wait, what was wrong with ron paul again?


New Member
Good points there TBT ...

I was gonna tell all the Democrats in the forum to drop dead, but then it occured to me that dead Democrats vote. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
This has ceased to be a tragedy for me and become a comedy. The leftists (republican and democrat) are screaming already to appoint a "Car Czar" who would more or less manage the auto industry (Facism) until their dept is paid off "i.e. forever". The fed printing money like there is no tomorrow (0-.25% LOL) on our tax dollar as if we will be able to pay it all off. This is truly funny to me.

In 2-4 years when your retirement account is worthless or non-excitant, the social security ponce sceme is bankrupt and taxes are 40-60% and Obama can no longer Barrow money from the Fed. You will all scream "save me!!!" LOL. And they will, once they've got you squerming. This is what we get. I can't wait. See you all in the bread line LOL. Hell Obama only needs 2 more states and he will get his Con-Con and be able to rewrite the constitution to better suite his leftist views. I can't wait!!!

Obama=Bullshit artist who is gonna give us all a pony.
McCain=Bullshit artist who will reward corprate greed and wage unjust wars.
Paul=An honest man unappreciated in his own time.

This is not a left or right thing. This is a freedom or tyranny thing. If you think a tax on your income is good your living in candyland as far as I'm concerned. 20% tax is 1 day a week your workin' for master. The Funny thing is you love your master. Hes out helping the children. But if you need that money (your money) well your just gonna have to pony it up anyway because its you "moral obligation" (or we'll throw your ass in prison). Fuck that is Slavery pure and simple. Sales taxes are ok fees are ok tarifs are ok there are lots of ways the Government can make money without a direct tax on your income.

Income Taxes should imho be for Corperations not individuals. Sic the IRS on these Companys I say instead of us.

RP will be 77 in 2012 Charles Degaule (Frenchmen) was 79 and regaurded as one of the finest presidents in Frog history. Point is he ain't quite out of the running yet. And once we get a good taste of the Obamanauts economics the country maybe (just maybe) ready to hear him out.


Well-Known Member
This has ceased to be a tragedy for me and become a comedy. The leftists (republican and democrat) are screaming already to appoint a "Car Czar" who would more or less manage the auto industry (Facism) until their dept is paid off "i.e. forever". The fed printing money like there is no tomorrow (0-.25% LOL) on our tax dollar as if we will be able to pay it all off. This is truly funny to me.

In 2-4 years when your retirement account is worthless or non-excitant, the social security ponce sceme is bankrupt and taxes are 40-60% and Obama can no longer Barrow money from the Fed. You will all scream "save me!!!" LOL. And they will, once they've got you squerming. This is what we get. I can't wait. See you all in the bread line LOL. Hell Obama only needs 2 more states and he will get his Con-Con and be able to rewrite the constitution to better suite his leftist views. I can't wait!!!

Obama=Bullshit artist who is gonna give us all a pony.
McCain=Bullshit artist who will reward corprate greed and wage unjust wars.
Paul=An honest man unappreciated in his own time.

This is not a left or right thing. This is a freedom or tyranny thing. If you think a tax on your income is good your living in candyland as far as I'm concerned. 20% tax is 1 day a week your workin' for master. The Funny thing is you love your master. Hes out helping the children. But if you need that money (your money) well your just gonna have to pony it up anyway because its you "moral obligation" (or we'll throw your ass in prison). Fuck that is Slavery pure and simple. Sales taxes are ok fees are ok tarifs are ok there are lots of ways the Government can make money without a direct tax on your income.

Income Taxes should imho be for Corperations not individuals. Sic the IRS on these Companys I say instead of us.

RP will be 77 in 2012 Charles Degaule (Frenchmen) was 79 and regaurded as one of the finest presidents in Frog history. Point is he ain't quite out of the running yet. And once we get a good taste of the Obamanauts economics the country maybe (just maybe) ready to hear him out.
That's foolishness Ilkhan, corporations don't pay taxes, their employees, shareholders and customers do.

You want to see a true example of trickle up economics, you need to look no further than the tax system. The person at the bottom of the line gets the enema whether they be a customer, employee or stockholder.


