bar fridge


Well-Known Member
Looks good so far man.. what type of soil are you using... and are those grown purley on cfls or are you stickin them in the sunlight


Well-Known Member
im useing pro mix and no they are just under cfls im in canada and its snowing here they would get killed


Well-Known Member
i heard that canada lets people smoke and grow.. that it is illeagle but the gov tolerates small grow operations... any truth to this? Right now we are pressuring obama into leagalizing marijuana.. hes said that he has no problem with legalizing marijuana but he is not going to put it on his agenda.. he also stated that he will stop the feds from busting ligitamate medical marijuana doctors and medical marijuana users :D hope this mo fo legalizes it even in a small scale

if not then im moving to f'ing canada man


Well-Known Member
ya we would just get a fine for upto an oz and small grows if you get caught with 500 plants or more then it a max 2 years in jail but thats it canada rocks


Well-Known Member
yah, bush is deff against marijuana... he is very undereducated on the subject ... Im hoping this "WAR ON MARIJUANA" will finally be put to rest when obama hits office :D


Well-Known Member
ya they say the only thing stoping canada now is the usa but i know its just the gov and not all the people
but we still have a better hockey team 7-4 canada


Well-Known Member
dude.. i just watched some news videos on youtube about the Canadian pot policy .. its like you are living in a mild amsterdamn...
