{DWC Journal}G13 Labs Northern Lights


Well-Known Member
looking good, the yellowing tips may be from a lack of magnisum
Thanks,im am watching the plants very close and they dont look that bad just a little bit of yellow tips on some of the new growth.Hopefully they will not get worse.

I am doing marijauna nl northern lights. I
germed 9 8 made it and only 3 were females. I germed 2 mazar and a bag seed too and they were all male too. SO good luck man, Mine I vegged for 6 weeks and are 19 days in flower and look awesome.

I dont know how close they are togather, the strains but wow did mine smell until yesterday I think. Still stink but the smell lessens I guess rofl, as I chop more and more males.

I use 4x4 rw cubes on 3x3 tray under 400 mh.hps. Good luck reps for the NL growing.
hahaha,hopefully none of mine are males i would hate to lose the smell my plants put off,it would be fucked up to kill them.you got any pics of the NLs flowering?

Hey man nice grow.
Thanks man,
I see you have a DWC Club going on i gots to check that out..

Mini update on clones:
Well i left when i woke up this morning for a couple of hours without checking on the clones and when i got back the cubes were fairley dry but still holding a bit of water on the bottom of cubes.Unfourtnely
clone #3 suffered severe wilting its still standing but on a wilt the stems are completly wilted but there still green so i suppose its not too bad ive heard clones comeback from worse situations.Clone #1,the largest clone,wilted a tiny bit but not bad and clone #2,#4 are looking really great. I gave them all a drink of water.The plants are in the 6 hour dark period now when they wake up ill update on how there doing.
Also ive read that if you cut the leaves in half it will take in water when you mist your clones.Cince i dont use a humidome will this help me?


Well-Known Member
Yes do the mister, it will help a lot, and cut your leaves as well, i do it to all my clones and ALL of mine survived out of 40, now thats a great success rate. but do you have any cloning solution? it helps stimulate growth, also when they are clones they need to be in like at least 60% humidity to survive well, also id leave on the light 24/0 because that helps with it as well.


Well-Known Member
Yes do the mister, it will help a lot, and cut your leaves as well, i do it to all my clones and ALL of mine survived out of 40, now thats a great success rate. but do you have any cloning solution? it helps stimulate growth, also when they are clones they need to be in like at least 60% humidity to survive well, also id leave on the light 24/0 because that helps with it as well.
Hahahaha,yes that is a good success rate.No the only thing i got is the shultz rooting powder,i water with RO water and about 50ppm of nutes phed to about 5.9.Well alot of people get success without humidity domes but ill throw some big plastic bottles over the smallet ones.The mother plants have been under 18/6 cycle for a while and the clones are in the same closet shareing the light.I know its good to have the clones under 24/0 but i dont think thats gonna happen.Or can i swich the light cycle without effecting the mother plants who have been under 18/6 for 30 days?


Well-Known Member
umm well all it does is keep it in veg, ive heard of people doing it the whole time until they switch to flower, you can always try it out. i have a seperate room lol so i dont need to worry about that


Well-Known Member
Day 31-Clone day 2


Well i would say it was a good morning for my plants.I turn the lights on and all of my clones are looking healthy.Clone #2 and #4 are still looking good.Clone #1 has perked up from its slightly droppy state,still is kinda limp but not that much at all.Clone #3 was severely droopy before i turned the lights off and now it is looking extremly healthy..soo i gave all of them a little drink and mist and i dont think ill be putting them in a humidity dome or cutting the leaves right now cause what im doing seems to be working so why change it?haha..NL#1 and #2 are doing good theres still a little yellow tips but not getting worse thats for sure..Heres some pics..

Allright so the first 2 pics are of clone#1,next three pics clone #2,next two pics clone #3,next two pics clone #4,group pic,the next two are of NL#1,and the last two are of NL#2...




