First CFL grow from Bagseeds


Well-Known Member
They look good... I personally believe you could have probably let them veg for a bit longer, cuz a few of the pics look slightly premature... but that's nothing flowering can't fix... just gonna take you a little longer to see any clear signs of thc production.
Goodluck... and it's all an experience.
** Green**
I think I could have let them veg at least another week longer, instead of the 3 that I did.... But like you said it's nothin flowerin can't fix and it's all an experience..... They are a bit short, but I cut my full LST down to just minimal LST, that way their height will begin to increase. My struggler- man I don't know what the deal is with it- it just looked pathetic from the beginning....I was almost half tempted to just put it out of its misery yesterday- but I refrained- cuz you never know.....

don.... i can see(if im correct) that pic1 the plant is in A form of Low stress training...
i have a question...
everytime I make that corkscrew wire, and feed it onto my plants for training.... it really fucks the leaves up... it will like pinch them and it coversup all the shoots where new growth is on the stem, is this the same effect your having, and if not... im curious on your method of LST..
Actually all 4 of my plants are in LST. I've never seen the corkscrew method that you are referring to until I joined here. I don't think I'd personally use it either- for exactly the reasons it's giving u problems. With the method I'm using I haven't had a single problem with any of that, and not only have the stems beefed up, but the side growth is doin pretty good as well......
What I do is just use an old wire clothes hanger. I straighten it out and cut it into roughly 5 to 6 inch sections. I put a little hook at one end and hook that on my stem between any nodes and push the straight end down into my soil. It holds them down without breaking anything and within the hour they are already headed back up to the light. I've got one of them that looks like a capital Z, but it's growin good.
I found that it doesn't put too much stress on them to cause any problems, but it gives just the right results...... Maybe try it that way, u should see a lot better results than the corkscrew wire........IMO

Hope that helped!

just in my opinion Nodacci - i think struggler may be male, as for biggirl and little girl they look female, all the males that iv ever ended up growing hav looked almost identical to that (except for strian of course) with the strecthed stem and minimal branch growth bt i can be sure cuz of the photo, as for still surprised that shit worked...and looks like its stil working!

RUCKUS! - u could try string or cloth, sumthing soft, to tie to your plant on the areas where it wont effect growth and cuz its small it doesnt get in the way as much as wire does, then just tie the other end down how u want it.
** Manik**
If Struggler is a male then that'd be fine by me. It'd be a good ratio for me too- 3:1- especially if the other 3 are in fact females. But, it looks like there are tiny lil nutz on my Vitamin gurl..... But it only looks that way right now....... They could just be new side growth...only time will tell......
The trimmin def worked, they seemed to perk right back up the next day after I did it. As a matter of fact, I just trimmed them again last night cuz I noticed a few places that I had missed.....
Dependin on how the male turned out I was gonna pollenate one of my females just so I had a few extra seeds until I get my good shit.......But if struggler is a male, I will definitely not be usin his man juice for any of my ladies- I don't wanna pass that week spindly trait on to his kids...... If it's male then it's off to Hashville for him........

** Thanks Everyone for stoppin by and stayin interested :peace:**


Well-Known Member
omg DON... that is ingenious...
im going to do that tonight... OOOH IM FUCKING EXlCITED NOW!!!

serriously + rep for you on your grow and +rep for the knowlegable info man!!

Happy Fucking Harvest!

Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
I use plastic covered paper clips bent into U's to pin my plants down. I consider what I'm doing to be high stress training more than low stress training though.


Well-Known Member
RUCKUS - anytime man...:blsmoke: hope it worx out, let me know. im not at that stage yet so it be kwl to see how it goes.

TheDonaci - Nice man...a 3:1 ratio is supurb! hope the other ladies are ladies, if vgirl's balls get any bigger u let me know :hump:...if they that small then its probably too small to tell so they could be female. keep it up man, im trying to master the shrub plant in order to hav six going at a time in my grow closet so i hoping for hair soon too.


Well-Known Member
omg DON... that is ingenious...
im going to do that tonight... OOOH IM FUCKING EXlCITED NOW!!!

serriously + rep for you on your grow and +rep for the knowlegable info man!!

