Can I flush with Molases?


Active Member
I used molasses ( 1 tablas per gal of water) the last time I watered. I am on day 45 of flowering. What should I do? Should I start flushing with plain water only and how much each time? Can I used the molasses mixed water until I CUT HER DOWN OR SHOULD i STOP AT A CERTAIN POINT. ANY ADVICE WILL HELP? THANKS

oh sorry for the caps


Well-Known Member
Interesting, i wanna know too. Although I heard the flowers dont need mollasses in late flowering, but I could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
Unless you want to smoke it, don't feed it to your plant during flush is my motto. That applies to chemicals, ferts, and molasses. So I stop with the molasses during the flush.


Well-Known Member
It depends on how im feeling weather i use molasses or not,when i do use molasses in a grow i feed the plants right up until their last watering,im not a proponent of flushing weed as i cant see any real scientific reason to do so,nor is there any proof posted anywhere on the internet that flushing is a needed pratice,most information regarding this pratice traces back to hydro fertilizer companies who just so happen to sell expensive products for flushing.

Ive done a few roughly handled experiments using flushed & non flushed plants with other smokers as the test subjects,i tried my best to make sure that the people smoking had no information that could bias their feedback comments,not one person could point out any differences between flushed & non flushed so i gave up flushing & filed it away as a wives tale.

Anyhow if your the type who wants to be better safe then sorry then stop using molasses,i cant taste any differences in buds grown with molasses but ive seen how the buds absorb the molasses & hold it within the bud after harvest.


Well-Known Member
It depends on how im feeling weather i use molasses or not,when i do use molasses in a grow i feed the plants right up until their last watering,im not a proponent of flushing weed as i cant see any real scientific reason to do so,nor is there any proof posted anywhere on the internet that flushing is a needed pratice,most information regarding this pratice traces back to hydro fertilizer companies who just so happen to sell expensive products for flushing.

Ive done a few roughly handled experiments using flushed & non flushed plants with other smokers as the test subjects,i tried my best to make sure that the people smoking had no information that could bias their feedback comments,not one person could point out any differences between flushed & non flushed so i gave up flushing & filed it away as a wives tale.

Anyhow if your the type who wants to be better safe then sorry then stop using molasses,i cant taste any differences in buds grown with molasses but ive seen how the buds absorb the molasses & hold it within the bud after harvest.

A side-by-side taste test with molasses would be very interesting.

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
Ive used Sucanat (during my flush period), which is grainy like normal sugar but Sucanat is non-refined so the molasses hasn't been removed from it. I used it during past grows (Im not growing for another 8 months) and it worked out great. It didnt hurt the smoke, it gave my Silver Haze a slight caramel flavor when smoked...mmmm. The reason I used it during flushing is the plant needs energy for the last 2 weeks to keep its "fruits" getting bigger.


Well-Known Member
The point behind flushing is to remove chemical nute salt build up from the soil allowing the plant to use up the stored nutes it has. Thus making the smoke smooth.

The main thing molasses is for is to feed the microherd in soil. Which you will only have if you are organic. There is no purpose for a Chemical soil grow with a Microherd. There would be no amendments in the soil so no reason to have a Microherd. Besides the salt build up kills microbilogy.

The second thing molasses is for is the Dissolved nutes and trace elements it contains.

Both these: Nutes and Trace Elements should already be taken care of and its not intended for you to be using molasses to give this to your plants.

The Sugars that molasses has would go to waste in a chemical grow because plants do not eat sugars...

And now you wanna mix Flushing ( mostly a chemical grow tecnique ) and Molasses ( an organic growing tecnique )

So what you would be doing is flushing your nute salts which build up from chemical fertilizers, with a dilluted nutrient sugar water......

What is this gonna do for the plant. Well flushing would not be as good as using just water that is obvious. Its the same as flushing with nutrient diluted water. And its sugary on top of that which does not help a chemical grower at all.

Is it gonna hurt the plant ? no.

Is it pointless ? yes

If you think you absolutely have to use molasses as a chemical grower (like if you get it for free) then use it before flush.


Well-Known Member
+rep Xare,

thanks to a similar reply of yours on another thread, I've stopped using molasses in my grow (chemical soil). It really is pointless, especially when flushing.

I hope to try it out once I go organic.

Thanks again Xare


Well-Known Member
Dont flush with molasses, just water, infact after experimenting with molases I have to agree with AL b. on this one it has no benefit to the plant at all, I wont go into explaining why as you can just search his thread on it here. but you can cause mold fungus ect.. with using molasses as well. gl if you want more info on the matter u can pm Ill fidn the thread or just search it!


Well-Known Member
I'm using plain water + Advanced Nutrients Sweat Leaf (contains molasses, cranberry extract, terpenoids, etc) to "flush" my plants for a few days. I grow hydro....used Botanicare Pureblend Pro (organic) during veg and flower.......I may decide to "flush" with just plain water 1 day before harvest as well. I'll let ya know how it goes.


Well-Known Member
molasses is best mixed with bat crap and water and left to stand for 24 hours, then the enzymes work.its been used by gardeners for years and is no new deal.