First Closet Grow...NL with 600w HPS+ 4 CFL's


Well-Known Member
As promised, here's the pics.

5 top colals
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Plant 1
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Plant 2
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Plant 3
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Plant 4
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Short n Stumpy!
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Other pics Including one showing where the light is now. I raised it this afternoon as it's gettin pretty fuckin hot at the top of the plants. And I stuck a chair in the pic so u can see the height.
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Let me know what ya think!

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
You're gonna have some fat buds dude. Man, I can't imagine having that much NL, you lucky bastard! The burned colas actually hurt me to look at them but hopefully the buds will grow around the crispy spots. I really like the shapes of your plants too. You can tell the difference between plants grown under 400 watt and 600 watt because the 600watt will encourage those bottom branches to grow up towards the canopy. So yea you should get one massive cola per plant and a bunch of mini colas around it. Looks awesome, man!

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
And I stuck a chair in the pic so u can see the height.

hehehe one of mine is that tall already. lol

Seriously though mate fuckin damn good show there ma friend and yeah mared i agreed mate some serious NL to be smoked there!!!!! If only mine are all female lol

The fuckin stupid internet wont let me view ya pics takes about 15mins per pic ffs but should be sorted wi new internet soon so its all good ill have to be kept in suspence!

How many days are ya in now Matt?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm fuckin pleased with how it's all going! They look like they are beginning to fatten slightly now too. I think I'm about day 40. Started flower on Nov 14th, so... yeah day 40. Another 30days and we're looking good to chop around the 23rd Jan. Dry n cure for a week and it'll be just in time for my bday at end of jan. SHWEET!

The other good news, is that BOTH the sensi skunk have turned out to be female. That's 7 out of 7 from non-feminised seeds. Can't believe my luck. I just know that I'll hit 7 males in a row soon lol. Sods law.

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm fuckin pleased with how it's all going! They look like they are beginning to fatten slightly now too. I think I'm about day 40. Started flower on Nov 14th, so... yeah day 40. Another 30days and we're looking good to chop around the 23rd Jan. Dry n cure for a week and it'll be just in time for my bday at end of jan. SHWEET!

The other good news, is that BOTH the sensi skunk have turned out to be female. That's 7 out of 7 from non-feminised seeds. Can't believe my luck. I just know that I'll hit 7 males in a row soon lol. Sods law.

yeah ide say maybe around day 60 start paying serious attention to em cuz they could very well be done by then!!!!! Secondly dry for a week and then cure for a week... A bit longer i know but you will reap the benefits trust me!

7 out of 7 you jammy twat! well looking good for me this time ive now got 4 full FEM's and one thats a hermie but im gonna grow it out and remove as much of the balls as i can and crop it a little earlier than the other 4 that way ill get some female seeds aswell as a phat bud oh ah im at me mums for xmas and ive sent my mate round to water em n he says the FIM'ed one NL1 has decided to grow right into the light. Now bare in mind on tuesday when i came here it was about 13" below the light so it must have a serious stomp on.

Lovin that top mate wait till youve got 4 big phat cola's headin skywards! you be propper buzzin it looks mental! get em all lolipopped up so its litterally 4 bg phat buds growin north!

hahaha pure quality! cant wait to sample the delights mind! if ya get any seeds or cuttins of the sensi ill ave a few off ya in swap for a few off my RHINO when i buy it if ya want?

Catch ya later mate


Well-Known Member
yeah ide say maybe around day 60 start paying serious attention to em cuz they could very well be done by then!!!!! Secondly dry for a week and then cure for a week... A bit longer i know but you will reap the benefits trust me!

7 out of 7 you jammy twat! well looking good for me this time ive now got 4 full FEM's and one thats a hermie but im gonna grow it out and remove as much of the balls as i can and crop it a little earlier than the other 4 that way ill get some female seeds aswell as a phat bud oh ah im at me mums for xmas and ive sent my mate round to water em n he says the FIM'ed one NL1 has decided to grow right into the light. Now bare in mind on tuesday when i came here it was about 13" below the light so it must have a serious stomp on.

Lovin that top mate wait till youve got 4 big phat cola's headin skywards! you be propper buzzin it looks mental! get em all lolipopped up so its litterally 4 bg phat buds growin north!

hahaha pure quality! cant wait to sample the delights mind! if ya get any seeds or cuttins of the sensi ill ave a few off ya in swap for a few off my RHINO when i buy it if ya want?

Catch ya later mate

You reckon I should trim the multi-top sensi up a bit then?? And when ya say "if i get any cuttings",.. what do you mean mate? Actually cut some bits of the plant for you to grow? like clones?? Cuz they wouldn't survive in the post would they. I'm thinking I'm being a dick and you mean summat entirely different lol. Seeds would be ok I guess but I'm hoping I don't get any to get better bud to be honest. But I'd happily whip some across to ya if I get any mate for all your help.

