We have the State involved because we fought for it. Ron Paul wants to get rid of it.

His civil views are correct, but economically he's worse than Obama/McCain/Bush.


Well-Known Member
the only reason he is worse from an economic standpoint is because he wants to stop the charade right now, instead of avoiding the problems, postponing it for the next president, and making the final outcome much much worse..

it is getting to the point that when the shit hits the fan america is going to go into a depression that will last for decades... we are not the country we once were, and will never recover to what we had because we have destroyed everything that made us great.


Active Member
the only reason he is worse from an economic standpoint is because he wants to stop the charade right now, instead of avoiding the problems, postponing it for the next president, and making the final outcome much much worse..

it is getting to the point that when the shit hits the fan america is going to go into a depression that will last for decades... we are not the country we once were, and will never recover to what we had because we have destroyed everything that made us great.
No, he is worse from an economic standpoint because he's an unapologetic capitalist, and unregulated capitalism, to be blunt, will never exist again. It simply can't, it doesn't give the working class enough.

Telling the people "You can govern yourselves, we don't need your tax money!" is very flattering, but people tend to want to do a lot of things where the collective have to be involved for most to get in on it (i.e.: survive cancer without overwhelming debt).


Well-Known Member
considering that unregulated capitalism is what built our country to where we are i dont consider it a bad thing.. it does have some bad parts, but compared to the socialist and fascist economy that we have now, it would be an upgrade..

and capitalism is what makes the middle class, taxation and letting the middle class absorb corporate and government losses, is what makes the middle class disappear.

is it any wonder that the golden years of our nation and economy happened to be in the times of the greatest showing of true capitalism? i think not


Well-Known Member
No, he is worse from an economic standpoint because he's an unapologetic capitalist, and unregulated capitalism, to be blunt, will never exist again. It simply can't, it doesn't give the working class enough.

Telling the people "You can govern yourselves, we don't need your tax money!" is very flattering, but people tend to want to do a lot of things where the collective have to be involved for most to get in on it (i.e.: survive cancer without overwhelming debt).
Why don't you tell that to the bank clerks, and engineers that were around during the Gilded Age.

Why don't you try arguing your position with some one familiar with economics.

Your position is flawed, illogical and STUPID.

Yes, Stupid, because even now, under this idiotic SOCIALIST FASCIST system that the United States is stuck with the Rich are still Rich, and the poor (while not impoverished) are still Poor.


More than that, it deserves to be labeled as a failure of epic proportions that has drastically slowed down the economy.

From 1800 - 1912 The economy increased in size 97 FOLD, since then it has only increased 17x when adjusted for inflation.

Inflation that is required by the IDIOTIC PROGRESSIVE AGENDA that wants government to pay more out to those that are too lazy to get off their asses and get ahead.

Minimum wage laws are one thing (though even those would not be necessary if government would get out of the way.)

During that first time period (1800 - 1912) the actual deflation that took place (increase in true value of the dollar) was -16%, that is the dollar was worth 16% more than what it was in 1800.

From 1913 - 2007 we have seen the dollar decrease in value over 2200%, reducing it to mere pennies on the dollar.

Luckily for us, deflation is a natural progression of things, as industry gets more efficient, otherwise we'd all have been INFLATED INTO POVERTY BY THE 1980s.


New Member
Government Pukes, and Lobbyists, and Lawyers, and Bankers

I suppose that would include CEOs that have bankrupted their companies, No? CEOs that have bankrupted their companies and are expecting huge bonuses. What type of capitalism is that? If a worker doesn't perform his job, they get fired, shouldn't that be the same reward for CEOs? BTW, I agree with your position above to a point, the point being, just as those CEO pukes are not doing their job, the government Pukes that are in charge, Government CEOs if you will, congressmen and the white house King Puke and his cronies, that aren't doing their jobs should be fired also. The worker bees are just doing their job, outside of a few over zealous individuals.


Well-Known Member
Yea Ray, you need to check yourself... TBT spot on, couldnt have said it better myself.

and VI, yes people who are rich may have more numbers in the bank but that does not make them any wealthier.. in times of inflation the buying power of the dollar goes down, so despite having more money, their buying power is reduced, whereas in times of deflation, prices go down, making the dollar worth more but this is usually in times of economic hardship... either way the super rich dont feel the difference either way.

Medicine, i agree you are exactly right that the CEOs and greedy fucks should be fired, but i think the problem is that we do not have true capitalism and have not for a long time.. our government has been taking the socialist route and making the people absorb the losses of the dumb asses who ran their companies into the ground. then on top of that you have our gov. appointing that kashkari guy or whatever who was a ceo of goldman sacs to be head of the bailout comitte to see what funds go where!! talk about a conflict of interests to say the least...

but unfortunately they will continue to sell us up shit river as long as we will bend over and take it in the ass. too many people have somehow been convinced that america can do no wrong, and always has the best interest of the people.. people are slowly waking up but it is going to take a massive flex of civillian muscle for these zombies to wake up and realize they cant feed on our brains anymore.. i just hope that we can do it before they take away our paddles..



Well-Known Member
No, he is worse from an economic standpoint because he's an unapologetic capitalist, and unregulated capitalism, to be blunt, will never exist again. It simply can't, it doesn't give the working class enough.
How do you figure. Do you have anything to back it up?

Telling the people "You can govern yourselves, we don't need your tax money!" is very flattering, but people tend to want to do a lot of things where the collective have to be involved for most to get in on it (i.e.: survive cancer without overwhelming debt).
That's not the message or how it works. It's often about Federal Tax money and federal involvement. Less federal control means more state control. It doesn't mean fend for yourself, lol.
To many times the extra level of government has shown itself to act like they are in the middle of a 5 day acid trip. Who was the official from FEMA when interviewed and asked about the slow initial response said "We didn't think it was that bad"? That's the kind of management you want running things? Let some poor s.o.b. who is living in New Orleans run the show. He won't act like Carl Spackler and say "I'd keep going about your business, I don't think the heavy stuff will come down for a while"


New Member
our government has been taking the socialist route ... but unfortunately they will continue to sell us up shit river as long as we will bend over and take it in the ass.

Forgive me for paraphrasing your post, Flo. I just wanted to point out something here. You are exactly right that the government has taken the socialist route and jamming it up our behinds. But ... this is nothing new. It started with the passage of the federal income tax and separating us from our control of our money. Unfortunately, what once was ... the government of the people, is now the people of the government. They're even blatant about it. Remember when the Clinton administration started referring to the citizens as "customers" of the government? Bleagh! :spew:



Well-Known Member
exactly vi, i guess what i meant to say is what you pointed out, that they have gone from being discreet about it and camouflaging it with less publicized bills and fancy legal lingo to straight up saying hey, this is your money, and we are going to piss it away and tell you to suck it. if they had been as up front about it as they have been recently, we would have overthrown this government two decades ago


Well-Known Member
Government Pukes, and Lobbyists, and Lawyers, and Bankers


Yeah it’s sad... There is actually a term called “social loafs”, you can see who is going to join this group early on in life mostly in high school. It is usually the guy in a group that does nothing on a project and expects the others to take his slack. Took a couple of social psychology classes really opened my eyes to social problems and impairments.



New Member
exactly vi, i guess what i meant to say is what you pointed out, that they have gone from being discreet about it and camouflaging it with less publicized bills and fancy legal lingo to straight up saying hey, this is your money, and we are going to piss it away and tell you to suck it. if they had been as up front about it as they have been recently, we would have overthrown this government two decades ago
No question about it Flo. I'm an old guy now, even older than Med ~lol~ but I clearly remember the old folks when I was a kid. Man, Americans were independent cusses back in the day. I just can't imagine a president turning over 700,000,000,000 to the Secretary of The Treasury to do with what he pleases and getting away with it. I think what really put the power into the executive branch was when the Korean war was started without the approval of Congress. Because of that, the Executive now, in essence, is Augustus Cesare.