New Member
2-4 years when your retirement account is worthless or non-excitant, the social security ponce sceme is bankrupt and taxes are 40-60% and Obama can no longer Barrow money from the Fed. You will all scream "save me!!!" LOL. And they will, once they've got you squerming. This is what we get. I can't wait. See you all in the bread line LOL. Hell Obama only needs 2 more states and he will get his Con-Con and be able to rewrite the constitution to better suite his leftist views. I can't wait!!!

Now tell me what the great right wing has done for (TO) the country in the last 8 fucking years. Come on now, let me hear the great things Bush has done. I could fill several pages with the bad things he's done, you tell me the good, what's that, silence I hear?


Well-Known Member
2-4 years when your retirement account is worthless or non-excitant, the social security ponce sceme is bankrupt and taxes are 40-60% and Obama can no longer Barrow money from the Fed. You will all scream "save me!!!" LOL. And they will, once they've got you squerming. This is what we get. I can't wait. See you all in the bread line LOL. Hell Obama only needs 2 more states and he will get his Con-Con and be able to rewrite the constitution to better suite his leftist views. I can't wait!!!

Now tell me what the great right wing has done for (TO) the country in the last 8 fucking years. Come on now, let me hear the great things Bush has done. I could fill several pages with the bad things he's done, you tell me the good, what's that, silence I hear?
You're assuming that we are going to defend Bush, the "compassionate" Conservative. There is no defending Bush, because he is not a good representative of true Conservatism/Constitutionalism.

For a good example of a Conservative you'd have to look at Ron Paul.

Though thinking of positive things to say about Bush.

At least he isn't a little Bitch like Clinton who will let this country take it up the ass when we get attacked.

If Clinton had been in office in 2001 you can bet your ass that he would have been too busy comforting his rod with his staff to get off his ass and go to Afghanistan.

Just like he was too busy in 1993 after the World Trade Center Bombing.

Then there's the fact that unlike Clinton, Bush actually had the balls to do more than do what the polls were telling him. Whatever his faults, Bush was at least a leader.

Unlike Clinton, or Obama, both of who are prime examples of followers that will do whatever the polls indicate they should do instead of what they believe they should do.

One can only wonder if that means the polls indicated that they should suck Chavez's Cock they'd be down on their knees doing just that...


New Member
bush made it bad no doubt about it, and obama will make it worse no doubt about it
How can you be sure that if it does get worse ("Things will surely get worse before they get better") It would be Obamas fault. Even Obama understands you can't fix this mess overnight, For fucks sake, give the man a few months before you rip his head off. I know you guys on the right are chomping at the bit to rip into Obama. Just look at the feeding frenzy over the Blagovich Idiot.


Well-Known Member
im not biting his head off or any of that mess.. and i know that things will get worse before they get better.. i am going off what his policies are like such as with the economy and guns, as well as his voting record which clearly shows that he is not a man after the greater good or a stickler to his beliefs, he is merely a pleaser that will do what it takes to have the best persona... i just dont see obama having the decision making abilites to change things the way they need to be changed... i feel that all of his change he speaks of is going to put is in more debt and make our coutry worse off... after all america is all about money and the economy.. most care more about that than the majority of other issues in our country sadly.. if he does not take radical steps to change what is going on and what has been happening for years, our economy is going to continue to sink into the abyss... thats when people will get pissed off and shit will hit the fan... what change will he bring? all i hear is spend spend spend from his agenda


New Member
Whatever his faults, Bush was at least a leader.
I guess I'd have to agree with that. He led us into an unnecessary war in Iraq, he's led us into world hatred of the USA, he's led us into a recession/depression, with more job loss than any since Hoover. Sometimes I wish he'd of been a lessor leader, or at least a smart one.


Well-Known Member
Whatever his faults, Bush was at least a leader.
I guess I'd have to agree with that. He led us into an unnecessary war in Iraq, he's led us into world hatred of the USA, he's led us into a recession/depression, with more job loss than any since Hoover. Sometimes I wish he'd of been a lessor leader, or at least a smart one.
What the world thinks of us is about as irrelevant as what you think of me.

The only thing that matters is what we think of ourselves.

If you value European opinions so much, why don't you move to Europe?


Well-Known Member
You're wrong. It's very relevant in this era, how others see us, as opposed to just being ourselves. And pretty soon, Sweden will be Little Sweden. It will be YOU who move to Europe, or somewhere, to escape the coming Era of American Compassion.


