wait, what was wrong with ron paul again?


Well-Known Member
OK Goddamn It...........I have strong feelings about Ron Paul...........but first.........a little context.

Early in the year, remember that(?), Digg was fucking blowing up on Ron Paul every single day. I couldn't fucking believe it. I mean, even back then, it was easy to see that Ron Paul was one of the most radical republicans out there - radical, in the sense that he's actually a Libertarian. I mean, take all the entitlement programs the feds run and they were ALL gonna be in Ron Paul's gun sights. But, HE WAS AGAINST THE WAR!!!!!!! So, you'd see youtube vids with Ron basically berating Bernanke and Greenspan and the kids ate that shit up with a spoon. Really surprised me at the time. Cause that's why I loved Ron. Ron is a gold bug. And gold bugs are kinda spooky folks. That was my beef then with RP because he never said how we were supposed to transition from fiat currency back to gold - which would have major economic ramifications. I kept saying going back to gold, while great in the long run, was gonna be almost disastrous financially in the short-run....................Needless to say, back in feb. I never imagined the magnitude of the shit soup we were about to be in.............But now, going back on gold............I honestly don't think there would be any of the major banks left standing (like there are now, right?). So, although I still believe going back to gold now would seriously cripple the financial system EVEN more that it is now..........Its probably the right thing to do. Because once we come out of the mess, we'd be a brick-shithouse economically speaking. Although I don't really believe that we have to back to gold, we can achieve similar results by restructuring the fed. One of his best ideas on currency was to allow the use of foreign currency here. That is really smart, and an excellent way to instill discipline on the fed without regulating them - the people would do that via their choice of legal tender. That really is, IMO, a revolutionary idea. And probably really easy to implement.

So, in short, NOT A DAMN THING WAS WRONG WITH RP...........

It would hurt, but we need some tough love now.


Well-Known Member
No question about it Flo. I'm an old guy now, even older than Med ~lol~ but I clearly remember the old folks when I was a kid. Man, Americans were independent cusses back in the day. I just can't imagine a president turning over 700,000,000,000 to the Secretary of The Treasury to do with what he pleases and getting away with it. I think what really put the power into the executive branch was when the Korean war was started without the approval of Congress. Because of that, the Executive now, in essence, is Augustus Cesare.

Some of us have never bought into be a good government's bitch mentality.

I can actually think of... probably at least a dozen people easily, and at least half-a-dozen I know personally, and for the most part (contrary to popular misconceptions) they are all working class.

Of course, I think the only thing government should be doing is making sure that the playing field is level, not trying to fuck with the outcomes.

Life is a bitch, and then you die, but while you have that bitch, you better ride her for all she's worth.



New Member
Brutal says:
Life is a bitch, and then you die, but while you have that bitch, you better ride her for all she's worth.
I say, life is what you make it. You don't have to ride it like there ia no tomorrow. A societys' worth is judged on how it treats its' less fortunate, not on how much money one amasses. The I in Individual, does not mean to make everyone else your "Bitch", and to ride them like you stole them. When a society makes sure everyone in the society has an equal chance to grab the golden ring, then it has reached success.


New Member
Brutal says:
Life is a bitch, and then you die, but while you have that bitch, you better ride her for all she's worth.
When a society makes sure everyone in the society has an equal chance to grab the golden ring, then it has reached success.
And would you please tell us who it is that limits anyone's success?



New Member
And would you please tell us who it is that limits anyone's success?

If everyone had an equal shot, I'd have to say it would be the person that limited their success. But as we "Know", that is not the case. You call yourself a success, yet you live by yourself and have no-one to share in it. I'll take a little less money and my wife to share my "golden" years and call that success, Hell, just surviving to 68 is some success, many of my fellow Basic High school graduates are already gone. Success doesn't always mean rich with money, it helps, but is not the total of the equation.


New Member
Success means different things to different people. There is no one other than the person in the mirror preventing anyone from becoming a success ... as they define it.



New Member
A hundred and ten thousand employees who spend every waking hour devising methods of extracting more and more of the fruit of our labors.




New Member
A hundred and ten thousand employees who spend every waking hour devising methods of extracting more and more of the fruit of our labors.

Snivel snivel, wahhhhh. Cry babies all. one must pay taxes to live in this luxurious country, Get over it!



Well-Known Member
Snivel snivel, wahhhhh. Cry babies all. one must pay taxes to live in this luxurious country, Get over it!
Luxurious? You're not talking about the same shit hole America I live in, are you? I just hope Obama cleans this place up. Then I'll be happy, like you.


New Member
Luxurious? You're not talking about the same shit hole America I live in, are you? I just hope Obama cleans this place up. Then I'll be happy, like you.
I live in a Barrio, so far, the graffitti police have kept ahead of the vandals, but it's getting worse. This was a nice middle class neighborhood when I moved in 20 years ago, Actually, for the barrio, it's still pretty nice. so far it's only the high class latinos that have moved in here, But I'm afraid their teen age kids will end up being the ruination of the neighborhood. I think some of the illegals have gone back to parts south, lack of work you know. When middle class people get layed off and can't find a job, the first to go are the gardners and housekeepers and pool cleaners. The construction trade (For the illegals anyway) is dead and stinking, almost 0 new housing starts. That's one way to get rid of the illegals, have a depression. In Mexico, they can grow their own crops, raise a couple a goats and some chickens and survive.


Well-Known Member
I live in a Barrio, so far, the graffitti police have kept ahead of the vandals, but it's getting worse. This was a nice middle class neighborhood when I moved in 20 years ago, Actually, for the barrio, it's still pretty nice. so far it's only the high class latinos that have moved in here, But I'm afraid their teen age kids will end up being the ruination of the neighborhood. I think some of the illegals have gone back to parts south, lack of work you know. When middle class people get layed off and can't find a job, the first to go are the gardners and housekeepers and pool cleaners. The construction trade (For the illegals anyway) is dead and stinking, almost 0 new housing starts. That's one way to get rid of the illegals, have a depression. In Mexico, they can grow their own crops, raise a couple a goats and some chickens and survive.
Another way is to have a president with a pair tell them to go home.


New Member
Another way is to have a president with a pair tell them to go home.
Outside of having an even greater police state than exists now, How do you propose to get rid of 12 million illegals? I say we have to cut off immigration, even legal immigration. Have a moratorium and let our population stabilize. No more bribing government officials to get in. do we really want to end up like India?


Well-Known Member
For what its worth, countries actualy do pretty well for themselves under isolation...

Even here back in the sanctions days, we (well, some of us) had a MUCH higher quaility of EVERYTHING compared to today. We had top notch medical facilities, military, and education systems. Sure there where some unpleasant effects, but nothing that needed to destroy a person's life. In South Africa we are now learning that prosperity at the cost of another will never work.


New Member
Outside of having an even greater police state than exists now, How do you propose to get rid of 12 million illegals? I say we have to cut off immigration, even legal immigration. Have a moratorium and let our population stabilize. No more bribing government officials to get in. do we really want to end up like India?
Aren't you being a bit self defeating here, Med? I mean, if all of the uneducated illegals were sent back to their various homelands, how would the Democrats win another election? bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Aren't you being a bit self defeating here, Med? I mean, if all of the uneducated illegals were sent back to their various homelands, how would the Democrats win another election? bongsmilie

Well lets see

There's the

Grave Yard Vote
Felon Vote
Dog Vote
Cat Vote
Non Existent Person Vote
Fictional Character Vote

Anything I'm missing?


Well-Known Member
US Americans, if we can do it again. And Ron Pauls problem is he's a Republican. If he changed parties, to D of course, he'd win.