Ahhh paranoia

Brick Top

New Member
I guess its been said already but heat buildup and odor are your main concerns. If you have some redneck workman come in to fix a toilet or leaky sink and they smell something odd they might blab and then if neighbors smell something they might blab and if you get a package delivered or registered mail and the person delivering it smells something they might blab but the odds of that are slim.

If you can keep your heat down to a reasonable level, even if only by blowing from your grow area into the rest of your place to even out the heat you won’t have a problem with heat. Now that would spread any odor so it is a tradeoff there depending on which you are more concerned about. But you can make or buy a carbon filter and suck the air through it and then blow it into the rest of your place and even out the heat distribution and remove the odor doing it so both problems are solved.

Of course you might be able to find a way to discreetly vent outside but without a carbon filter you may have neighbors sniffing the air wondering what that odd odor is that is wafting by so again a carbon filter might be handy, but again I have to believe that has been mentioned by now. I just didn’t read the whole thread to make sure.

Just call me lazy.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of getting high the first time;
I'll never forget it, I went on leave from military school in the 9th grade to stay with a friend one weekend, he took me over to one of his friends houses that had some weed, we went into his room (4 dudes total), shut the door and rolled up a joint. After we passed that thing around for a minute my friend and I started laughing at each other so hard we were crying. And then something happened that made us laugh even HARDER: we noticed my buddies van was parked outside in the driveway. Need I say we were lit like a house on Christmas eve. I bet we were only there for a hour maybe but it felt like 5 or 6... Good times, good times. :)


Well-Known Member
man im runing 2 hps lights 1 400 watt 1 600 watt and 9 cfls and 4 fans at same time!@!@!@@! they sent light company over today look at oh no light company post LOL i didnt get causght today but will they be back??? is the question

Plus i got license


Well-Known Member
just to help you cool your calm with the infared reading..they CAN only use this if they have a warrant. its the law now. and if they have enough evidence on you then why the hell would they need to use this anyways.

they usually use the infared for outside grow.even then on private property you can almost argue its an invasion of privacy.


Well-Known Member
that depends, what kind of lighting are we talking, is it an enclosed area, is it directly open to the outside via ducts or open vents?

usualy when growing in an adic and uding hoter lights the grower will line the area he will be growing in with plastic then layer a few more sheets of plastic an inch or so from eachother, both on the sides and the cieling. the best thing to do is make a triangular adic into a square growing room. when you have multiple layers of plastic with space between them it gives the air time to warm or cool befor it reaches the outside or inside of the room, so any heat will be distributed and cooled befor it makes it to the other side of the layers and visa versa for the cold in your room.

i have a grow tent would that show up??


Well-Known Member
just to help you cool your calm with the infared reading..they CAN only use this if they have a warrant. its the law now. and if they have enough evidence on you then why the hell would they need to use this anyways.

they usually use the infared for outside grow.even then on private property you can almost argue its an invasion of privacy.
thats good to know man. but why would heat traces show up in an outside grow?


Well-Known Member
well, whats a mac address? and can't you be traced by it?
ive been wondering if this is possable too, to trace someones mac address to theyre computer. not that anything i post is real... i just fuckin pull all my pics from other forums... i suck like that...;-)


Well-Known Member
ive been wondering if this is possable too, to trace someones mac address to theyre computer. not that anything i post is real... i just fuckin pull all my pics from other forums... i suck like that...;-)
right on bro, i've heard something of a scrambler, does anyone know what i'm talking about?


Well-Known Member
google proxy servers
they used to have one on hidebehind that you use sono one can track you
you log in through their site
i think thats what it is called
check it out


Well-Known Member
okay, but isent an ip adress and a mac address two different things? or can you be traced by both?


Well-Known Member
im thinkin ip address, idk what a mac adress is...

so does that mean if you search everything you need for a grow room and a bunch of shit on how to grow weed its possable to be traced back to in negative ways? i thought google only took down what was searched and what link was clicked afterthe search so they can move it higher up on the list...


Well-Known Member
i dont know man, i dont know much about computers or the web for that matter. someone was just tellin me not to post pics and shit on here, cause if the law wanted to, they could just get on this site and trace posts. and who knows, maybe the best advisors on here are DEA agents workin undercover.
but, seems to me that you would hear more about it if it were true.


Well-Known Member
good thing this is just a site for people that wanna have a second life unlike theyre own, i just found a guy on another site and pulled all his pics. im just makin up the story as the pics progress... it makes for a good read tho... ;) hell i dont even do drugs or smoke weed... lol


Well-Known Member
good thing this is just a site for people that wanna have a second life unlike theyre own, i just found a guy on another site and pulled all his pics. im just makin up the story as the pics progress... it makes for a good read tho... ;) hell i dont even do drugs or smoke weed... lol
right on :lol:, the signature says it all:rolleyes: