Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I bet!You started younger than me, I started at 15.
I wouldn't have known, can't remember...

Didn't really waste that much money on comics, as I said I was busy buying weed and cigs, when I was that age money was hard to make, I had to cut D lawns to score a decent bag... It was rough being a 12 year old trying to score a bag:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Cigs were easy to aquire, back then you could just say they were for your mom/dad and they'd sell them to you... Now-a-days that'd be jailtime...


Well-Known Member
I get the same from Camel... Free pack of smokes...

Yeah, I guess you could say I was a "bad influence" as far as parents are concerned...


Well-Known Member
we're gonna need lots of pictures.....lots and lots of pictures.:mrgreen:
bud bat where have you been? glad to see an old timer on many left lol.bongsmilie

Makin' babies kicks ass...

Congratulations mastakoosh.

thank you, i am fond of the making part.......all 15 seconds hahaha.

Great stuff...... congratulations!!!!!

Raise him to be a great boy. Just like daddy!!!! ;-)

awww thank you, you are a sweetheart. how did vette get so lucky??:mrgreen:

Amen,masta.If this is her first time, you tell her stoney said go ahead and get an epidural.There's no reason to hurt.Also,make sure your blood types are known, because it doesn't really affect the first kid, but it could any others...if you have a positive rh (like O positive, for example) and she has negative(like O negative),then if you guys have more kids, you will need the rhogram shot.A lot of docs don't tell you that.
we were watching knocked up last night and i thought of this. the lady wanted it to be a natural birth but then she was screaming to give her the epidural later lol.:-| i will have to remember your advice.:mrgreen:

way to stick it to her, my friend. lolol

congrats. :bigjoint:
hellz yeah:eyesmoke:thank you. i am gonna name my first born FDD or faded lol......j/k.:blsmoke: as always thanks for everyones positive vibes......:peace: