ACORN's Stimulus ...


Well-Known Member
i receive no bennies from paying all goes to dead beats like YOU.and yea..i got a pile.because i am a hard working capitalist.and go out and earn it.and you nor your colored friends are going to steal from watch all of you lose your jobs and homes before you steal anything from me to pay for it ever again.


Well-Known Member
i receive no bennies from paying all goes to dead beats like YOU.and yea..i got a pile.because i am a hard working capitalist.and go out and earn it.and you nor your colored friends are going to steal from watch all of you lose your jobs and homes before you steal anything from me to pay for it ever again.

WTF is with that random peice of racist garbage.

So max....are you a multiple business owner.... or an investment broker....or was it a detective...

Lol, you are a JOKE max, you make people EMBARRESED to share your views.


Well-Known Member

WTF is with that random peice of racist garbage.

So max....are you a multiple business owner.... or an investment broker....or was it a detective...

Lol, you are a JOKE max, you make people EMBARRESED to share your views.
my views are spot are a lazy dead beat good for nothing socialist free should go take a look at the voting map of the USA in red and will notice the only area;s obama took were the inner citys of the one else voted for him.acorn in my city has 110% voter registration.ACORN is a black group that is funded by the government completely rotten to the core with corruption and plenty of my money to be corrupt sorry if you cant handle the still a rich capitalist at the end of this thread and you are still a broke dick free loader without a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.and nor do you have the intestinal fortitude nor brains to run and operate a bussiness nor could you ever put in 80 hours a week to get a good bussiness off of the ground.nor risk your capital that you have worked hard and just sit on your dead beat ass and wait for the government of what ever shitty country you are from to come by and do for live off producers and think you live off of the government and they will take good care of should go look at every socialist shit hole in the will hardly find a dream in one wants to do one wants to work.such as in france.they have no clue what it is to be wealthy and work over a 20 hour work week,they are happy with NOTHING.but nothing is what they put into life.nothing is what they will get back must be very sad to be as sorry a piece of free loading shit as you are.


Well-Known Member
my views are spot are a lazy dead beat good for nothing socialist free should go take a look at the voting map of the USA in red and will notice the only area;s obama took were the inner citys of the one else voted for him.acorn in my city has 110% voter registration.ACORN is a black group that is funded by the government completely rotten to the core with corruption and plenty of my money to be corrupt sorry if you cant handle the still a rich capitalist at the end of this thread and you are still a broke dick free loader without a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.and nor do you have the intestinal fortitude nor brains to run and operate a bussiness nor could you ever put in 80 hours a week to get a good bussiness off of the ground.nor risk your capital that you have worked hard and just sit on your dead beat ass and wait for the government of what ever shitty country you are from to come by and do for live off producers and think you live off of the government and they will take good care of should go look at every socialist shit hole in the will hardly find a dream in one wants to do one wants to work.such as in france.they have no clue what it is to be wealthy and work over a 20 hour work week,they are happy with NOTHING.but nothing is what they put into life.nothing is what they will get back must be very sad to be as sorry a piece of free loading shit as you are.
LOL.....ever been to France Dickhead? a lot less people in poverty in France than the USA....

They have better a better educationsystem than you too, and healthcare, and roads, and their systems for caring for the elderly are better than yours too...

On top of that it is ILLEGAL for them to work over 35 hours in a week.... wanna know why this is? (its because spending time with family is more important than money....)

Do YOU know what it is to be wealthy? I think the French have a better idea than you..... or at least the French I've lived with (who were very 'wealthy' in my opinion)


New Member
LOL.....ever been to France Dickhead? a lot less people in poverty in France than the USA....

They have better a better educationsystem than you too, and healthcare, and roads, and their systems for caring for the elderly are better than yours too...

On top of that it is ILLEGAL for them to work over 35 hours in a week.... wanna know why this is? (its because spending time with family is more important than money....)

Do YOU know what it is to be wealthy? I think the French have a better idea than you..... or at least the French I've lived with (who were very 'wealthy' in my opinion)

Stop the hate Jointsmith!!

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
LOL.....ever been to France Dickhead? a lot less people in poverty in France than the USA....

Which is why the middle class in France and Germany is slowly being squeezed to death by inflationary economic policies? No, France and Germany are proof that Socialism doesn't work.

They have better a better educationsystem than you too, and healthcare, and roads, and their systems for caring for the elderly are better than yours too...

I don't know if better is the proper word to describe it. The United States still attracts more foreigners to our top universities than France and Germany combined.

And it's debatable whether or not their healthcare is better.

As far as their roads. If the United States was as small as they both are, and as heavily populated our roads would likely be in better condition, too. Less people living in the suburbs and more in the big cities where the majority of the roads are.

System for caring for the elderly? You mean they actually provide jobs to people to go around checking up on old people to make sure they are doing well? No reason why their taxes are insane compared to ours.

On top of that it is ILLEGAL for them to work over 35 hours in a week.... wanna know why this is? (its because spending time with family is more important than money....)