Well-Known Member
i think you should put some sort of plastic cup or something to help retain humity because it has no other way to get water until it gets roots, and thats why you cut the leaves and spray it


Well-Known Member
Well i have nothing big enough to go over any of my clones so there gonna have to survive with out one.However i did cut all of the leaves in half besides the younger growth and i sprayed each leaf with a mist.


Well-Known Member
Insane gro... I'll be cloning on my next grow, I'll have to hold onto this info for sure




Well-Known Member
ok, well im thinking your ganna be fine, you dont exactly need it because ive heard of alot of people that dont, i just think that you get better results with it. just keep them at a good 60% humidity and your good to go


Well-Known Member
Day 32-Clone day 3


Everything is growing good,the clones look good.I have to water and mist them every 10-12 hours.My mother plants still have some yellow tips but it doesnt look too bad.Cone #3 who early on looked extreamly droopy now looks like the best clone and even has new growth comeing out of the rw cube were i had trimed it when makeing the cuttings.Clone #1 is kinda droopy but is surviveing,all the others look good though.I try to take the best pictures for the shitty computer cam i got but everything looks alot better then in the pics...

The first 2 are Clone #1,next2 are clone #2.the next two are of clone #3,next two are clone 4 and group shot and the rest are of the mothers.



Well-Known Member
Day 33-Clone day 4


Well i wasnt able to water the clones for like 12 hours and all of them drooped except clone #3..Hopefully they perk up soon..Clone #3 looks amazing though so i think itll be the first to show roots and with a little luck the others will soon follow.The mothers however look amazing NL#1 is about 17 inches tall and NL#2,the one i took the clones from,is about 14 inches tall.I could take two clones from NL#1 right now but im gonna wait just before lights go out.All the lower branches on NL#1 are all the way at the top besides the first two branches,wich are quite small.Everytime i look at the plants i want to just flower them allready but i know if i wait and take more clones i will have more buds in the end.I bought a pur filter so i dont have to buy bottled water so now i can fill my tank up with clean ppm water instead of 300ppm tap water.Im gonna clean and change the tank soon when i get around to it.The smell keeps getting stronger by the day,these bitches are gonna look and smell so good when there flowering i cant wait...:weed:



Well-Known Member
End of day 34-clone day 5


Today I cleaned and filled my tank with purified water.The ppm of the water is way better then my tap so that should help.I didnt add any nutes because the tips of some of the new growth is yellow and i already tried adding nutes to fix it but it didnt seem to solve it so im gonna let my plants drink some clean water for a while.Before i turned the lights off i took two cuttings from NL#1.So now i have four cuttings from NL#2 and two cuttings from NL#1.Some of the clones are droopy from there last water drout but now they are perking back up.Hopefully i see some roots in the next couple days.


Well-Known Member
umm it normally takes like a week for them to show threw the rw or rooter thingys but on average for me it was about 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
Day 35-Clone day 6


Everything is growing good the clones are doing great as are the mothers..
This is the first day for the 2 new clones that i took from NL#1,they straightend up a bit and look realy healthy.All the other clones are doing good clone #4 is still a bit droopy but recovering..Heres some pics..

First two pics are of the new clones,then it goes like this,Clone #3,clone#2,clone#4,clone#1 and othe pics..



Well-Known Member
to tell ya the truth, ive never used a ppm lol, but of course i check the ph. but i do use a humidity dome to keep it up and i have a great rate of success, plus its cheap as well


Well-Known Member
Nice bro. Im waiting on my second batch right now for my second tub.
Thanks man..what strain are you growing?
to tell ya the truth, ive never used a ppm lol, but of course i check the ph. but i do use a humidity dome to keep it up and i have a great rate of success, plus its cheap as well
Ya i like the ppm meter it lets you know how much nutes you give your plants..The clones seem to be doing good without a humidity dome.
Nice journal.

Are those 16 you took the clones from now in flower? Or are they mama's till they die?
Thanks..Well i am growing in just one closet so everything is in veg now.I started out with 2 plants from seed then i took some cuttings and am curently waiting for roots.After that im gonna veg the clones for a while then throw everything in flower..