Aerogarden2DWC. Violator Kush Journal 250w


Well-Known Member
bongsmilieAlright let me start by saying im really stoned right now so bear with me it might take a few edits. Ive been procrastinating posting a journal for quite some time now, as today its day 27 of 12/12. Ill spend the first few posts explaining my setup and getting some pics ready. welcome to my journal please sit back and smoke a bowl and enjoy! things are looking good, and only getting betterbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Alright so this story begins on Nov. 3rd, i purchased some violator kush seeds at a shop and put them in the glass that night. within 24 hours the seeds had split open and i popped them into the AG. at that time i was using an aerogarden space saver 6, i took the hood off and replaced it with my own self made reflector out of sheet metal that held 3 42W 6500k CFLS :D bongsmilie at around 13 days from seed i made the rookie mistake of over nuteing and below is a picture around 5 days after the flush and them showing nice recovery. that was also the first day i had my 250w hooked up, its a mh/hps switchable so the veg pics are all MH watch the explosive growth. I dont have exact dates for these pictures but it will help get you up to date. I will add more about my new setup in the next post bear with me. oh and the nug is a pic i took of some master kush i was smokeing awhile ago so check it out.

So this 2nd pic is the first day i hooked up my 250w hooked up, was something close to 3 weeks of veg already and look how stunted they were! the one on the left was doing bettter so she got fimmed. u can see in that pic if u look close and it worked nice btw.

The 3rd pic is withing the first 4 days of flowering or so. in this picture i had topped both of them around 5-7 days before. For the record they did 24 hours of darkness nov.30 and then 12/12 started dec.1

and the last pic is clear why i needed to transplant out of the AG. the plants absolutely blew up under the hps and u can see theyre not as healthy, droopy leaves, unclean rez it was brutal. that was around dec 17th or so id say.



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so i did some more reading around on RIU (because god knows ive easily spent 200hours just browsing this site lol) and silently stalking roseman for some time i built myself a nice DWC and started getting shit done the best i could. Forgot to meantion I also purchased alot of nutes around nov 23 or something ill post a pic of that too. My dwc has a air pump for up to 40gal fish tanks, i got a 75L res so it works out nice and the one plant responded very well while the big one didnt so much. because of the resovoir size and all my nutes i was a little unsure how much to add and ended up adding about half of what they were use to and didnt realize and the big one started to go yellow and lost about 25 healthy fan leaves unfortunatly while the runt had enough nutes to keep thriving, then i upped all the nutes about a week ago adn both plants are responding nice, i still have hopes for the big one although shes at least a full week behind looking now if not 2. :( bongsmilie but regardless here are some older pics between two and 3 weeks in flowering. Theyres also some pictures ill show u of the leaves the plant was sucking the nitrogen out of, killed alot of potential bud spots on the big one unfortunatly



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:weed:bongsmilieFor the next week after the transplant the runt seemed to thrive while the huge one was getting worse. I looked at a bunch of sites that diagnose problems and in some of the pics i show u can see calcium def primarily. Also bottom fan leaves going yellow and dying is nitrogen def. So i went back to my journal to look at my calculations and i realized that of the sweet big bud and carbo load i got the dose right on, but the grow micro bloom i only put in 1/2 of what i should have so i added the rest. Here are pics from the day i added the right amount of nutes.

Picture 1 is from the runt (sorry i noticed now its out of focus ill make up for it i promise)
Picture 2 is from the big mama
Picture 3 is from the runt at the end of that week. enjoy ;) bongsmilieps. it clearly shows signs of what i diagnosed as calcium def although i would like some feedback on the matter



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So this is where shit gets tasty, this is the point where i sit in the room for a whole hour just admiring lol and things are only getting better. Some of these pics are from last night (Dec.26) and some are from this morning right as the lights went off day 27 just shy of 4 weeks from when 12/12 started, so id say 3 weeks of flowering but i dont know im gonna pick up a scope and let the trichs tell me. but i hope you guys all enjoy some of these as much as i do, althought ill enjoy them more in another 4-6 weeks :D

(First 2 pics are of the runt, 3rd is of a little side nug of the recovering momma that has tri nodes all the way up it lol. and the rest being of the runt again and all of her beauty. i almost feel bad calling her the runt now.)



Well-Known Member
ah nice and update didnt take too long :P now for a refreshing bowl of some nameless piff. cant wait for the brainstorm haze to come in a couple days. anyways leave some feedback my big girl could use a hand


Well-Known Member
Damn nice and frosty :weed: lookin really good, ima upgrade to a DWC after a couple go's with the AG


Well-Known Member
ya i honestly did want to finish this grow in an ag to prove a point bro but damn a space saver 6 is just impossible. as the pics show they started looking really unhealthy drooping leaves they needed this. plus i was expecting them to grow 4x + the size when flowering started haha :D


Well-Known Member
haha yea, the space saver is kinda small, i was gonna start out again, DWC or bubbleponics, then a friend got ahold of the AG so i decided to give it a go and get the basic knowledge down been readin thru this site for almost a year now, helped me out alot


Well-Known Member
ya its been quite the learning process and things are still continuing. and to be perfectly honest i never cared about the yield i only cared about how dank it is. my friends assisting in a grow thats very similar i just always gotta 1up it lol.


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haha yea as long as im growin im hapy, i mean i but enough anyways when i go to the clubs so the wait is that bad ;)


Well-Known Member
ya i had some nice kush going around over christmas im just smokeing some normal AA indoor piff right now the brainstorm haze is supposed to be coming around shortly so im nice and giddy i fucking love haze man. but your right it makes the wait a little easier


Well-Known Member
Scribed mang! Looking really good. Im going to read ur thread man. Everything looks awesome.
thanks man, i tried not to go too into depth because i have a personal copy and its already said and done with you know. but thanks for taking the time to stop by man :weed: things are going to be looking real nice in a few weeks


Well-Known Member
Yea man. Im going to catch up on this for sure. Looks like ur doing everything right. Where are ur ppms right now? Like i said i havent read yet.


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only have a ph meter at the moment unfortunately thats why i ran into some problems with under nuteing with the new rez, ill pick one up within the next week or so i hope. ph sits comfortably at 6 right now with my tap water and the current nutes so i just leave it be. Its been relativly easy going so far, my first hydro grow. next grow will be more professional


Well-Known Member
Awesome bro. Ur right on track man! Keep with ur current regimen. Ph=6 with no meter means ur doing something right. Over feeding leeds to excessive PH.
Like i said originaly. Looks good. u should prolly go hit some of the new people on dwc and show them actually how easy it is to do this. + reps for sure. Cuz ur a pimp.