green but dry leaves

big blues

Active Member
im using 400 wat light ,i have 4 new cuttings in a lil cupboard, im using pots and good soil, my ph is 57-6.0 and i have a ec rod so my feed is ok.i have a in and outlet, luckily the room had 2 vents in for me so no makin holes!! my plants at 7 days were dark shiny green but now its 2nd week in grow stage and there startin to lose the shine in the leaves, the room is dry and the temp maximum is 80f and humidity is 20-30%. the light is quite high from the top of plants, they have grown but quite slow but still green, but i like to see the shine on the leafs, does anyone no why it my leafs are losing the shine?? people have said spray, people have said the room is too dry! any help would be apreciated!!


Active Member
To me it sounds like to low of humidity it sould be around 45% to 60%
And u could actually drop the temp. to about 73F to 76F


Well-Known Member
i have a humidity issue as well but my plants dont really seem to mind that much. if youre really worried then go spend about 25 dollars at wally world and get your self a humidifier.

big blues

Active Member
its vital to get your humidity right and temp to get fast growing healthy weed plants, but cant get it up for shit!! some strains are different tho but most like the perfect inviroment which is 50-60% hum in grow stages!! just cant get it up!!


Active Member
put a pic on of one of them and and your room, what soil you used or mixed, when you water and feed what you feed and how much. sq. ft. of room, fan model in and out. but i think i have a pretty good idea what is going on.
how is the light leek does everything shut tight?

big blues

Active Member
i cant get any pics sorry, im using good soil from a local hydro shop and i water when the pots are dry and light to pick up! my rooms about 7 feet in height and 1 and half foot wide and 7 feet long! my in and outlet is small fans but i also leave the door open for temp reasons, is it the humidity???


Active Member
what is this crap people are telling you. Send me a message and ill help you for sure and show you some plants and greats sites to go too. ive been doing this a long time.

big blues

Active Member
my plants are growing but not as fast as they should because of humidity, but is the humidity problem stopping my leaves from having that healthy shine??


Active Member
your intake fan and you outtake fan. thats were i would start sounds theres a slight vacuum going on which just a depressuring will give the plants a dull look. Make sure you intake is more powerful than the outtake. plus co2 will bring back you healty shine your looking for, theres a few ways you can do this(on a side note if your plants had a shine, means there should be a nice shine till flowering for like 99. percent of plants). NEVER LET YOUR ROOM GO ABOVE 72F AND NEVER COLDER THAN 55 FOR INDOORS.


Active Member
I had the same problem,was advised it was low humidity and told not to use my extraction all the 18hr.but this caused the temp to jump i just keep spraying the plants with water till there was enough green mass to up the humidity,it got to the right levels by week 4.hope this helps a bit as iam not a vetran grower.


Active Member
Fuck the humidity nothing to do with it. is your skin to dry or are you super humid when you walk around you house< Im think no so ITS NOT THE HUMIDITY!!!!!!

big blues

Active Member
sounds ok but wont the door bein open help the air get to the plants?? im goin to try get the temp abit lower tho and see if i can get a bigger inlet, will humidity help get the shine back in the leaves??


Active Member
yeah i have the same prob get a humidifier. I have one of the nighttime ones but get a 24 hour one. My leaves get saturated from the 45 % then the exhaust fan sucks them dry when humidifier is not on. Can't be good for them stress wise but can't help it right now