flower from start


Well-Known Member
so i see it is possible to just start your grow with the lights on 12/12. if i do this from germ then how long should i let my plant grow before I chop? how tall will it get? and how much bud am i looking at collecting from one plant?


Well-Known Member
well iv never done it but i expect you still have to wait till the the bud tricromes get 50%+ brown/amber colour to harvest ,,

time wise unsure either tho could say more than a mnth less than 5 lol tho
i would say mostlikly 2mths,,

high well depends on the plant ,,, on avarge would say 3-5feet

bud wise unsure depends on the grow and the light and lot of other things,, couldent say,, on tht,,

here is a link to sum1 who is doing 12-12 grow..


Well-Known Member
you can expect an oz dry if done right, around 10 weeks if lucky, check out my bubblebomb album cause im on 12-12, thc bomb is also good for 12-12 from seed. quality shouldnt be any different.


Well-Known Member
What if i used a plant outside for a mother then cut from it and put the clones in a cloner for 2 weeksthen went to dlowering?


Well-Known Member
Now your getting the right Idea! clone/root/bud they will veg for a week or two under 12/12 anyway because there small I hit mine with some nutes right before I throw them in seems to delay flowering switch to bloom nutes 3-4 weeks in but you should root clones under at least 16/8 or 24 light schedual not sure if they'll root under 12/12 might confuse them :)


Well-Known Member
Yea i was thinkin just use 24 hour light for about 2 weeks or just untill im happy with the roots and change out water switch to 12/12 and then putin nutes in after like a week


Well-Known Member
cruz to cali from florida. i think i could have some well grown plants myself by the time i get there and back. lol