Join the unemployed club here:


Well-Known Member
I know I'm not alone.

State how long you've been unemployed and we should have a contest or something. :)

Extra points for life long deadbeats and moochers.

If you live in your parents basement all the better.


Well-Known Member
lol tis thread is priceless lol.

chiming in** used to be unemployed for 8 months.....thank jeebus thats over

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Thankfully I work in the IT industry for the health care sector. Even in a bad economy health care doesn't slow down nor does the technology that keeps it running.

I have been laid off in the past though, the one that stands out most was years ago when I got laid off from a job right as I was going into escrow buying my first home. We got a 30 day working notice of the layoff and luckily my house closed before the end of the 30 days so I got my house.... but talk about stress..... my first home and no way to pay the mortgage. I was scared as hell... but got a job within 2 weeks.

Then a year and a half later that company got sold and I got laid off again .... that time I was out of work for 3 months. I made it through and didn't lose my home or even miss any payments on any of my debt (I'm regimented about keeping my finances in order and living on a budget... WITHIN my means). I got my next job and have been there ever since (7 years so far). Sometimes I hate all the travel.... but I hate looking for a job even more so I'm staying put until they toss me out ;)

For anyone who is out of work, I truly feel for you; I know the stress. I'm hoping the new year and our new President will bring good change to the economy and job situation. Hang in there!!!


Well-Known Member
WOW....good story FG. Luckly I have never been laid off and hope I never will. I feel bad for all the ppl out of work and I do what I can to help as many ppl I can reach out too. I am wanting to totally retire within the next 5 years and keeping my fingers x'd that all my investments will rebound.


Well-Known Member
This past year, since September of '07. Been on more interviews than I can count, printed out my resume so often that every time I see it I want to puke. Have a permanent groove in two fingers of my right hand from filling out so many fucking applications (for those employers for whom the resume is not enough). This is the first time in my life that I haven't been able to get ANY income generated. Of course, this is also the first time in my life that I've lived in such a rural area and wanted to find work.

Used to be a stay-at-home mom, does that count as dead-beat?


Well-Known Member
I Love getting Laid Off :) :) :)
Sit back for a few months while it's cold out side, and collect an Unemployment Check.
I'm in the Union. I get Laid off after every job.
Some years I've worked for more than 12 Employers, and probly been laid off 20 times
or more in one year.
Getting laid Off is No Big Deal.....


Well-Known Member
If you're a union carpenter, then yeah, it's no big deal. But if you're not, it's not quite the same.

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
i havent worked in 2 months,,i used to own my own fencing company untill i got no calls for jobs,now i gotta get a job with a contractor,boo hoo i dont care


Well-Known Member
Due to an injury, I've been collecting disability for quite a while. I haven't worked since 2002, so technically I've been unemployed for more than six years.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i spent 3 years on the sick after quitting a hardcore amphetamine addiction , im now in a steady job and its turned my life around , its a shittty job but it gives me a purpose in life , i spent 3 yeaars lying in bed , i never want to get into that sort of lifestyle again .


Well-Known Member
i haven't worked in a year, by choice. i found out i could claim disability for my broken leg in august even though i haven't worked in a year. i still have cash on the books so the state is sending me 3 months worth of disability pay. i don't really need it, but i'll take it. i have paid into it for the past 25 years might as well get some back. :hump:

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
i spent 3 years on the sick after quitting a hardcore amphetamine addiction , im now in a steady job and its turned my life around , its a shittty job but it gives me a purpose in life , i spent 3 yeaars lying in bed , i never want to get into that sort of lifestyle again .
good for you, i know how hard that is cause i used to do that shit,your ontop of the wold one minute and then under it the next day

it only gets better and so do the real friends,good job i'm proud of ya


Well-Known Member
I Love getting Laid Off :) :) :)
Sit back for a few months while it's cold out side, and collect an Unemployment Check.
I'm in the Union. I get Laid off after every job.
Some years I've worked for more than 12 Employers, and probly been laid off 20 times
or more in one year.
Getting laid Off is No Big Deal.....
thats exactly why labor costs are so outrageous these days. i fucking hate unions, just legal organized crime.

not directed at you topfuel, just unions in general


Well-Known Member
Not worked since the end of October, but thats because my contract ended, I manage location catering for films and TV (BBC) but as the light gets bad during Novemeber and December not much is filmed. I get so bored that I drink too much in the evenings to help get to sleep as otherwise I sit up all night. Looking forward to buying a new business in the new year, mobile Fish and Chips..£££££


Well-Known Member
Not worked since the end of October. But that because my contract ended, I manage location catering for films and TV (BBC) but as the light gets bad during Novemeber and December not much is filmed. I get so bored that I drink too much in the evenings to help get to sleep as otherwise I sit up all night. Looking forward to buying a new business in the new year, mobile Fish and Chips..£££££

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, fish-n-chips. :hump::hump:



Well-Known Member
my business is really slow this time of year, does that count. i work about 12 days a month if im lucky. besides, im self employed, alot of people consider that unemployed anyway. i think theyre just jealous.