Illegal for them to decide if they WANT to work for more than 35 hours in a week. Perhaps the politicians should stop trying to dictate to everyone and let people decide what their own values are doing. Perhaps some of those people that are being prevented from working more than 35 hours a week want to so they can get out of debt.

It will never cease to amaze me how idiots like you kiss the asses of tyrants and shitheads a like, and buy in to their efforts to force their values onto others.

Do YOU know what it is to be wealthy? I think the French have a better idea than you..... or at least the French I've lived with (who were very 'wealthy' in my opinion)
Wealth is in the eye of the beholder. Though in terms of pure economic wealth, France is a backwater overpopulated country on the verge of ruin. Then again Europe in general has been trending down since the 1800s.


Well-Known Member
almost everyone in france lives in poverty.and europe for that matter.they are all poor..except a hand full of familys.there is chance to get out of poverty in america if you will work .


Well-Known Member
I don't know about France, since I've never been there, but the almost everyone in the southeastern US lives in poverty...except a handful of FAMILIES. There is a chance to get out of poverty in the US if you are willing to make others work for you.


Well-Known Member
you need to go to school brother.
you will be suprised if you pick the right area of expertise how much money you will make.then you take that money.
instead of pissing it off make it grow more money for you.
do you know what the most powerfull thing in the world is?
compounding interest.
one of my buddies was winning about all of his buddies and some of our common friends we know.many of them are out of work and losing their homes.and he was saying how terrible it was.i said what is so terrible about it?
well they are going to lose their homes.i said so.nothing i can do about it.cept pay more in is THEIR fault they are losing their homes i told him.he said well there is no work in the economy for them to get a job to pay their bills.i told him almost every single person he knows up till this point and time in history was making 70 to 80K a year.what happened to all that money? he got a blank look on his face.i told him exactly what happned
one buddy bought a brand new car on credit.was making 30 bucks a hour.about 20 more a hour than he is worth.everything he lives on was credit making 80 grand a year.lost his job and lost it all.all he had to do was pay his shit off and live on what he earned.hell no .he wanted to try and live like me.LOL.i know a couple of others just like him.JUST LIKE HIM living above thier we the tax payers get to pay their bills.

hell one guy is a licensed plumber.has a new four door four wheel drive truck .a new bass boat with all the trimings. a big house in the country.his wife has a new car and credit card bills falling out of their ass.she still has her job.working as a welfare worker for the city.
they cant pay their bills and are going to lose it all..we get to pay for their millionaire life style though.
they will be living alot more humble after they lose it all.

another guy.another plumber pipe fitter..he got laid off from his job .going to lose his truck and house also.
he wasted all of his money on DRUGS he is a pill head. we the tax payer get to pay his home off too..isnt that nice of us..
and by the looks of it he will not only get the government(US) to pay his bills .we will be supporting his drug habbits too.


Well-Known Member
almost everyone in france lives in poverty.and europe for that matter.they are all poor..except a hand full of familys.there is chance to get out of poverty in america if you will work .
Could you be more ignorant.

You have OBVIOUSLY never been to Europe.

You are talking out of your ass.

Maybe you don't actually know what POVERTY is....

(from wikipedia)...
Poverty (also called penury) is deprivation of those things that determine the quality of life, including food, clothing, shelter and safe drinking water, but also "intangibles" such as the opportunity to learn and to enjoy the respect of fellow citizens. ...

Western Europe is a lot richer than the USA (and I'm not talking about the fictional 'Money' that your corrupt bankers create out of thin air)


New Member
France has a law dictating that employers cannot fire an employee who has at least two years on the job. I suspect the law was passed to ensure job security. As a result, the unintended consequences are a 25% unemployment rate among young people under 25 years old. Our unemployment rate is under 8% even in this "economy that is the worst since the Great Depression." And we're in a panic?

Yes, its true that France has a 35 hour work-week by law. Its also true that French products suck. Have you ever owned a French Peugeot car? Peugeot in French means "Piece of shit car."

Americans may be obsessed with work and achievement, but the French make up for their lack of incentive and motivation by being the most arrogant people on the planet.

France is also dealing with an out-of-control Muslim immigrant problem, and because of misdirected political correctness laws, now have to deal with Sharia law for 25% of their citizens.

Taxes in France are astronomical ... but the price is offset due to the savings of not having to buy deodorant. bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
France has a law dictating that employers cannot fire an employee who has at least two years on the job. I suspect the law was passed to ensure job security. As a result, the unintended consequences are a 25% unemployment rate among young people under 25 years old. Our unemployment rate is under 8% even in this "economy that is the worst since the Great Depression." And we're in a panic?

Yes, its true that France has a 35 hour work-week by law. Its also true that French products suck. Have you ever owned a French Peugeot car? Peugeot in French means "Piece of shit car."

Americans may be obsessed with work and achievement, but the French make up for their lack of incentive and motivation by being the most arrogant people on the planet.

France is also dealing with an out-of-control Muslim immigrant problem, and because of misdirected political correctness laws, now have to deal with Sharia law for 25% of their citizens.

Taxes in France are astronomical ... but the price is offset due to the savings of not having to buy deodorant. bongsmilie

Actually I HAVE owned a French car (Renault) AND an American car (Ford)....