Well-Known Member
You're wrong. It's very relevant in this era, how others see us, as opposed to just being ourselves. And pretty soon, Sweden will be Little Sweden. It will be YOU who move to Europe, or somewhere, to escape the coming Era of American Compassion.
:: cough ::

Why would I move to Europe, their food sucks, their woman are more manly then their men, and their men are pansies. About the only thing going for Europe is German Beer.


New Member
What the world thinks of us is about as irrelevant as what you think of me.

The only thing that matters is what we think of ourselves.

If you value European opinions so much, why don't you move to Europe?
My RIU friend, that is a very juvenile opinion. You need to get out more, take a trip to foriegn lands and see the world for what it is, 6 billion people just as human as you, with all the needs and feelings that you posses. Of course their opinion matters if we want to participate in a global union, a small planet where everyone counts, everyone.


Well-Known Member
My RIU friend, that is a very juvenile opinion. You need to get out more, take a trip to foriegn lands and see the world for what it is, 6 billion people just as human as you, with all the needs and feelings that you posses. Of course their opinion matters if we want to participate in a global union, a small planet where everyone counts, everyone.
Except the French. They are dicks, it's true.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
My RIU friend, that is a very juvenile opinion. You need to get out more, take a trip to foriegn lands and see the world for what it is, 6 billion people just as human as you, with all the needs and feelings that you posses. Of course their opinion matters if we want to participate in a global union, a small planet where everyone counts, everyone.
Who said I want anything to do with a Global Union. I have no intention of letting some Pansified Frog dictate to me what I must do, or letting a Japanese, Chinese, German, or South African dictate to me.

The rest of the world should mind its own business. Of course, by the same token so should we.

All this caring about what is going on in the rest of the world has gotten us into more useless conflicts than one can shake a stick at.

Just in the last two decades there's been Gulf War I, Somalia, Bosnia, Gulf War II, Afghanistan, and probably other actions.

The world would be a much better place if we would mind our own business, and the rest of the world would mind their own.


Well-Known Member
dude europe is the shit, the women are hot as hell depending on where you go, the food is great everywhere except england, and people are pretty hospitable for the most part.. like medicine said, were all human, they are just like you and me.. if i could id live in europe for a while


New Member
Just in the last two decades there's been Gulf War I, Somalia, Bosnia, Gulf War II, Afghanistan, and probably other actions.

The world would be a much better place if we would mind our own business, and the rest of the world would mind their own.
As far as the business minding, you are absolutely right. Especially Us. Some of our warmongering was to help other people, but the gist of our starting wars, was to pave inroads for our corporations., Not only do we start wars, we send in the CIA and take out key people that are against our corporate Ideas. One might say with much clarity that the CIA is the pawn of big business. They Kill, torture, Maim, kidnap, Rendition, and various other insidious behaviour, all in the name of Capitalism. I think (Hope) we've gotten a great view of unfettered Capitalism in the last few months, and it ain't pretty folks. When you tie it all together, it's a pretty nasty business. But clearly, what could one expect from a country that built itself upon the bones of Natives.


Well-Known Member
Just in the last two decades there's been Gulf War I, Somalia, Bosnia, Gulf War II, Afghanistan, and probably other actions.

The world would be a much better place if we would mind our own business, and the rest of the world would mind their own.
As far as the business minding, you are absolutely right. Especially Us. Some of our warmongering was to help other people, but the gist of our starting wars, was to pave inroads for our corporations., Not only do we start wars, we send in the CIA and take out key people that are against our corporate Ideas. One might say with much clarity that the CIA is the pawn of big business. They Kill, torture, Maim, kidnap, Rendition, and various other insidious behaviour, all in the name of Capitalism. I think (Hope) we've gotten a great view of unfettered Capitalism in the last few months, and it ain't pretty folks. When you tie it all together, it's a pretty nasty business. But clearly, what could one expect from a country that built itself upon the bones of Natives.
Give me a break Med, you keep on targeting the symptom (just like modern medicine) the problem isn't corporations, all they are doing is using the powers that they can influence due to the size of our government.

If you were so concerned about their influenced you'd be pressuring for a much smaller government.

Big Government = Big Corruption

To reduce that, you need to reduce government.

And it's not just the Corps, it's also those idiots on the left like ACORN.