When can you tell clones are gonna survive?


Active Member
I cloned my plant only two days ago, and the cuttings look fine, they maybe even grew a lil bit:P When can I tell for sure, that they are goin go survive no matter what:P


Well-Known Member
When you figure out how to breed immortal plants, please let me know :) j/k. usually once you see roots showing, they're good to go.


Well-Known Member
yea normally they will be wilty for a few days than look great but if thers no roots yet it could still die but chances are it will pull through dnt throug away any extras till you got new growth cause i lost one of the best strains ive grown due to over confidance thinking oh yea these are fine i'll just keep the one i need for a new mother and thats where i screwed up a few days later death came and now the original mother is 42 days flowering and i dnt think i care enough to clone and reveg and all that crap besides she was a light yeilder,,, amazing smoke though i got here sister still same strain but heavier yeild a lil less stoney but heavier yeild

yea and death came by way of cat ripping it out of its medium and tossing it aside for a cold lonley walk to dead town


Well-Known Member
could do,but if you keep them warm,humid,and the soil/rockwool damp but not sodden you will be fine.keep an eye out for new leaf growth then you know every thing is fine.if in rockwool or some other medium that you can keep an eye on your root growth like an e-z cloner soon as roots apear or start popping out of your rockwool cube then there up and running


Well-Known Member
They'll turn all yellow and wilty, but but get discouraged! Only a day or two after they look like they're gonna die, they'll turn green again and perk up and grow nicely.


Active Member
Day 3 and they still keep me in suspense:neutral: No sign of neither life nor death, but their hangin' in there I guess, and I do with them lol

When should I put them right under lights???


Well-Known Member
Day 3 and they still keep me in suspense:neutral: No sign of neither life nor death, but their hangin' in there I guess, and I do with them lol

When should I put them right under lights???
i just leave mine under a dim florescent until they root....usually get em to root in 7-10 days


Active Member
umm I dont use hitting pad, and now I think maybe I should... Rockwool cubes, when I touch them, feel kinda cold...


Well-Known Member
umm I dont use hitting pad, and now I think maybe I should... Rockwool cubes, when I touch them, feel kinda cold...
The heating pad makes all the difference. . . . You definitely will get much slower rooting without it. Two weeks from cutting would be not unusual.:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Active Member
The heating pad makes all the difference. . . . You definitely will get much slower rooting without it. Two weeks from cutting would be not unusual.:leaf::leaf::leaf:
if you just put rooting powder on the trimming and put it straight in soil how do you know when/if its rooted enough to put under light? Any suggestions on a better way to start the rooting?


Well-Known Member
You can start in plugs or rockwool first. You can also just start in the dirt and watch for signs of new foliar growth.


Active Member
ok my cuttings after 10 days are starting to turn yellow... Is there a chance they're gonna survive?

PS somebody said i can take as many cuttings of the mother plant as want, and they will grow back up... but where? They don't grow where I cut them! Did i do something wrong?

PS 2 Some of the lower leafs on the plant are starting to turn yellow too WHAT TO DO



New Member
I use dip-n-grow alcohol based hormone..and a seed germinator with a dome...it takes about 3-4 weeks unless you put a heating pad under it then about 2 weeks. ...99% success rate

My friend has a clone machine and he gets roots in 7 days and puts them in dirt after 12 days....you can build them yourself for about $40