I hate to tell you this....the Renault kicked the shit out of the shitty Mass produced Ford....

And it was about 3 years older....

AND had a smaller engine.

What were you saying about car again? the ONLY good thing about the American cars I have driven is that they are CHEAP.

Americans are obsessed with Work? and Acheivement?....

do you mean Money and Materialism?


Well-Known Member
i detect a little envy ?LOL.
hard work has its does being lazy.tell us all how wonderfull and cultured you are as a are all kept broke by your governments.even our broke people here have cars.
we are the only country in the world whos poor are FAT.why is that?
go to any european country and see what their poor drive.?
and see how well fed their people far as im concerned most americans are too damn fat.
it is because they have grown lazy and stupid like the europeans.looking for a free ride.


Well-Known Member
you need to go to school brother.
you will be suprised if you pick the right area of expertise how much money you will make.then you take that money.
instead of pissing it off make it grow more money for you.
do you know what the most powerfull thing in the world is?
compounding interest.
one of my buddies was winning about all of his buddies and some of our common friends we know.many of them are out of work and losing their homes.and he was saying how terrible it was.i said what is so terrible about it?
well they are going to lose their homes.i said so.nothing i can do about it.cept pay more in is THEIR fault they are losing their homes i told him.he said well there is no work in the economy for them to get a job to pay their bills.i told him almost every single person he knows up till this point and time in history was making 70 to 80K a year.what happened to all that money? he got a blank look on his face.i told him exactly what happned
one buddy bought a brand new car on credit.was making 30 bucks a hour.about 20 more a hour than he is worth.everything he lives on was credit making 80 grand a year.lost his job and lost it all.all he had to do was pay his shit off and live on what he earned.hell no .he wanted to try and live like me.LOL.i know a couple of others just like him.JUST LIKE HIM living above thier we the tax payers get to pay their bills.

hell one guy is a licensed plumber.has a new four door four wheel drive truck .a new bass boat with all the trimings. a big house in the country.his wife has a new car and credit card bills falling out of their ass.she still has her job.working as a welfare worker for the city.
they cant pay their bills and are going to lose it all..we get to pay for their millionaire life style though.
they will be living alot more humble after they lose it all.

another guy.another plumber pipe fitter..he got laid off from his job .going to lose his truck and house also.
he wasted all of his money on DRUGS he is a pill head. we the tax payer get to pay his home off too..isnt that nice of us..
and by the looks of it he will not only get the government(US) to pay his bills .we will be supporting his drug habbits too.
I think most of us are hardwired to spend a percentage of what we make, regardless of how much that is. Poor people can make some crazy economic deciscions, like renting tv's. I've never been that bad, but I do understand how that's a perfectly rational thing to do in certain cultures and realities. This IMF/World Bank type of "loan money to the poor" nonsense has been disatrous. I think people should try live within their means, but that runs contrary to the "American Dream".

I've tried school 3 or 4 times 10, 15 years ago, and despite my big brain, I can never make for more than 3 weeks, maybe it was the ADHD like the docs have said, or maybe it's some moral failing like my family thinks, and that was before I had physical problems. I suspect the anti-intellectual working class culture I grew up may also have something to do with it. When the mills were open, a craneman like my dad made more a year than a young lawyer did, plus union benefits. Which was great while it lasted, but child support enforcement wasn't as serious then. My little sister was the first to get a bachelor's degree in my immediate family.
I'm trying to get into an occupational/vocational rehab program now, so I can get some marketable skills since I can't carry boxes, cook or hang drywall anymore. So much work is busy work that shouldn't even exist. Hopefully ican find something relatively meaningful to do, instead of some alienating, data entry bullshit.
I also screwed up my credit before I was old enough to drink, by ignoring my student loans for my 3 week education, and never filling out address cards. This has actually been a blessing, as I haven't been able to get anything I can't pay cash for and it's worked for me. It also keeps me honest. Investments and such just seem like gambling, at a slow, dull pace. I read the business section of newspapers first though, so I can hazard a guess about why things are happening.
I'm admitedly pretty impulsive and irresponsible, and I don't like rules of the game, so I play only as much as I have to. I try to be more civilized and do less dumb poor people shit and sometimes it actually works.
I'm recession proof, as I try to live pretty simply, and can't overextend myself even if I wanted to.
I just identify very strongly with my social class, rather than a nationality or religion, and we tend to blame those above us for our predicament, rather than those below us. I know that I will never be rich, so I have no sympathy for the billionaires and I prefer it if they get knocked down a few pegs.


Well-Known Member
who hasnt made bad decisions at dont want to make them the rest of your life and its never to late to turn the wheels of fortune around.
most of the greatest men i have ever met are from humble origins .they have vision hard work and brains.and of course willing to take calculated risks


New Member
Americans are obsessed with Work? and Acheivement?....
do you mean Money and Materialism?
No, I don't mean money and materialism. I mean exactly what I said, work and achievement.

With work and achievement, the money comes, as does material wealth.

Tell me, Jointsmith ... what is the difference between an ordinary worker and a craftsman? Do you have any idea?