Happy Fucking Harvest!


No problem man- glad I could help..... I came up with that cuz U gotta work with what you got especially when the funds are tight...... And if it's free or already there all the better!

Also what I do is, just so it's not constant stress....... I'll bend the plant down and let it grow say the rest of the day into the next day then I'll pull that wire out...... It'll give it time to grow back up....I'll keep the wire out for another day or so and then put it a lil higher on the plant and just repeat the process....that way it's not a constant stress on them...... I think if you kept the wires on them and just kept adding it would be more of a HST........

Thanks for the rep- again- glad I could help........ I don't know it all, but I know a lil sumthin sumthin.....


Well-Known Member
TheDonaci - Nice man...a 3:1 ratio is supurb! hope the other ladies are ladies, if vgirl's balls get any bigger u let me know :hump:...if they that small then its probably too small to tell so they could be female. keep it up man, im trying to master the shrub plant in order to hav six going at a time in my grow closet so i hoping for hair soon too.

A 3:1 ratio would be fuckin awesome for me- especially since it's always been reversed for me in the 2:6 or somethin like that!

I'll def let u know if VGurls balls get any bigger- If they do then I'm just gunna keep it for pollen since I'm lovin the way it's performin! Short-stocky and it's got a helluva stank to it already. Actually, it's had a stank on it since the first week of Veg...... If Big Gurl is a Gurl, then I may pollenate a few lower brancehs with VGurl(Guy)'s pollen and see what I can get outta that.......Maybe the perfect hieght plant with an awesome yeild- oh yea!

But I'll keep u posted on that- I think it may just be new growth, but it's too small to really tell......


Well-Known Member
I use plastic covered paper clips bent into U's to pin my plants down. I consider what I'm doing to be high stress training more than low stress training though.

Those would work too- just didn't have any- so hangers away!

But seriously- what is the diff between High and Low stress training? I mean how much more stress do you put on the plant with HST?

And Thanks for stoppin by! jump in on the cycle:joint::joint::joint:

Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
Most people that say they are doing low stress training, seem to just be lightly bending the main stem to an arc. My plant's main stem and all other branches have been completely pinned for the past 2 weeks. Right now it is just 6 tops growing out of the main stem almost like an insect. They were topped at the same spot multiple times and I'm pretty sure this prevented new growth from forming. It's kind of like having 6 clones just attached to one main stem.

I don't think that the bending from this method really causes more stress than LST, although it is pushing the envelope some. Although, perhaps cutting the fan leaf only sections does cause a little stress, but I doubt it. Trimming shouldn't cause too much stress. And it definitely looks different than anyone's LST I've seen.


Well-Known Member
I don't think that the bending from this method really causes more stress than LST, although it is pushing the envelope some. Although, perhaps cutting the fan leaf only sections does cause a little stress, but I doubt it. Trimming shouldn't cause too much stress. And it definitely looks different than anyone's LST I've seen.

** Mr. Pacific **

Are you referring to my form of LST?

If so, the only reason I trimmed my leaves was to get all the ugly dead shit off of them. I didn't think that would be a form of LST, but now that I think of it- it would be in a minor way since now the plant will have to slow upward growth to repair where the trims were made.......
I pin and unpin my plants on an off beat every other day kinda schedule.....So they are not constantly being bent around and pinned down.....

Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
I was referring to what I'm doing, sorry. I trimmed the branches coming from the main stem that were only fan leaves. I pin and unpin daily as well.


Well-Known Member
I was referring to what I'm doing, sorry. I trimmed the branches coming from the main stem that were only fan leaves. I pin and unpin daily as well.

Ok ok cool I got u now....... I would think that that would still be a LST method since ur pinning and unpinnig and not keeping it constant tho???

Maybe I'll do a lil search and see what I can come up with for both HST and LST and do a side by side comparison.......

Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
That would be pretty nice for a reference. The reason I'm naming it HST over LST is that I am doing a good bit of pruning, where LST doesn't make use of pruning at all. Also the training method I'm using contorts the plant way more than any LST I've seen or read about.

It's really just tomato-tomahto, but I do feel what I'm doing should be set apart somehow from traditional LST.


Well-Known Member
That would be pretty nice for a reference. The reason I'm naming it HST over LST is that I am doing a good bit of pruning, where LST doesn't make use of pruning at all. Also the training method I'm using contorts the plant way more than any LST I've seen or read about.

It's really just tomato-tomahto, but I do feel what I'm doing should be set apart somehow from traditional LST.

I gotcha now- I understand completely!

I'll do a lil research and see what I can come up with on that subject and get a post up either here or in the forums.......


Well-Known Member
omg DON... that is ingenious...
im going to do that tonight... OOOH IM FUCKING EXlCITED NOW!!!

serriously + rep for you on your grow and +rep for the knowlegable info man!!

Happy Fucking Harvest!

How bout a lil tippage on them scales brother-LoL!


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I am already preparing for my next grows.......One will be a small scale indoors-like that I'm doin now- just more lights and better materials. And the other will be an outdoor grow...I already have the spot/s picked out and I'm gunna prep them here in the near future- just gotta wait for it to quit rainin....

This is my list of supplies to grow and feed:

MaxiCrop Liquid Fish Fert- Veggin
Combined with:
MaxiCrop Liquid Seaweed Fert- Veggin

Bill's Perfect Fert- Foliar Feeding beginning to end

Liquid Kool Bloom- Flowering

As well as:

Light Warrior Grow Medium- Indoors and to mix with the lushus soil with my outdoors grow....

I live right on an inlet to the Bay, so I know all the soil around there is teamin with crazy healthy shit............

Anyways, I'm set on all of that stuff, I just wanna know what everyone thinks about my seed choices- since I'm actually spendin money on them......

The list is:
Big Bud
White Rhino
Feminized White Widow


Well-Known Member
never smoked or even heard of B-52 before but it must be good, big bud...FO SHO!, white rhino is pretty over rated, just ur typical indoor chronic, no exoticness so im sure it wont be tough to grow and fem white widow...perfect choice, if u got the space u should take one of these strains if u get a healthy female and use her as a mother, prefferable the white widow cuz that's wat id do bt watch out for fem seeds, i read sumwhere that its an increased chance of getting hermis.


Well-Known Member
don my bad... my comp fucked up after the post so i tipped ya now...
happy harvest sorry for the delay!


Well-Known Member
never smoked or even heard of B-52 before but it must be good, big bud...FO SHO!, white rhino is pretty over rated, just ur typical indoor chronic, no exoticness so im sure it wont be tough to grow and fem white widow...perfect choice, if u got the space u should take one of these strains if u get a healthy female and use her as a mother, prefferable the white widow cuz that's wat id do bt watch out for fem seeds, i read sumwhere that its an increased chance of getting hermis.
** Manik **
The B-52 I chose for yield- actually I chose them all for yield! They are all supposed to give roughly 400 to 500 g/m2....... and it says that they all finish in 8 to 10 weeks.....I want some weight so I have a helluva supply so If I wanna I can smoke.......I don't smoke very often- Usually once or twice a month if that, sometimes I'll go a few month without smokin......... Not that I don't enjoy it, it's like when I draw- I just gotta be in the mood..... But I LOVE growin the bitches, and seein my reward at the end- very fulfillin!

I read about the feminized seeds in one of Subcools threads( The Man's a GENIUS!!!)..... He said that the seed banks breeders are more for the money than the true process of selection to get a true feminized seed....... But even if it does turn Hermie, I'll do everything I can to keep pluckin the balls off and let the buds keep growin.......

I might go thru their list and see what else they got that has a lil more exoticness to it........ I grew some Papaya a few months back- didn't yield shit- but I only had a floro thru the whole grow- but the lil bit I did get- WOW- I know if I had the right set up at the time, I'd probably still have some of her now- the trichs and resin on that bitch was CRAZY! And you could taste the fruit on the exhale- AMAZING!

don my bad... my comp fucked up after the post so i tipped ya now...
happy harvest sorry for the delay!
It's all good RUCKUS! They have been thorouhly tipped now! Good Lookin out!