alright the one thing that i hate is being judged by other people, but being judged for smoking pot is probably one of the shittiest things..especially by people who have never tried it before in their life, because how can you judge something when you've never tried it before or learned about the positive things about it. Like there is so much shit out there especially shit that the government puts out about pot that like isnt true. If only people knew how sweet pot is ha like only if they knew that it was pretty much harmless, but alot of people think its like the devil. i dont get it..anybody have thoughts?
See you dont understand what that person feels because you smoke weed.
I once was a downer of the Ganja back in the day so i have those exact thoughts stored in my memory.
People who dont smoke or do drugs (but typically drinks alcohol
) Feel that they dont know how your going to respond to everyday function. They dont know if your the guy who gets wierd and wigs out on people about judging you for smoking weed...Opps did i say that
...Lol But really dude someone who uses any drug is going to act differently when under the influence. You might think your the same person, but really you are thinking differently because of the massive amounts of dopamine in your brain from the weed/drugs/alcohol. So if your sober, your wondering "damn is dude fucking high? ..I better not fuck with him. He/she might do something inappropreate, or worse hurt me. Normal humans try to avoid confrontation at all costs. Its those idiots and psycho's out there that we really are trying to avoid, which inreturn floods over to the fact of not knowing how someone will react on a certain drug.
....Hell when im sober and someone is high (or sober for that fact) and gives me a dirty look, or if i just dont like their appearance ("dirty" looking) Ill just ignore them. Its my way of dealing with people. Maybe some people should do the same instead of judging someone they dont know, ...or about something they know nothing about.
Thats my 2 cents