im using 400 wat light ,i have 4 new cuttings in a lil cupboard, im using pots and good soil, my ph is 57-6.0 and i have a ec rod so my feed is ok.i have a in and outlet, luckily the room had 2 vents in for me so no makin holes!! my plants at 7 days were dark shiny green but now its 2nd week in grow stage and there startin to lose the shine in the leaves, the room is dry and the temp maximum is 80f and humidity is 20-30%. the light is quite high from the top of plants, they have grown but quite slow but still green, but i like to see the shine on the leafs, does anyone no why it my leafs are losing the shine?? people have said spray, people have said the room is too dry! any help would be apreciated!!