You know you're a pothead when:


Well-Known Member
When you drop the blunt on the floor of your car after just one hit and can't find it ever again. Man, that was the perfect blunt, too.


Well-Known Member
when you cant be fucked changing the channel, (all yu need is the remote)

i dont know about you guys but i tend to say "man" a lot more.

you also know your cooked when you got the munchies but go without because you cant be fucked making the simplest thing


New Member
I do the "you know" a whole lot more when I'm high like Caroline Kennedy :) [youtube]2YF_pN8pWvg[/youtube]
hahaha what a stumble bum.

you know you're a pothead when you dream about bongs coming in the mail

also, when you look online for glassblowers to send your broken bongs to, to have rebuilt.


Well-Known Member
When you look around the house for the keys for like, 30 minutes, only to find you left them in the front door.


Well-Known Member
when u forget the code to get into ur safe.... honestly ive had this safe for 2 yrs, same code, its electric plus key. i forgot the code 2-3 weeks the fuck do u forget the code to a safe u enter almost everyday?????

Purpz :leaf:


Well-Known Member
i was reading this thread earlier today and had to come back because of this:

when youve been looking for the remote for over a week only to realize its been sitting on the shelf right infront of you the whole time in plain view. it was even sticking off the edge. im in a dorm room so i could literally see it no matter where i am in my room.

ive been watching cartoons the entire time because i cant reach the 2 feet to change the channel.


Elite Rolling Society
I can hide my own Easter Eggs. I just can't find them all.

and sometimes I even forget to uh,,, uh....,nevermind.


Well-Known Member
When you can watch everything on the tv at once, by clicking through the cannels constantly

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
When you can fool yourself that you can actually slow down time.

When you can spend half an hour staring at a clock, wondering if it could house little green midgets.

When you need to be high in order to survive your parents visiting.


Well-Known Member
Your a pothead when everything you do while high has a creative vibe to it. Personally my mind becomes a flow of poetry and random questions of exsistence and being... in other words shit gets deep haha

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
you take your grandmothers little rascal scooter that she refuses to use to your house to use as your living room chair so you don't have to get up:)


Well-Known Member
you take your grandmothers little rascal scooter that she refuses to use to your house to use as your living room chair so you don't have to get up:)

Holy shit. You're on to something there..... Too bad my living room is 168 sq feet, and I have too much furniture as it is....