~ Starting of New Group - RIU Soil/Organic Growers Guild!!


Well-Known Member
Looks good LAX, what strain are you growing? Got some specs or a journal going? Welcome to the thread, join up with the Group in my signature and help get the world growing organic :)

KC :leaf:

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
this is the first grow ... it's some bag seeds from some good mids... but after this one im gonna be doing Sour Diesel before the start of summer...link is in my sig


Well-Known Member
Beauty, thanks mate. Hope you enjoy Organics, I know I and the rest of S.O.G.G does too ;). Let me know when you start the Sour Diesel, one of my favorite. Peace and love

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
hey dudes! i just got caught up with this thread, and of course i'm fucking in!! check my grow out in my sig, i've got another week tops. soil and organics is the only way to go in my mind. peace


Well-Known Member
Hey, for some reason I cant find worm castings anywhere... is ther something eles I might be able to mix in?


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the thread and hopefully the Group Nunyobiness. Nutrients can be started as early as 2-3 weeks into the grow. Depending on what you're using for nutrients, early nutrients can be supplemented. The dreaded chemical fertilizers, and even some "organic" fertilizers unfortunately, have compounds that leach the soil and do not give any reinforcement to the soil.

The main benefit to organic growing, true organic growing, is everything in the soil is sustainable, there are micro organisms present that nourish the soil as well as the plant roots. This is important because as chemical nutrients are added the beneficial organisms in the soil are killed, diminishing the soils ability to retain water and nutrients; in turn leading to more feeding being necessary.

The best nutrients to use are composts usually as you can add nutrients over the months your compost is sitting and being mixed. A compost with a 25-30:1 C/N ratio works amazingly well and is nourishing to your entire grow (C/N being Carbon/Nitrogen).

Check out the group page in my signature for more info and organic lovers, it's a good place to get questions answered and learn. I'll be posting a full report shortly on composting and organic nutrients. Happy growing all

KC :leaf:
Thanks KC! Any suggestions for my nutes/ compost? I planted 2 seedlings just last week and I have life to 1 thus far. (Hoping the other BB pops up before I start the skunk haze) Feel free to inform me as the noob that I am. :dunce: I am really trying to help my hubby out more with this grow than I did with the last, and help make this grow alot better than the last. :bigjoint:I have been told numerous times organic is the ONLY way to go to get the best quality bud. :wink:

Thanks to all for your input suggestions. It is much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
I've been getting a lot of requests for information on composting and using compost. I'm a firm advocate of compost, I use it religiously, and I believe it is the best source of nutrition absolutely. I've been a real big lazy procrastinator, but I'll be posting the compost thread tonight for sure, I'm finalizing pictures and such right now. Stay tuned to the link in my sig with regards to the Group Posts and I'll have some good up soon enough :blsmoke:

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Awesome! I joined the group and I am really looking forward to reading your posts! ( and others as well) I may even start my own journal this time around....thinkin that might be of help to me as well! Much rep+++! :clap:


Well-Known Member
Yea locally, cant order over the interweb. I deiced Im going to use compost, blood meal and bone meal for most of my goodness. I just mixed up some fluffy soil for now, getting some white berry seeds tmrw. Im hopeing the cold doesnt kill em. -20C and below.. not sure if seeds like that. Ther all alone in the cold/dark sitting in a metal box just waiting for me to pick them up.... poor little girls. And yes Im in Canada.

Edit: A couple of weeks and this plant is done too... very exciting times.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
hey all, I am thinking that hyponex soil for under 10 dollars is gonna be a hot buy. Product Description
Hyponex, 40 LB, Potting Soil, Especially Formulated Blend Of Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss, Compost, Native Humus, Perlite & Sand, A Natural, Fertile Potting Soil, Pallet, UPC: 0 71645 70440

looks like if I add worm castings from my own worm farm, some guano, prob high N, some more perlite, some dolomite lime dust or quicklime, some little beasties and myco-ree-zah(?), should be good for under a quarter of the price for buying all that in foxfarm put together.

Also I might not need to add all that other stuff like the guano and castings If I use super plant tonic and fully plan to topdress and feed teas and my bio bizz.

incidentally I just fed an experimental tea of 1tbls High N batguano, 1 dose of SPT, 10 ml liquid karma, week 1 serving of Bio-Bizz, 1tsp molasses, to 1gallon of unchlorinated water.

fed that full str on accident and waiting to see what happens. My plants are in ocean forest and light warrior half and half with 1 bag of htgs perlite and 2 handfuls of dolimite lime. The plants ae a 2-3 weeks and on their 3rd node. This is where I burn them everytime in hydro and am starting to think this is becasue the third node is something diferent than I think. lol.

also for the love of god make sure you get the right kind of dolomite lime. I got the little rocks because that is all they had on amazon and my ph is def acidic.


Well-Known Member
The thread for Compost is now posted finally!! It is a good thread and I hope it will have some influence on everyone. Thanks for your time guys, click compost or SLGG link in my signature to access the thread

KC :leaf: