Dwc Grow Club


New Member
Hey club. WHats up. I have officially had the worst fuckin day thus far! First my job tells me that it's slow so he will call me some time next week. Then my airbrush gives. Then when it was lights out, my power turns off to the entire room tripping the breaker! This is the 3rd time! Anyone have this happen?

So I try and find out whats wrong and simulate it again and see the timer flash blue when the lights turn out. So I go to wal mart and get one and forget my purse!!! On the way back home I get a ticket for passing traffic to argessivly. The asshole cop nearly rammed my bike trying to stop me and then gives me his number!! haha FUCK HIM!
Then after I get the timer (brinks digital) I hook it up and find out its sensative to the touch. I rig it with duct tape and it works for the moment. I can only wait to see if this thing works. I don't even know if it was the cause of the overload.

Then as i'm doing the rez change I find out that the root rot is back!! SHIT! So I get the rez done and forget to ph the water! THen the computer i'm working on goes to shit because of the trip on the breaker! Now I have to do a data recovery!! I'm frustrated and pissed and DONE! Someone shoot me! If this timer doesn't work I will be furious!! It's past 2am and I have to get up at 7:30 to see if it will work! I didn't bother checking it on anything else. Screw that. Now after dumping the tub, I twist my ankle and it's swollen and hurts!! WHAT NEXT! I really don't like these days...

PPP Pure Pothead Person

Well-Known Member
Man u really have had a bad day net! just sit back put your feet up take a few deep breaths and chill, have a drink if u drink or a mug of cocoa always good to help sleep and chill u will be okay :)

hope u get a good sleep :)


Well-Known Member
Hey club. WHats up. I have officially had the worst fuckin day thus far! First my job tells me that it's slow so he will call me some time next week. Then my airbrush gives. Then when it was lights out, my power turns off to the entire room tripping the breaker! This is the 3rd time! Anyone have this happen?

So I try and find out whats wrong and simulate it again and see the timer flash blue when the lights turn out. So I go to wal mart and get one and forget my purse!!! On the way back home I get a ticket for passing traffic to argessivly. The asshole cop nearly rammed my bike trying to stop me and then gives me his number!! haha FUCK HIM!
Then after I get the timer (brinks digital) I hook it up and find out its sensative to the touch. I rig it with duct tape and it works for the moment. I can only wait to see if this thing works. I don't even know if it was the cause of the overload.

Then as i'm doing the rez change I find out that the root rot is back!! SHIT! So I get the rez done and forget to ph the water! THen the computer i'm working on goes to shit because of the trip on the breaker! Now I have to do a data recovery!! I'm frustrated and pissed and DONE! Someone shoot me! If this timer doesn't work I will be furious!! It's past 2am and I have to get up at 7:30 to see if it will work! I didn't bother checking it on anything else. Screw that. Now after dumping the tub, I twist my ankle and it's swollen and hurts!! WHAT NEXT! I really don't like these days...
awww net.... HUGS!!!!

Eddie McPot

Well-Known Member
Net, I hope you get back going again. Can you split your power up? Run something to a different circuit? Maybe a UPS on something to cushion the load?


Well-Known Member
Net ur a Pimpstress and former suicide girl. GET UP and re-affirm my thoughts of ur invincability and shear goddessness. HAPPY thoughts.
HEY club wassup. Gotta go exchange my socket today.cant wait to get the 400 burning..Just need to see if im gonna be able to run it or im im gonna have to wait for the ac unit.
Why cant i sleep in anymore. today i woke up and stumbled right into the flower spot. smoked a bowl and talked to the plants before i even made coffee.ITS getting bad.


Well-Known Member
Put a sleeping bag between your plants and sleep there.! So when you first wake up you'll feel like your in a weed jungle of happy thoughts and hot girls getting trains ran on them!

Eddie McPot

Well-Known Member
Well I have a slight problem with lighting and plant takeover in my cabinet. After doing some reasearch the two 65w/300w bulbs I bought are cool white. They gave off a lotta heat too. So I swapped them into my laboratory room, and I can see everything! Hehe I need to vacuum, I see seeds in the carpet now. Anyway I put two 14w/60w bulbs in the closet for now. I'm gonna get some more 26w/100w and put in there. The plants I have under those are growing faster. I know that I should increase the lighting but I am gonna wait till I see sex. Pulling a couple plants would give me more room to tie the others down and add more lights. Plus I have clones of each just in case. I'm getting a bigger cabinet for next grow, maybe a tall wardrobe.


Well-Known Member
Misery ur insane homie but i like it! If i could move in with them i would. If i could call them when i was at work i would. Just wish they could make me some eggs and toast right now.And if they could id marry them.


Well-Known Member
lmao, =]

If you think thats insane check this out, I moved my 2 ganja babies into my moms bathtub while shes in iraq HAHAHA.

She would go crazy is she new i was growing hydro in her bedroom bathroom lmao...

But its more space while pure white walls i have fans pushing fresh air into the bathtub and the lights seem to make the whole 6' by 3' area glow with sunnyness !!!

And did i tell you my plants are budding now!! lol ima post pics on monday for there 2 weeks of flowering so you guys can be hell yeah thats badass, i cant wait fo ryou to share, and ill be like fuck no im greedy.. lmao jk


Well-Known Member
Just set the 400 up right now.. I dont think its gonna be too bad.. No reflector and the ballast is outside the room. Man I hope the temps dont raise on me.

So whats good clubber's.


Well-Known Member
what's good?? This Top Chef Marathon, that's what!!

Awesome on the 400!! Gonna have some monsters now

Here in a few I'm gonna flush this bad bitches out!!! Just trimmed off a nice little (non popcorn) tester bud, man it is pretty!!!

I think my AK are 'full blooded'


Well-Known Member
Nice ur making me jealous again EGGO ur good at that..
I would like to see if i can grow the other tub properly.
Ill go snap a pixel.


Well-Known Member
Ill show pics of the colas close up on monday, just thought you guys might wanna see how much they've grown!:leaf::-P




Well-Known Member
You guys are off the hook. Sorry U had a bad day net-hope things works out for you, with the timer, if it was arcing blue, most likely was shorting to ground causing breaker to trip, you know this. Did you cycle new timer on/off to check circuit? Why did you have to duct tape new timer? I had a rough night like you tring to hook laptops to wireless router and passkey problems. Have it going now, for now.

Dracon82- welcome back bro. glad your home safe.
Eddie-quote-"The Technicians Handbook of DWC"-quote You are off the hook man.
Gonna start my tomato dwc this weekend- will document w/pics. try to get back with you guys in a bit.