• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Why we should Impeach?


Well-Known Member
The only way to get depleted uranium genius is trying to build a nuclear bomb. Which is classified as a weapon of mass destruction by not only the US, but the United Nations, England, France, Germany, Russia, Japan, China, Pakistan, India, Israel and Egypt........................................................................................ Lets see, you called me an idiot for the above words. The depleted uranium weapons were used by our own forces, the USA, therefore the exposure of our own forces as well as all the Iraqis that had contact with it. There were noted examples of raised cancer rates from Gulf 1 from these types of munitions used in that war, a marked rise in cancer of children from exposure to these horrible weapons, so I guess it's OK for the USA to use these Eh? I'm beginning to think you should go to my asshole post and watch that a few times. these are your guys I presume, asshole! BTW since I can see you are pretty stupid, I'll give you this info: It takes a member of the House of Representatives to take a president to court by iniciating Impeachment proceedings, belive me if I could, all those assholes would be in Jail.

Funny my above statement not once calls you an idiot. But then again getting defensive is something that someone would do when faced with facts that don't support your ranting.
Also, the US only has two weapons that are made from depleted uranium. One is the .50 cal sniper rifle shells and the other is what they call bunker busters. And since they haven't been letting kids play with them how could kids be getting cancer from them. I know several soldiers that have used the .50 cal and handled the shells, also know several that have been around the bunker busters they put on planes. And what do you know, not one have cancer. See there is a reason it's called depleted uranium, because after so many years the duterium in the heavy water breaks down. At that time its no longer harmful because it is inert. Now resorting to name calling is a little immature don't you think. I never said impeachment. I said if you have physical evidence they commited a crime, then present it to a federal court.
Any and all evidence of a crime, is handled in the court system. And even presidents can face criminal charges. President Clinton almost faced them when the Attorney General brought in outside counsel to investigate him in the land deal back in Arkansas. And for your information, it takes 2/3's of the House of Representatives to even start impeachment on a sitting President.
Seems like if you went to college you should have paid attention in some Politcal Science classes.


Well-Known Member
The ONLY reason the illegitimate bush regime has not been charged ..... and that is because we have a corrupt corporate own congress .... if they had upheld their oath .... these criminals would have been charged back in 2001 .... to say no crimes have been committed shows your ignorance especially that part about the DU .... wow .... now that was really lame.


Well-Known Member
The ONLY reason the illegitimate bush regime has not been charged ..... and that is because we have a corrupt corporate own congress .... if they had upheld their oath .... these criminals would have been charged back in 2001 .... to say no crimes have been committed shows your ignorance especially that part about the DU .... wow .... now that was really lame.
I agree that Congress is corporate owned. So maybe we have some common ground? We can be friends. Do you know of any daisy fields we can prance through?


Just some idiot
Some people like war for some reason. Some people like to avoid the actual realities of this country. What the hell did Iraq have to do with the terrorists. What the hell have we done about terrorism, if I hear one more time that there hasn't been an attack since 9/11. Guess what there were no attacks up until 9/11. THEY LIED TO START A WAR, it makes the US and it's citizens look bad. THE WHOLE SYSTEM IS CORRUPT THEY ALL LIE. We lost this country before I was even born. It's ashame but we are not as free as we should be, there was no way to stop these politicians unless we stand up for ourselves and make them accountable for their decisions....i.e. they need to be punished, otherwise we can look forward to more in the future.


Well-Known Member
The ONLY reason the illegitimate bush regime has not been charged ..... and that is because we have a corrupt corporate own congress .... if they had upheld their oath .... these criminals would have been charged back in 2001 .... to say no crimes have been committed shows your ignorance especially that part about the DU .... wow .... now that was really lame.

Wow growrebel I have showed you the constitutional requirements to be president and that Bush had met them in 2001. And you still want to rave about ludacris things you couldn't understand if Thomas Jefferson explained the process to you. Also, like I said before if you have any physical evidence that President Bush etc., have committed crimes you can take it to a federal courthouse and speak to a federal prosecutor about it. Now you have shown your complete ignorance and lack of any type of education in this rant of yours. Now what evidence do you have of depleted uranium being used on US soldiers? Whats that, none you say, didn't think so. So I'll do something from usenet... Plonk! the ignorant!!!


New Member
Wow growrebel I have showed you the constitutional requirements to be president and that Bush had met them in 2001. And you still want to rave about ludacris things you couldn't understand if Thomas Jefferson explained the process to you. Also, like I said before if you have any physical evidence that President Bush etc., have committed crimes you can take it to a federal courthouse and speak to a federal prosecutor about it. Now you have shown your complete ignorance and lack of any type of education in this rant of yours. Now what evidence do you have of depleted uranium being used on US soldiers? Whats that, none you say, didn't think so. So I'll do something from usenet... Plonk! the ignorant!!!
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Published on Sunday, March 30, 2003 by The Sunday Herald (Scotland) [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]US Forces' Use of Depleted Uranium Weapons is 'Illegal' [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]by Neil Mackay[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]BRITISH and American coalition forces are using depleted uranium (DU) shells in the war against Iraq and deliberately flouting a United Nations resolution which classifies the munitions as illegal weapons of mass destruction. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Background on Depleted Uranium Ammunition[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]For much more check out:[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Discounted Casualties - The Human Cost of Depleted Uranium provided by the Hiroshima, Japan newspaper - The Chugoku Shimbun.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Also the Federation of American Scientists has a Depleted Uranium Ammunition page. And the Military Toxics Project has a campaign against depleted uranium weapons.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif](left) US Armor Piercing Incendiary [Depleted Uranium] 30mm Ammunition [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Also See:[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]US Wins Defeat of Depleted Uranium Study[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Reuters 11/30/2001[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Iraqi Cancers, Birth Defects Blamed on U.S. Depleted Uranium [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Seattle Post-Intelligencer 11/12/2002[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Iraq Links Cancers to Uranium Weapons; U.S. Likely to Use Arms Again in War[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]San Francisco Chronicle 1/13/2003 [/FONT]
DU contaminates land, causes ill-health and cancers among the soldiers using the weapons, the armies they target and civilians, leading to birth defects in children.
Professor Doug Rokke, ex-director of the Pentagon's depleted uranium project -- a former professor of environmental science at Jacksonville University and onetime US army colonel who was tasked by the US department of defense with the post-first Gulf war depleted uranium desert clean-up -- said use of DU was a 'war crime'.
Rokke said: 'There is a moral point to be made here. This war was about Iraq possessing illegal weapons of mass destruction -- yet we are using weapons of mass destruction ourselves.' He added: 'Such double-standards are repellent.'
The latest use of DU in the current conflict came on Friday when an American A10 tankbuster plane fired a DU shell, killing one British soldier and injuring three others in a 'friendly fire' incident.
According to a August 2002 report by the UN subcommission, laws which are breached by the use of DU shells include: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the Charter of the United Nations; the Genocide Convention; the Convention Against Torture; the four Geneva Conventions of 1949; the Conventional Weapons Convention of 1980; and the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907, which expressly forbid employing 'poison or poisoned weapons' and 'arms, projectiles or materials calculated to cause unnecessary suffering'. All of these laws are designed to spare civilians from unwarranted suffering in armed conflicts.
DU has been blamed for the effects of Gulf war syndrome -- typified by chronic muscle and joint pain, fatigue and memory loss -- among 200,000 US soldiers after the 1991 conflict.
It is also cited as the most likely cause of the 'increased number of birth deformities and cancer in Iraq' following the first Gulf war.
'Cancer appears to have increased between seven and 10 times and deformities between four and six times,' according to the UN subcommission.
The Pentagon has admitted that 320 metric tons of DU were left on the battlefield after the first Gulf war, although Russian military experts say 1000 metric tons is a more accurate figure.
In 1991, the Allies fired 944,000 DU rounds or some 2700 tons of DU tipped bombs. A UK Atomic Energy Authority report said that some 500,000 people would die before the end of this century, due to radioactive debris left in the desert.
The use of DU has also led to birth defects in the children of Allied veterans and is believed to be the cause of the 'worrying number of anophthalmos cases -- babies born without eyes' in Iraq. Only one in 50 million births should be anophthalmic, yet one Baghdad hospital had eight cases in just two years. Seven of the fathers had been exposed to American DU anti-tank rounds in 1991. There have also been cases of Iraqi babies born without the crowns of their skulls, a deformity also linked to DU shelling.
A study of Gulf war veterans showed that 67% had children with severe illnesses, missing eyes, blood infections, respiratory problems and fused fingers.
Rokke told the Sunday Herald: 'A nation's military personnel cannot wilfully contaminate any other nation, cause harm to persons and the environment and then ignore the consequences of their actions.
'To do so is a crime against humanity.
'We must do what is right for the citizens of the world -- ban DU.'
He called on the US and UK to 'recognize the immoral consequences of their actions and assume responsibility for medical care and thorough environmental remediation'.
He added: 'We can't just use munitions which leave a toxic wasteland behind them and kill indiscriminately.
'It is equivalent to a war crime.' Rokke said that coalition troops were currently fighting in the Gulf without adequate respiratory protection against DU contamination. The Sunday Herald has previously revealed how the Ministry of Defense had test-fired some 6350 DU rounds into the Solway Firth over more than a decade, from 1989 to 1999


New Member
How much proof do you need, Do you need to go to Iraq and talk to the cancer victims? Are you brain damaged! British and American coalition forces are using depleted uranium (DU) shells in the war against Iraq and deliberately flouting a UN resolution which classifies the munitions as illegal weapons of mass destruction.

Nobel Peace Prize candidate, Helen Caldicott, states that the tiny radioactive particles created when a DU weapon hits a target are easily inhaled through gas masks. The particles, which lodge in the lung, can be transferred to the kidney and other vital organs. Gulf War veterans are excreting uranium in their urine and semen, leading to chromosomal damage. DU has a half-life of 4.1 billion years. The negative effects found in one generation of US veterans could be the fate of all future generations of Iraqi people.

An August 2002 UN report states that the use of the DU weapons is in violation of numerous laws and UN conventions. Doug Rokke, ex-director of the Pentagons DU project says "We must do what is right for the citizens of the world- ban DU." Reportedly, more than 9600 Gulf War veterans have died since serving in Iraq during the first gulf war, a statistical anomaly. The Pentagon has blamed the extraordinary number of illnesses and deaths on a variety of factors, including stress, pesticides, vaccines and oil-well fire smoke. However, according to top-level U.S. Army reports and military contractors, "short-term effects of high doses (of DU) can result in death, while long-term effects of low doses have been implicated in cancer." Our own soldiers in the first Gulf War were often required to enter radioactive battlefields unprotected and were never warned of the dangers of DU. In effect, George Bush Sr. used weapons of mass destruction on his own soldiers. The internal cover-up of the dangers of DU has been intentional and widespread.

In addition to Doug Rocke, the Pentagon's original expert on DU, ex-army nurse Carol Picou has been outspoken about the negative effects of DU on herself and other veterans. She has compiled extensive documentation on the birth defects found among the Iraqi people and the children of our own Gulf War veterans. She was threatened in anonymous phone calls on the eve of her testimony to congress. Subsequently, her car, which contained sensitive information on DU, was mysteriously destroyed.


Just as "Toxic Troops: What Our Soldiers Can Expect in Gulf War II" hit the newsstands, the U.S. military was dropping a fresh batch of depleted-uranium tipped shells on Iraq. The story couldn't have been timelier; yet the mainstream media blatantly ignored Hustler's coverage of the hazards of depleted uranium (DU) and largely failed to report any DU-related stories.

Rather than being ashamed that a porn magazine was more willing than they were to publish the truth, major media outlets kidded themselves into believing that the story didn't need to be covered, claiming it was "old news." While it's true that there has been some limited coverage of DU ever since the first Gulf War, the average American has not heard of depleted uranium. Those who have most likely saw reports focusing on DU's awesome armor-piercing abilities, not its harmful long-term effects on people and the environment.

Had the mainstream media informed Americans about the hazards to the military men and women caused by our own government, U.S. citizens might not have been so gung-ho to again send our troops to Iraq. Instead, TV pundits constantly told the American people that we attacked the Iraqi people in order to "liberate" them. Thanks to U.S. efforts, the Iraqi population is now free to live in a radioactive battlefield.

As with the first Gulf War, there were relatively few immediate American casualties. But with each passing year, more and more Gulf War veterans are sick and dying, very possibly due to exposure to depleted uranium. The latest Persian Gulf conflict was basically a low-level nuclear war, and our new recruits are destined to suffer DU-related illnesses and fatalities.

While there has been grass-roots activism against the use of depleted uranium, the American military has ignored the concerns and have even discounted their own report, completed six months prior to the first Gulf War, that concluded that DU was indeed dangerous. At least this time around, more soldiers seem to be aware of the possible hazards of DU and are taking precautions to avoid exposure. Some are even placing signs in Arabic to warn Iraqi children not to play with radioactive shells or on contaminated tanks. After the war, the British government, which also used DU weapons, asserted that it should help clean up the radioactive mess that it created. If the American media did its job exposing the truth, perhaps the U.S. government, which was responsible for most of the damage, would be shamed into sharing England's concerns.

International Action Center
International Action Center homepage


New Member
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]The War Against Ourselves[/FONT]​
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]An Interview with Major Doug Rokke[/FONT]
Doug Rokke has a PhD in health physics and was originally trained as a forensic scientist. When the Gulf War started, he was assigned to prepare soldiers to respond to nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare, and sent to the Gulf. What he experienced has made him a passionate voice for peace, traveling the country to speak out. The following interview was conducted by the director of the Traprock Peace Center, Sunny Miller, supplemented with questions from YES! editors.
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]QUESTION: Any viewer who saw the war on television had the impression this was an easy war, fought from a distance and soldiers coming back relatively unharmed. Is this an accurate picture?[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]ROKKE: At the completion of the Gulf War, when we came back to the United States in the fall of 1991, we had a total casualty count of 760: 294 dead, a little over 400 wounded or ill. But the casualty rate now for Gulf War veterans is approximately 30 percent. Of those stationed in the theater, including after the conflict, 221,000 have been awarded disability, according to a Veterans Affairs (VA) report issued September 10, 2002.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Many of the US casualties died as a direct result of uranium munitions friendly fire. US forces killed and wounded US forces.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]We recommended care for anybody downwind of any uranium dust, anybody working in and around uranium contamination, and anyone within a vehicle, structure, or building that’s struck with uranium munitions. That’s thousands upon thousands of individuals, but not only US troops. You should provide medical care not only for the enemy soldiers but for the Iraqi women and children affected, and clean up all of the contamination in Iraq.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]And it’s not just children in Iraq. It’s children born to soldiers after they came back home. The military admitted that they were finding uranium excreted in the semen of the soldiers. If you’ve got uranium in the semen, the genetics are messed up. So when the children were conceived—the alpha particles cause such tremendous cell damage and genetics damage that everything goes bad. Studies have found that male soldiers who served in the Gulf War were almost twice as likely to have a child with a birth defect and female soldiers almost three times as likely.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Q: You have been a military man for over 35 years. You served in Vietnam as a bombardier and you are still in the US Army Reserves. Now you’re going around the country speaking about the dangers of depleted uranium (DU). What made you decide you had to speak publicly about DU?[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]ROKKE: Everybody on my team was getting sick. My best friend John Sitton was dying. The military refused him medical care, and he died. John set up the medical evacuation communication system for the entire theater. Then he got contaminated doing the work.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]John and Rolla Dolph and I were best friends in the civilian world, the military world, forever. Rolla got sick. I personally got the order that sent him to war. We were both activated together. I was given the assignment to teach nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare and make sure soldiers came back alive and safe. I take it seriously. I was sent to the Gulf with this instruction: Bring ‘em back alive. Clear as could be. But when I got all the training together, all the environmental cleanup procedures together, all the medical directives, nothing happened.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]More than 100 American soldiers were exposed to DU in friendly fire accidents, plus untold numbers of soldiers who climbed on and entered tanks that had been hit with DU, taking photos and gathering souvenirs to take home. They didn’t know about the hazards.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]DU is an extremely effective weapon. Each tank round is 10 pounds of solid uranium-238 contaminated with plutonium, neptunium, americium. It is pyrophoric, generating intense heat on impact, penetrating a tank because of the heavy weight of its metal. When uranium munitions hit, it’s like a firestorm inside any vehicle or structure, and so we saw tremendous burns, tremendous injuries. It was devastating.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]The US military decided to blow up Saddam’s chemical, biological, and radiological stockpiles in place, which released the contamination back on the US troops and on everybody in the whole region. The chemical agent detectors and radiological monitors were going off all over the place. We had all of the various nerve agents. We think there were biological agents, and there were destroyed nuclear reactor facilities. It was a toxic wasteland. And we had DU added to this whole mess.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]When we first got assigned to clean up the DU and arrived in northern Saudi Arabia, we started getting sick within 72 hours. Respiratory problems, rashes, bleeding, open sores started almost immediately.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]When you have a mass dose of radioactive particulates and you start breathing that in, the deposit sits in the back of the pharynx, where the cancer started initially on the first guy. It doesn’t take a lot of time. I had a father and son working with me. The father is already dead from lung cancer, and the sick son is still denied medical care.[/FONT]​


New Member
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Q: Did you suspect what was happening?[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]ROKKE: We didn’t know anything about DU when the Gulf War started. As a warrior, you’re listening to your leaders, and they’re saying there are no health effects from the DU. But, as we started to study this, to go back to what we learned in physics and our engineering—I was a professor of environmental science and engineering—you learn rapidly that what they’re telling you doesn’t agree with what you know and observe.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]In June of 1991, when I got back to the States, I was sick. Respiratory problems and the rashes and neurological things were starting to show up.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Q: Why didn’t you go to the VA with a medical complaint?[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]ROKKE: Because I was still in the Army, and I was told I couldn’t file. You have to have the information that connects your exposure to your service before you go to the VA. The VA obviously wasn’t going to take care of me, so I went to my private physician. We had no idea what it was, but so many good people were coming back sick.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]They didn’t do tests on me or my team members. According to the Department of Defense’s own guidelines put out in 1992, any excretion level in the urine above 15 micrograms of uranium per day should result in immediate medical testing, and when you get up to 250 micrograms of total uranium excreted per day, you’re supposed to be under continuous medical care.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Finally the US Department of Energy performed a radiobioassay on me in November 1994, while I was director of the Depleted Uranium Project for the Department of Defense. My excretion rate was approximately 1500 micrograms per day. My level was 5 to 6 times beyond the level that requires continuous medical care.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]But they didn’t tell me for two and a half years.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Q: What are the symptoms of exposure to DU?[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]ROKKE: Fibromyalgia. Eye cataracts from the radiation. When uranium impacts any type of vehicle or structure, uranium oxide dust and pieces of uranium explode all over the place. This can be breathed in or go into a wound. Once it gets in the body, a portion of this stuff is soluble, which means it goes into the blood stream and all of your organs. The insoluble fraction stays—in the lungs, for example. The radiation damage and the particulates destroy the lungs.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Q: What kind of training have the troops had, who are getting called up right now—the ones being shipped to the vicinity of what may be the next Gulf War?[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]ROKKE: As the director of the Depleted Uranium Project, I developed a 40-hour block of training. All that curriculum has been shelved. They turned what I wrote into a 20-minute program that’s full of distortions. It doesn’t deal with the reality of uranium munitions.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]The equipment is defective. The General Accounting Office verified that the gas masks leak, the chemical protective suits leak. Unbelievably, Defense Department officials recently said the defects can be fixed with duct tape.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Q: If my neighbors are being sent off to combat with equipment and training that is inadequate, and into battle with a toxic weapon, DU, who can speak up?[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]ROKKE: Every husband and wife, son and daughter, grandparent, aunt and uncle, needs to call their congressmen and cite these official government reports and force the military to ensure that our troops have adequate equipment and adequate training. If we don’t take care of our American veterans after a war, as happened with the Gulf War, and now we’re about ready to send them into a war again—we can’t do it. We can’t do it. It’s a crime against God. It’s a crime against humanity to use uranium munitions in a war, and it’s devastating to ignore the consequences of war.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]These consequences last for eternity. The half life of uranium 238 is 4.5 billion years. And we left over 320 tons all over the place in Iraq.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]We also bombarded Vieques, Puerto Rico, with DU in preparation for the war in Kosovo. That’s affecting American citizens on American territory. When I tried to activate our team from the Department of Defense responsible for radiological safety and DU cleanup in Vieques, I was told no. When I tried to activate medical care, I was told no.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]The US Army made me their expert. I went into the project with the total intent to ensure they could use uranium munitions in war, because I’m a warrior. What I saw as director of the project, doing the research and working with my own medical conditions and everybody else’s, led me to one conclusion: uranium munitions must be banned from the planet, for eternity, and medical care must be provided for everyone, not just the US or the Canadians or the British or the Germans or the French but for the American citizens of Vieques, for the residents of Iraq, of Okinawa, of Scotland, of Indiana, of Maryland, and now Afghanistan and Kosovo.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Q: If your information got out widely, do you think there’s a possibility that the families of those soldiers would beg them to refuse?[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]ROKKE: If you’re going to be sent into a toxic wasteland, and you know you’re going to wear gas masks and chemical protective suits that leak, and you’re not going to get any medical care after you’re exposed to all of these things, would you go? Suppose they gave a war and nobody came. You’ve got to start peace sometime.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Q: It does sound remarkable for someone who has been in the military for 35 years to be talking about when peace should begin.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]ROKKE: When I do these talks, especially in churches, I’m reminded that these religions say, “And a child will lead us to peace.” But if we contaminate the environment, where will the child come from? The children won’t be there. War has become obsolete, because we can’t deal with the consequences on our warriors or the environment, but more important, on the noncombatants. When you reach a point in war when the contamination and the health effects of war can’t be cleaned up because of the weapons you use, and medical care can’t be given to the soldiers who participated in the war on either side or to the civilians affected, then it’s time for peace.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]For more information on DU, see the WISE Uranium Project, www.antenna.nl/wise/uranium/; the National Gulf War Resource Center, www.ngwrc.org; or Veterans for Common Sense, www.veteransforcommonsense.org. Sunny Miller’s interview was originally broadcast on WMFO (Boston) in November 2002 and is available for re-broadcast at www.traprockpeace.org. Do you get the message?[/FONT]​


Well-Known Member
medicineman everything you are showing here comes from the Gulf War in 1991. And this President and most all of his cabinet were doing other things at the time. The only person still in Washington that was there during 1991 was Vice-President Dick Cheney. And he held what job during that time? He was Secretary of Defense. See current President Bush was in Texas trying to get Rangers pitchers to show him how to throw a ball all the way to home plate. That way when he became President one day he would not look as dumb as some of the ones who bounced it.
Oh and my wife is from Iraq. She immigrated here in 1992 to go to Georgetown and then to Harvard Medical. It was her intention to go back home and be a doctor for her people. But when Saddam's soldiers murdered her father for speaking out about their boss, she decided to stay here. And only return to live when he was gone. I was there in 1996, 1998 & again in 1999.


New Member
medicineman everything you are showing here comes from the Gulf War in 1991. And this President and most all of his cabinet were doing other things at the time. The only person still in Washington that was there during 1991 was Vice-President Dick Cheney. And he held what job during that time? He was Secretary of Defense. See current President Bush was in Texas trying to get Rangers pitchers to show him how to throw a ball all the way to home plate. That way when he became President one day he would not look as dumb as some of the ones who bounced it.
Oh and my wife is from Iraq. She immigrated here in 1992 to go to Georgetown and then to Harvard Medical. It was her intention to go back home and be a doctor for her people. But when Saddam's soldiers murdered her father for speaking out about their boss, she decided to stay here. And only return to live when he was gone. I was there in 1996, 1998 & again in 1999.
So are you saying that 1. it is ok to use DU by the USA. 2. They are not using it now. 3. all those cancers have nothing to do with DU. And 4. All that posting I just did means nothing to you. BTW if your wife is Iraqi and you think Bush is doing such a bang up job, Why don't you move back to Iraq and help those poor people? Seems like it would be the right thing to do


Well-Known Member
I never said that it was okay for anyone to use DU in any way. Be it the USA or anyother country or individual for that matter. Also if you will refer to an earlier post, I said that .50 cal shells and bunker buster bombs are still being made with DU. But then again, we sell those shells to about 35 different countries now. And to be perfectly honest, I'm not an Oncologist that specializes in Uranium or DU exposure. So I can't say that they do or don't have a relationship. If they do, then thats messed up. But, if they don't then its just assuming something. And you know what the say about assuming something? It makes an ass out of u and me. Well you could have saved some time and space and put links for things and I could have went and read them for myselves. You didn't have to quote so much. But this thread started by you, was why we should impeach the current administration. And the evidence of DU in your previous post was concerning the 1991 Gulf War. And I pointed out, that only Dick Cheney was in the government in Washington at the time. Well unless you count Ted Kennedy. But you couldn't include him. See he doesn't sit on the House Arms Services Committee, nor has he worked at the Pentagon, Defense Department, or for any contractor that is making the weapons out of DU. So how does the chain of evidence point to the current president as being responsible for that 1991 war or the use of DU weapons/shells/bombs during that time?


Well-Known Member
I agree that Congress is corporate owned. So maybe we have some common ground? We can be friends. Do you know of any daisy fields we can prance through?
Why do you assume we can't be friends .... we don't agree politically on some things ... but I've learned from bushies that I've met on the merihemp boards .... one of them told me about this board ..... that we can disagree politcially, but on the garden side of town it's all love ....
.... nice group of folks .... lame political believes .... but lame .... and they say the same about me .... imagine that! :blsmoke: :peace:


New Member
Why do you assume we can't be friends .... we don't agree politically on some things ... but I've learned from bushies that I've met on the merihemp boards .... one of them told me about this board ..... that we can disagree politcially, but on the garden side of town it's all love ....
.... nice group of folks .... lame political believes .... but lame .... and they say the same about me .... imagine that! :blsmoke: :peace:
Amen to that, GrowRebel! I've met more than 50 people from grow sites in person. I always make it a point to NEVER talk politics in person. The conversation is all about growing ... and just regular chit-chat. Hey, just ask Med ... he'll tell you all about what a sterling fellow I am and about the great dope I grow. He'll even tell you how amazed he was by the fact that there isn't any seeds in my dope. *lol*



New Member
I never said that it was okay for anyone to use DU in any way. Be it the USA or anyother country or individual for that matter. Also if you will refer to an earlier post, I said that .50 cal shells and bunker buster bombs are still being made with DU. But then again, we sell those shells to about 35 different countries now. And to be perfectly honest, I'm not an Oncologist that specializes in Uranium or DU exposure. So I can't say that they do or don't have a relationship. If they do, then thats messed up. But, if they don't then its just assuming something. And you know what the say about assuming something? It makes an ass out of u and me. Well you could have saved some time and space and put links for things and I could have went and read them for myselves. You didn't have to quote so much. But this thread started by you, was why we should impeach the current administration. And the evidence of DU in your previous post was concerning the 1991 Gulf War. And I pointed out, that only Dick Cheney was in the government in Washington at the time. Well unless you count Ted Kennedy. But you couldn't include him. See he doesn't sit on the House Arms Services Committee, nor has he worked at the Pentagon, Defense Department, or for any contractor that is making the weapons out of DU. So how does the chain of evidence point to the current president as being responsible for that 1991 war or the use of DU weapons/shells/bombs during that time?
Mainly because they are still using them, and this is really a side effort by you to change the subject of impeachment. There is plenty of evidence to start impeachment proceedings without the DU issue. Those of you that can't fathom this must be complicit with the Bush regime or else dense.


New Member
Amen to that, GrowRebel! I've met more than 50 people from grow sites in person. I always make it a point to NEVER talk politics in person. The conversation is all about growing ... and just regular chit-chat. Hey, just ask Med ... he'll tell you all about what a sterling fellow I am and about the great dope I grow. He'll even tell you how amazed he was by the fact that there isn't any seeds in my dope. *lol*

I thought I explained that dillema to you. I've remedied that situation, got only 1 out of 6 to be my bitch, but what a prolific bitch she is, no seeds in sight, only green, white and purple buds. I've been told by my connoisseur that it is excellent and tasty, I'm reaping well over 8 ounces from this godess


Well-Known Member
Mainly because they are still using them, and this is really a side effort by you to change the subject of impeachment. There is plenty of evidence to start impeachment proceedings without the DU issue. Those of you that can't fathom this must be complicit with the Bush regime or else dense.
Actually I wasn't trying to change the subject. Now as before I am saying if you have physical evidence that can be vetted by an impeachment committee in the House of Representatives then turn it over to them. But then again if legitimate evidence did exist somewhere other than your mind, then some member of the House of Representatives would have already vetted it for at least 18 months, made sure every piece of evidence from documents to witnesses, was genuine and without a doubt not made up (documents) and not going to commit perjury on the stand (witnesses). Once that was done, they would have went to the House Chairman/woman and asked to put an impeachment committee together in order to look into impeaching the President for $_whatever charges apply_$. So without tangible evidence, and I don't mean regurgitating anything you have heard on television somewhere, all you are doing is spreading rumors, inuendo and suppositions. In other words, making assumptions of crimes without evidence.
And isn't there something about that in the US. "Innocent until proven guilty by a court!"