CIL Plant Starter


Well-Known Member
its true... and I seen that crazy ass wepon on T.V. that was loud and was like ow... it was like wow... crazy man... foaly mann


Active Member
So I 'm guessing you guys were born knowing how to grow expertly???


Well-Known Member
i do take the piss and have a jok or to. but i do try and have it on talk,n,tolk evin genro growing, but you have to give thes newbie a chans or no one will end up puting a post on the newbie central.


Well-Known Member
there is a balance here. on one hand people should feel free to ask any question they have, and there questions should be answered. but on the other hand there are certain questions and statements, that are just plane asking to get luaghed at. but listen up. i am the first one to luagh at this kid, but who did he reach out to? me. he messaged me and i was happy to answer his questions, he even said he didnt mind contructive criticism. im sure you will all be very very happy to know he has solved his problems by flushing, and i on the way to a happy growing experience.


Well-Known Member
Everything is dead:cry:
Dude, better now than later. Try again, but first read the Grow FAQ.

And lay off the nutrients for a couple of weeks... start adding it in week 2, and just a 1/4 strength at first and work your way up to full strength.


Well-Known Member
lol ur a funny guy i love u already
umm not only did u not dilute and nute murder ur plants u got a growth thing with no nitrogen or very little lol and lots of the other nutes. bad for veggin

lol what i do is i use my pot as a urinal and i pee in it to give it more nutes, and once im done i put my own home made (lol organic home made) fertizlier in it after i pluck the peanut shells out