You know you're a pothead when:


Well-Known Member
You know your a pothead when:

-You go to the kitchen for cereal. Get out the milk. Pour the cereal n try to put the box in the fridge before pouring the milk.. Then laughing at yourself because it was the 3rd time its happened.

-Your driving, and completely miss your turn/exit/stop from deep thinking. or stop at a green light.. haha or have your gf wake you up at a red light, "gooo!!" **haha good times*

-You can smoke a blunt to yourself without falling asleep/acting dumb.

-You love everything about weed. Not just the high

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
You know you're a pothead when you listen to "Let It Be" by the Beatles while stoned and all you can hear is "Let Me Pee"... Laughed like hell...


Well-Known Member
you know you're a pothead when

you pick up a cactus and smell it.

after bragging to your self how stealthy you are all morning.


Well-Known Member
You have to read a thread four or five times because every single time you start reading it and your eyes keep reading it but your brain is thinking about cheeze nips. Or, you start to write a thead, and it ends up being 3 paragraphs and when you look back at it you realize that from a literary standpoint your post makes absolutely no sense you you just delete it and move on to the next thread.
Common occurrence for me.


Well-Known Member
you know you are a pot head when you enjoy the smell of a dead skunk in the road.
you know you are a pothead when you consider both noon and midnight "early"
you know your a pot head when the first time you smell a skunk you ask your buddys who has a massive field of dank around haha true story


Active Member
when it takes you 2 hours to realise your not gonna sleep unless you get out of bed and take a good few hits.....



puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, pa puff........pass:bigjoint: