PC Case Micro: CFL, DWC First Attempt!


Well-Known Member
your plants look alot healthier then they did a couple weeks back. nice work, and congrats on female.

ohh yeah and i almost forgot to say that the bumps below the branch nodes are usually there to support the weight of the buds later on.atleast thats what i have read.


Active Member
your plants look alot healthier then they did a couple weeks back. nice work, and congrats on female.

ohh yeah and i almost forgot to say that the bumps below the branch nodes are usually there to support the weight of the buds later on.atleast thats what i have read.
Thanks for the support :) The girls don't quite look as good now since they've been burnt, but live and learn I guess! hehe. Well that would make sense, the bulges are all at focal points to provide support for the massively huge nugs that'll be growing hehe :p

What nutes are you using in this lil setup??
I'm just using the basic Grow, Micro, Bloom from AN. Actually, I'm using just Micro and Bloom with the lucas formula which seems to work best. I see now that I could have been MUCH more aggressive with the nutes, another lession learned I guess.

Well its been 6 days since the last update. Since then, both plants have shown their lovely feminine pistils. Being the rookie that I am, I completely underestimated how much they would stretch once in flowering. They have more than doubled in size since 12/12 started. Now since this grow is in a PC case, I have about 13 inches of vertical height to grow in. I've had to tie down some of the branches, but nonetheless, many sites have been burned by the CFLS. I'm afraid that this is unavoidable at this stage in the grow, but it's a good lesson for next time.

Considering this is all in a 1/2 gal container, I think the girls are doing quite well despite the mistakes I've made. Since its more or less a little jungle now, I'll simply post pics of both girls with no names. Here we go!

Budsite on one of the girls:

Not the greatest photo showing some pistils:

Wide shot:

A couple of tie downs:


Active Member
Hey guys, I haven't updated this journal in quite some time! Ever since school started I've been way too busy for this stuff. I'm sort of neglecting the grow - that is not checking PH/water levels daily like I used to. The girls seem to be doing well enough still. The CFLS are hell on anything touching them, which is most of the top of the plant. A lot of it is burnt, but ive tied down as many bud sites as I can, and Im getting two nice colas from each girl. I've snipped off a few popcorn buds to sample (95% cloudy, 5% clear 0% amber); it's clear that they are immature still, but I thought since I was bored I'd sample it a bit.

It's quite strange that its a very uppity high for a kush strain. I suppose this is due to the immaturity. Anyways, I snapped a few pics, but only two really came out somewhat decent and I've attached them. So here we go!



Well-Known Member
Lookin great man im glad they are holding up even though your busy i tell people all the time to leave the plants alone once in a while!


Active Member
Lookin great man im glad they are holding up even though your busy i tell people all the time to leave the plants alone once in a while!
Haha yeah, it serves a dual purpose! I check on them every two days or so, and every day the buds are fatter and fatter. It takes all my willpower to not pick buds everyday since Im dry!

Thanks for the support! :D


Active Member
The longer you wait the better it will be ! Dont rush the dry and cure either it sucks but it pays off!!!
Lol yeah! For the lil buds I picked, I used that steam dry microwave method. The buds lack potency and taste like hay, and all you get is a buzz. Not worth it, and I'm sure they would have fattened up quite a bit more if I left em!


Active Member
nice job. Your a natural! :D
Hey kinghash! Thanks for stopping by again :D Haha, I'm far from a natural, believe me, I'm sorta showing off the uh... more flattering shots of the ladies :p

Got a few more pics of the ladies at day 60. The buds are fattening up quite nicely. Not much else to report, the lights are still burning a few of the leaves here and there, but I'm tying down the main bud sites. I'm still using the lucas formula, running at ~ 995 ppm of micro and bloom.

Stealth was the plan, and so far it has worked marvelously. I've had a few people in and out throughout the entire grow. The box is in my room, under the desk, and even with people here over night, they were none the wiser. Anyways, enough chit chat, on to the main event:



Active Member
Same info as the last post as the day 60 photos were not actually posted on day 60. These pics are from day 61 (today) and include some magnified trich shots. Some are at 30x, others 45x. There are a few amber trichs forming here and there, which is indicative of the ladies almost being ready. The radio of clear/cloudy/amber is as follows: 10%/80%/10%

I'll start the flush this friday, and harvest next friday (two weeks). I''ll do my best to snag a few pics of the ladies before then, but I'll definitely post pre, during, and post harvest shots with both wet and dry weight.

This whole grow was done in a computer case ~ 1sq ft with 4 23watt cfls using a 1.5L tupperware container as a res.




Well-Known Member
dude wow this is awsome man good freakin job man that looks like its gunna be a treat and a half for ya enjoy it
good luck bro


Active Member
dude wow this is awsome man good freakin job man that looks like its gunna be a treat and a half for ya enjoy it
good luck bro
Hey thanks for the support! I hope so! Should be ready just in time for spring break, should be a gooder :D


Active Member
how long in flowering are they now?
Lol sorry, the title of my updates should have read day 61 flowering, not day 61 update. But yes, 61 days of flowering, and ~ one month of veg. Three months doesn't seem like a long time in theory, but man, it feels like an eternity now!

Edit: Changed "60" to "61"