I'll get some more pics up soon. They don't seem to be big enough yet tho to finish in 20 days. Do they really swell alot during the last couple weeks then? I tell ya what as well, one of the burnt top colas is now the best performing top cola by far!! It is huge and has split into 3 above the burn and are all growing into each other!! SWEET! I'm gettin quite alot of yellowing tho to the older leaves, but I don't really care too much, it ain't affecting the bud growth. I'm guessing the older leaves have just run their course.

Good news with the 4 females tho mate. That's odd with the hermie, I thought they didn't hermie for a good few weeks into flowering if they were gonna. So no just males this time? that's quality mate. When ya bk home after xmas buddy? you'll have to get some pics. And again, let me know roughly where ya are in the country mate.

oh and merry xmas to you, your missus and your littlun mate. And everyone else who's reading this.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yo poon, it is possible to mail clones. They will survive a couple days if sealed air-tight. It's best to do it when it isn't the dead of winter though because they'll freeze. I don't know how the weather is across the pond there but here in the states it's too cold right now.

Don't worry about the yellowing of the leaves. In the final half of the flowering phase, the plant uses the nitrogen stored in its leaves to process the phosphorous and potassium you are feeding into buds. So yea, it's normal for the fan leaves to turn yellow later in flower.


Well-Known Member
Yo poon, it is possible to mail clones. They will survive a couple days if sealed air-tight. It's best to do it when it isn't the dead of winter though because they'll freeze. I don't know how the weather is across the pond there but here in the states it's too cold right now.

Don't worry about the yellowing of the leaves. In the final half of the flowering phase, the plant uses the nitrogen stored in its leaves to process the phosphorous and potassium you are feeding into buds. So yea, it's normal for the fan leaves to turn yellow later in flower.

Cheers for that Mared. You have a good xmas mate? How's the growing comin along in your garden of eden?

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Cheers for that Mared. You have a good xmas mate? How's the growing comin along in your garden of eden?
Yea, it was good xmas. Saw family I hadn't seen in long time so that was nice. My garden is going great. Harvested my Jock Horror a few days ago and just trying it out for the first time right now. It's crazy. I've never smoked weed that tasted exactly like grapefruit... until now. This is definitely the best strain I have. I'm thinking of ditching my other two strains to run only Jock. Maybe get some NL in there too LOL.


Well-Known Member
Yea, it was good xmas. Saw family I hadn't seen in long time so that was nice. My garden is going great. Harvested my Jock Horror a few days ago and just trying it out for the first time right now. It's crazy. I've never smoked weed that tasted exactly like grapefruit... until now. This is definitely the best strain I have. I'm thinking of ditching my other two strains to run only Jock. Maybe get some NL in there too LOL.
That good huh?? I've not heard of Jock Horror. Is it some kind of Combo with Jack Herer?? I've seen Jack Herer seeds for sale a few times and they're pricey as fuck! Can't wait to let ya know how my NL smokes. Convince ya you need Jock Horror AND NL lol. How much ya get dry from the Jock?? Post a couple pics up here so I can see it mared.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Jock Horror is a Nirvana strain. Not at all the same as Jack Herrer. Pretty much Nirvana tries to copy more famous strains and most everything they have is under $30 for ten seeds. I heard from a reputable source that they had tried the Nirvana Jock Horror and it was a great strain for the $ so I tried it. It definitely has the exotic quality I was looking for. The sample I'm smoking on right now has zero cure time and the flavor is more intense than my other fully-cured strains already. So yea here's some pics. It was only one female I had on this first run but I have a few of her clones going right now. I got 118 g dry.



Well-Known Member
It was only one female I had on this first run but I have a few of her clones going right now. I got 118 g dry.
4oz from one plant! That's nice man. You see, I just can't picture mine swelling up like that. Seeing as I ain't grown before. I'm presuming they will won't they? It just seems to be taking fuckin ages! lol


Well-Known Member
Took a few more pictures this morning. Not much to report. The NL are becoming plastered with crystals all over the buds and the leaves, and the Sensi are stretching a bit but I'm a bit stuck with that for the minute. They're both female so that's cool.

anyway, NL pics 28/12/08


Sensi Skunk pics 28/12/08


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yea man, growing weed is the ultimate test of patience, ESPECIALLY first grow. Your buds will swell up and I see a couple of potential fatties in there. Majority of growth for me is in last 2-3 weeks. Keep it up dude!


Well-Known Member
Yea man, growing weed is the ultimate test of patience, ESPECIALLY first grow. Your buds will swell up and I see a couple of potential fatties in there. Majority of growth for me is in last 2-3 weeks. Keep it up dude!
Yeah man tell me about it!!! It'll be fine once the 1st batch is done, as I'll have summat to smoke whilst I happpily wait for the next lot,.. but currently I'm still waxing £60 a week of my hard-earned cash on a half and it's beginning to piss me off lol.

If I'm honest, a couple do seem to be sweeling slightly. You can see quite a major diff on a couple of buds from the 19th. Funny thing is, I don't realise how much they've grown until I post the pics up on here and spend some time checking em out against some older ones.


Well-Known Member
Reckon I'll have any top colas like the one you just cut on your Jock Horror??? That was a BEAST! How much did it weigh dry on it's own?