could you make a plant grow for longer than a year?


Well-Known Member
i was wondering could you keep a plant in the vege stage for a year or longer?
put it in the sun until the light gets to 12/12 the put it under light?


New Member
i have heard that if you do a light cycle thats 8-4-8-4 light an dark....this should keep the plant in a form of stasis as it shouldn't really grow veggy or flower...dont know if you can take it past a year in veg though..


Well-Known Member
i think you could if you had the lights and enough plants you you wouldent be temped to turn it down to 12/12 lol


Well-Known Member
I read that after flowering and harvest you can "rejuvenate" a plant by giving it 24 hr light after harvest... google it though...


Well-Known Member
Im searching for something I read, that after 10 months potency falls and the plant become merely ornamental


Well-Known Member
Imagine if the cops busted you and you had a cannabis TREE growing in your room.

I wonder what they would do.

"officer it's only one, i can't physically remove it as it's grown into my houses structure"
