Third Grow: Skywalker, OG, and Powerskunk


Active Member
a joy to see your updates =)

your ladies are all looking beautiful, and uber setup too.

looking forward to the next one.

:clap: :clap: :clap:


Well-Known Member
Had a horrible night last night, the plants were alllll fucked up....the two biggest problems with running aero is that you better have low temps and you better control your PH really well.....otherwise your shit gets fucked it did to me! haha I was just doing normal clean up and stuff yesterday and I took one of the plants and lifted it out of the tubes to see the roots...well half of them were dried out to the point of snapping like a twig, and the other half had root rot starting to form.....FUCK. So I was tripping out trying to find out the problem and it ended up being that the sprayers got clogged from the nutrients and the only little amount of water that was able to get out was just sitting in the tube instead of flowing back into the rez, there just wasn't enough water coming out to make the water flow down the tube. Soooo......I took out every single plant and first washed off their roots in a big tub of water and put them in my old veg unit....which they BARElY fit into. I let them get sprayed with normal water and some root excelurator because it is supposed to eat away at harmful bacteria. After that I had to take the pvc sprayer tubes out of the plant tubs and scrub them down.....they had SO MUCH SHIT on them, and almost every sprayer was clogged and some with what looked like mold. After cleaning everything I ran regular water through the system to clean it some more. Then I brought in a new bin of 20 gallons of nutrient water with half the amount of ppms as I was running at the start of the week, I also wrapped the bin in the plastic paper stuff that is black on one side and white on the other to make sure no light ever gets into the rez anymore, I think that had to do with some of the rot problems. I then brought all the babies back into the flowering room one by one after washing them off in the sink first again to get off any remaining shit god damnit (it is now 3:45am....said fuck it and stayed up till 4:20...and blazed of course), then I said goodnight. I concluded that rot had grown due to the high ppms creating lower levels of DO in the water, high temps in the water and in the room, and direct light getting into the rez. I turned my air conditioner as low as it will go, 61 degrees, and I'm going to keep it like a fucking freezer from now on. I also put a towel over the rez to make sure no extra light gets in. So all in all, the only thing I can say is FUCK AEROPONICS...the way I started this all out that is, thinking it is easy and you can just let the system run. The thing is it needs constant care and attention in a million different ways. I bought a bunch of stuff to help with the problems. I plan on using RO water only now, have it sit in my extra 30gl rez in the closet to stay cool, then have it feed water to my rez whenever it gets low. I plan on getting an aquarium chiller, and I also will have the PH held constant as hell with my new PH controller. With these additions I shouldn't see any damn problems, and if I do I'm going to try something different.

I will post picks later tonight, but as of now I have no idea what to expect when I walk in there tonight....hopefully all is well, and if it isn't I'm going to kick myself in the face.


Active Member
sorry to hear your ladies are having problems, dont be dis-hearten...

I also find that if any light get into the rez, algie will start to grow (slimmy, green stuff ,can build up quite quickly), and will clogged up the sprayers. I found this out as I was re-cycling the nutes from my ladies and gave the old nutes to my chiili plant, and the tub that the chillies lives in are not lightproof.

I do a full change once a week, so it does not get too bad on the chiilies, the ladies's rez are lightproof, so no problems at all.

Hope all is well, and stop hurtin your:hump:self.


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear your ladies are having problems, dont be dis-hearten...

I also find that if any light get into the rez, algie will start to grow (slimmy, green stuff ,can build up quite quickly), and will clogged up the sprayers. I found this out as I was re-cycling the nutes from my ladies and gave the old nutes to my chiili plant, and the tub that the chillies lives in are not lightproof.

I do a full change once a week, so it does not get too bad on the chiilies, the ladies's rez are lightproof, so no problems at all.

Hope all is well, and stop hurtin your:hump:self.
I'm chill, I was just pointing out how much of a bitch everything was that I had to back hurts lol. I went to the hydro store to grab some stuff and ended up getting a free sample bottle of some helpful bacteria that is great for helping get rid of root rot. Everything seems to be going ok for now, but the lights are off so I will not know for sure till later. Thanks for you the extra info and advice PSKY, ttyl.


Well-Known Member
The plants are all that is a good news I guess. Only 2 of them look truely sick, the others only have some signs on the leaves and have slowed down growth wise a LOT over the past 5 days. Really sucks because I think this has been happening for the past few days and it caused the plants to also get defs of Zinc for the Ogs and Nitrogen for the skywalkers. :wall: This is my FIRST time growing aeroponics, and then on top of that my first time with this system too even if I had grown in aero before. It seems this system has a lot of problems that can occur if you don't fullproof everything. I'm going to be changing all of the plumbing to something like what Earl has in his aeroponic space shuttle grow. The sprayers are going to be connected to hoses from the outside, making it so I can pull them out at anytime to clean them, unlike the pvc pipes....Aside from this system having some bugs I have to we:leaf:ed out aeroponics all together is all or nothing and I would never suggest it to anyone not prepared to spend $1000+ for an actually FULLPROOF system. Since I think it will be worth it in the end I am getting my pieces together bit by bit. At this point I don't think aero should be done with anything but RO water because it comes with close to no ppms and already has a lowered ph . Next there is no way you can run an aero system unless you live in a cold place OR have an aquarium chiller, and for the most part you will have to get one for the summer no matter where you live anyways. Next you should almost definitely get a PH controller for later on when the plants are big because they will cause the PH to rise in your rez so damn fast that you would have to be in there 5 times a I am right now cause I'm still waiting on my ph make sure it is ALWAYS at 5.6-5.8ph, otherwise you are going to start to get nutrients getting locked out when the ph goes anywhere above 6.8.

Tomorow I am going to do more work towards keeping light out and keeping cold in, I will try and take some pics tomorow.


Active Member
Damios, looks like you have a lot of work in your hands, keep up the good work, cant wait till your next update!

what you said is spot on! Lucky I live in a cold place, and in the summer, I still have to keep adding icepack or frozon bottles of water to the rez, to keep it chilled.

Aero is definately high maintenance untill you got all the bits, but once you got all the bits, for the fact that aero is suppose to allow yield higher than hydro and growing in soil, it all worth the time and effort.

I dont think there is a happy medium, unless you are really lucky and live in an place where all the factors are optimal. otherwise, if you live in a hot place, need to spend ,spend and spend, to keep the ladies and the rez cool, and like me living in a cold place, have spend spend spend to keep them warm :cuss::cuss:

Hope the two sick ladies get well soon :weed:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the link to your journal.

I would like to see some pictures of your grow.

I love my chiller.

Check out the $35 hillbilly chiller
I am using on the space shuttle.


New Member
The only genetics i'm working with right now is SFV OG... LA Confidential, and Sour Diesel... I know where two of the three came from but still wish I had a danged skywalker. Skywalker flowers are worth money out here, I may end up needing to purchase some seeds... Too bad you're not a patient in CA...
Dutch Passion sells skywalker-its easy to order-Yield is high-Have grown OG a few times as well-average to below average yield.


Well-Known Member
Dutch Passion sells skywalker-its easy to order-Yield is high-Have grown OG a few times as well-average to below average yield.
Ok first off....this thread is like a month old and has been dead for a while. shit Dutch Passion sells skywalker....they are the only ones who do because it is their strain.

Third...the yield for skywalker is not high at all, unless grown outside.

Lastly, Og has a way better yield than skywalker does....I'm currently growing both and the only way that the skywalker even gets close to yield as much as the Og is because I trimmed/topped them so that they have 7 to 8 tops each.


New Member
Ok first off....this thread is like a month old and has been dead for a while. shit Dutch Passion sells skywalker....they are the only ones who do because it is their strain.

Third...the yield for skywalker is not high at all, unless grown outside.

Lastly, Og has a way better yield than skywalker does....I'm currently growing both and the only way that the skywalker even gets close to yield as much as the Og is because I trimmed/topped them so that they have 7 to 8 tops each.
hmm-well its obvious your an amateur.First-so what if a threads old, if you reply to somebodys thread itll show up on their page and they can view new posts no matter how old the thread is. Second-look at the quoted post from Growtech-hes saying he wants to acquire Skywalker so I was trying to let him know where they sell seeds in case he didnt happen to know-Third-ANY experienced grower with OG knows that the yield is average to below average(but the bud is excellent)-Skywalker has the yielding genetics of blueberry(slightly above average) and Mazar-(good yielder.) Lastly-that "trimmed/topped" method is called FIM bro-If you were a legit grower you would already know this.Keep at it bro, youll learn as you go along.


Well-Known Member
hmm-well its obvious your an amateur.First-so what if a threads old, if you reply to somebodys thread itll show up on their page and they can view new posts no matter how old the thread is. Second-look at the quoted post from Growtech-hes saying he wants to acquire Skywalker so I was trying to let him know where they sell seeds in case he didnt happen to know-Third-ANY experienced grower with OG knows that the yield is average to below average(but the bud is excellent)-Skywalker has the yielding genetics of blueberry(slightly above average) and Mazar-(good yielder.) Lastly-that "trimmed/topped" method is called FIM bro-If you were a legit grower you would already know this.Keep at it bro, youll learn as you go along.

I'm not going to argue with you....nor am I going to label you. I know my shit. I know what FIM is and no that isn't what I did. FIM is trimming 70-80% of the top. I topped them completely and trimmed them in a way that 8 branches are even height so therefor the plant has relatively 8 tops. I don't know about you but the Og I have is a fucking beast. The nodes don't get any further than an inch apart no matter what creating some pretty big nugs and very nice yield compared to past Og strains I have worked with, which yes didn't yield much....but not the one I have now. Also, when I said that the Og yields more I meant compared to plant size, if you have an Og the same size or so as the skywalker, the Og will probably yield more, although skywalker plants grow relatively fast and large for an indica and usually out grow the Og if they have the same amount of veg time. So with that in mind you just veg the Og a bit longer than the skywalker...I know the fucking genetics of skywalker....I can when I bought the seeds from dutch passion (the only people who sell them) I could see all that shit about their effort to make blueberry yield doesn't matter skywalker still doesn't yield that much. The club I go to(Peace in Medicine, which is sponsered by NORML and has very educated people who work there) also has someone who grows it and we have had conversations over how it doesn't yield much more than a normal blueberry plant does, it just grows faster and a bit larger than blueberry normally would, hence why growing it outside would be the best way to get the maximum out of the strain. Anything else....?


New Member
I'm not going to argue with you....nor am I going to label you. I know my shit. I know what FIM is and no that isn't what I did. FIM is trimming 70-80% of the top. I topped them completely and trimmed them in a way that 8 branches are even height so therefor the plant has relatively 8 tops. I don't know about you but the Og I have is a fucking beast. The nodes don't get any further than an inch apart no matter what creating some pretty big nugs and very nice yield compared to past Og strains I have worked with, which yes didn't yield much....but not the one I have now. Also, when I said that the Og yields more I meant compared to plant size, if you have an Og the same size or so as the skywalker, the Og will probably yield more, although skywalker plants grow relatively fast and large for an indica and usually out grow the Og if they have the same amount of veg time. So with that in mind you just veg the Og a bit longer than the skywalker...I know the fucking genetics of skywalker....I can when I bought the seeds from dutch passion (the only people who sell them) I could see all that shit about their effort to make blueberry yield doesn't matter skywalker still doesn't yield that much. The club I go to(Peace in Medicine, which is sponsered by NORML and has very educated people who work there) also has someone who grows it and we have had conversations over how it doesn't yield much more than a normal blueberry plant does, it just grows faster and a bit larger than blueberry normally would, hence why growing it outside would be the best way to get the maximum out of the strain. Anything else....?
anything else?yes-glad you asked-True OG is San Fernando OG, which is...wait for it...CLONE ONLY-there are no other phenotypes-the clones your getting are the same clones everyone else is getting-from the same mother from years ago that has been passed down.Unless its crossed with a different strain that has a higher yield(which would explain your supposed higher yield but thus rendering your plant, NOT OG)What do you mean "from past OG strains that Ive worked with?"Theres one fkn strain bro-unless its a hybrid


Well-Known Member
anything else?yes-glad you asked-True OG is San Fernando OG, which is...wait for it...CLONE ONLY-there are no other phenotypes-the clones your getting are the same clones everyone else is getting-from the same mother from years ago that has been passed down.Unless its crossed with a different strain that has a higher yield(which would explain your supposed higher yield but thus rendering your plant, NOT OG)What do you mean "from past OG strains that Ive worked with?"Theres one fkn strain bro-unless its a hybrid
Ok first off sorry, I meant to say past Og phenotypes I have worked with, not strains, wrong word. But obviously you don't understand the meaning of Phenotype....Phenotype is the strain's genetics x environment = phenotype. That means EVERYTIME a person grows Og in a different enviroment (unless every person that has ever grown Og has used the same grown room...I think not) it comes out as a new phenotype. Some people clone their phenotypes then sell them to clubs and usually it was a worse clone than the original one they had started with. Because of this there are a shitload of different phenos out there of Og, and most of them are shitty. The old phenotype I grew was from a club in the valled called TLMD (the biggest club in the valley) and it came out not yielding much at all, which is probably something you are used to working with. The Og that I have now however is a phenotype given to me from a friend that HAS been grown in the same grow room (evironment) for the past 12 years in the relatively the same way everytime so that the phenotype doesn't change. I have done my best to keep it the same as well. It is a rediculous phenotype with extremely strong characteristics(very close nodes and a completely better yield than the bullshit I got from the valley). Also, I said that I veg it a bit longer than the skywalker and in the end it yields more on average. And what happened to your arguement about what you knew about you not have anything to say about that anymore..? And what you originally said about blueberry was wrong too...blueberry is anything but slightly above has a below average yield if anything.

I mean jesus christ man, are you just looking for bullshit to try type to make a deal out of nothing? chill out.


New Member
Bro, there IS no other phenotypes associated with OG-it came from ONE mother-clones that were cloned from clones passed down-your dealing with hybrids-which is not OG.Fuck wheres Chemdawg when you need him?


New Member
Chemdawg is famous for that ORIGINAL mother plant-a single plant-the reason that its clone only and the bud is always the same dense bud with that unique OG smell is because all these plants came from one plant.6 or 7 OG phenotypes??!!


New Member
Bro Im going to say this as politely as possible because I think its pointless to talk shit on a forum-Your a fkn amateur, which is cool, but dont start being a dick and people wont be a dick started talking shit after I tried to help a dude out on where to find Skywalker(see the first post I wrote to Grwtech),but its blowing up in your face because your showing more incompetence with each reply,exposing your lack of knowledge.First off-I just noticed that in your original post on this thread that your claiming Skywalker yields more than OG!!(which im assuming your going to edit after reading this lol) which puts you in contradiction with yourself.Second, you have no fkn clue what a phenotype is.A phenotype is a plant variation in a particular strain which affects things like yield, appearance, trichome production etc.Just another newb with an attitude.


New Member
Ok first off sorry, I meant to say past Og phenotypes I have worked with, not strains, wrong word. But obviously you don't understand the meaning of Phenotype....Phenotype is the strain's genetics x environment = phenotype. That means EVERYTIME a person grows Og in a different enviroment (unless every person that has ever grown Og has used the same grown room...I think not) it comes out as a new phenotype. Some people clone their phenotypes then sell them to clubs and usually it was a worse clone than the original one they had started with. Because of this there are a shitload of different phenos out there of Og, and most of them are shitty. The old phenotype I grew was from a club in the valled called TLMD (the biggest club in the valley) and it came out not yielding much at all, which is probably something you are used to working with. The Og that I have now however is a phenotype given to me from a friend that HAS been grown in the same grow room (evironment) for the past 12 years in the relatively the same way everytime so that the phenotype doesn't change. I have done my best to keep it the same as well. It is a rediculous phenotype with extremely strong characteristics(very close nodes and a completely better yield than the bullshit I got from the valley). Also, I said that I veg it a bit longer than the skywalker and in the end it yields more on average. And what happened to your arguement about what you knew about you not have anything to say about that anymore..? And what you originally said about blueberry was wrong too...blueberry is anything but slightly above has a below average yield if anything.

I mean jesus christ man, are you just looking for bullshit to try type to make a deal out of nothing? chill out.
?!!!?! LOL- check out the pheno description


Well-Known Member
Oh Snap!!Brotha you got served!!
omg did you really reply to this thread with two different accounts.....

And in the beginning of this thread was the first time I have ever worked with skywalker so I expected it to yield more than the ended up not, so this is what I am saying now.


New Member
Ah there you are bro-you dissappeared-first of all i dont even know who this dudes referring to-if he has as much knowledge as you hes prob on your side lol