Medical Marijuana in Iowa?


Well-Known Member
I have been trying to find out what I can do to help get a bill introduced in Iowa and it seems as always someone is already a step ahead of me.
I was told that
Senator Joe Bolkcom is introducing a bill to the Iowa senate this year!!!!! I called Sen. Bolkcoms office and got the secretary of course, but I left my name and number and am waiting for a call back. I am also waiting on a copy of the bill being proposed. Will post updates as soon as I get em


Well-Known Member
You can go to your state gov site and read it.Here is a link.
Look under, find a bill,follow the links,it's SF 293.
Make sure you contact all of your rep's,congressmen and senators.Tell all of your freinds to do the same,good luck.OPH

thanks, i didn't know the bill number so I couldn't look it up. Too stoned to search lol...I will read all that when i get off work gotta go for now


Active Member
Hi MJG420, thanks for the post. I live in Des Moines and am a strong Medical Marijuana Advocate trying to do what you are doing. Do you know of Carl Olsen? He has a site called,
check it out if you haven't already. Also Sen Chuck Grassley (R-IA) is still in the 'Reefer Madness' mode while Sen Tom Harkin (D-IA) sent me an email in summer of 2008 stating, "I am now for the legalization of Medical Marijuana and research into other drugs from the Cannabis plant." Prior to this he was also in the "Reefer Madness" mode just like Grassley. Frankly I think this was done to garner support for Obama. Gov Chet Culver replied to my email by sending a letter. In it he says, "Thirteen states have legalized Medical Marijuana. However, in some instances these laws have been subjected to challenge; some people believe that such state laws maybe pre-empted by federal laws regarding marijuana. Marijuana is currently an illegal substance under Iowa law. Our Administration has no plans to change the relative sections of the Iowa Code regarding marijuana use. " I wonder if Gov Culver knows that Marijuana is in both Schedule I and II catagories in Iowa. This April MPP is coming to Iowa for 5 screenings of "Waiting To Inhale" Saturday's April 4 in Ames, April 11 in Cedar Falls, April 18 Iowa City, Monday April 20 at Drake U., and Saturday April 25 in Des Moines. I don't yet know where exactly or what time but will let you know when I know if you wish. After the screening there will be Q & A's with Dr's, Law Enforcement, at least one state rep and senator along with patient testimonies. Just keep pestering your state and federal politicians to legalize at least Medical Marijuana and Industrial Hemp. I emailed Gov Culver after AG Eric Holder said, "It is now U.S. Policy for the federal government not to interfere with state Medical Marijuana laws," and asked him where he stands now that the federal law is not a conflict. I am still waiting a reply. Good luck in your effort to change Iowa law. You have many people behind you. Peace...bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hi MJG420, thanks for the post. I live in Des Moines and am a strong Medical Marijuana Advocate trying to do what you are doing. Do you know of Carl Olsen? He has a site called,
check it out if you haven't already. Also Sen Chuck Grassley (R-IA) is still in the 'Reefer Madness' mode while Sen Tom Harkin (D-IA) sent me an email in summer of 2008 stating, "I am now for the legalization of Medical Marijuana and research into other drugs from the Cannabis plant." Prior to this he was also in the "Reefer Madness" mode just like Grassley. Frankly I think this was done to garner support for Obama. Gov Chet Culver replied to my email by sending a letter. In it he says, "Thirteen states have legalized Medical Marijuana. However, in some instances these laws have been subjected to challenge; some people believe that such state laws maybe pre-empted by federal laws regarding marijuana. Marijuana is currently an illegal substance under Iowa law. Our Administration has no plans to change the relative sections of the Iowa Code regarding marijuana use. " I wonder if Gov Culver knows that Marijuana is in both Schedule I and II catagories in Iowa. This April MPP is coming to Iowa for 5 screenings of "Waiting To Inhale" Saturday's April 4 in Ames, April 11 in Cedar Falls, April 18 Iowa City, Monday April 20 at Drake U., and Saturday April 25 in Des Moines. I don't yet know where exactly or what time but will let you know when I know if you wish. After the screening there will be Q & A's with Dr's, Law Enforcement, at least one state rep and senator along with patient testimonies. Just keep pestering your state and federal politicians to legalize at least Medical Marijuana and Industrial Hemp. I emailed Gov Culver after AG Eric Holder said, "It is now U.S. Policy for the federal government not to interfere with state Medical Marijuana laws," and asked him where he stands now that the federal law is not a conflict. I am still waiting a reply. Good luck in your effort to change Iowa law. You have many people behind you. Peace...bongsmilie
I also sent a letter to Gov Culver an got the same reply. I suppose I will do the same thing you did and send another one. Yeah I know about Carl Olsens site, he just added me today. I also knew about the MPP coming just didn't know the dates or locations, I would really like to know what time they are having these as I would love to attend. Feel free to contact me anytime


Well-Known Member
i know this is a little late but i figured some of you would like to read this....

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Iowa Legislator Introduces Medical Marijuana Bill In State Senate[/FONT]

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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] February 10, 2000 - Des Moines, IA, USA

Legislation was introduced this week in the Iowa State Senate that would legalize the medical use of marijuana for certain medical conditions.
The legislation (S.F. 2076), sponsored by Sen. Elaine Szymoniak (D-Des Moines), will protect patients diagnosed by a physician with having glaucoma, nausea related to chemotherapy, multiple sclerosis, hyperparathyroidism, nail patella syndrome and AIDS. The legislation calls for patients to obtain their marijuana from a licensed physician, surgeon or pharmacist. Unlike recently passed state initiatives, the legislation does not address personal cultivation, nor does it set limits on how much marijuana can be possessed.
A provision for a therapeutic research program is also included in the legislation. The program would provide research into other illnesses effectively treated with marijuana and allow for those illnesses to be included in the medical marijuana law.
"It is vital that the legislators in Iowa understand that by approving this bill, they are supporting patients who are suffering," said Scott Colvin, NORML Publications Director. "This is a public health issue and not part of the war on drugs."
The Iowa legislature joins Maryland this session by introducing a medical marijuana bill. Since 1996, California, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Alaska and Maine, have approved voter initiatives to legalize medical marijuana. Colorado and Nevada citizens will vote on similar medical use initiatives in November.

you can check the story out here --->


Well-Known Member
i know this is a little late but i figured some of you would like to read this....

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Iowa Legislator Introduces Medical Marijuana Bill In State Senate[/FONT]

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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] February 10, 2000 - Des Moines, IA, USA

Legislation was introduced this week in the Iowa State Senate that would legalize the medical use of marijuana for certain medical conditions.
The legislation (S.F. 2076), sponsored by Sen. Elaine Szymoniak (D-Des Moines), will protect patients diagnosed by a physician with having glaucoma, nausea related to chemotherapy, multiple sclerosis, hyperparathyroidism, nail patella syndrome and AIDS. The legislation calls for patients to obtain their marijuana from a licensed physician, surgeon or pharmacist. Unlike recently passed state initiatives, the legislation does not address personal cultivation, nor does it set limits on how much marijuana can be possessed.
A provision for a therapeutic research program is also included in the legislation. The program would provide research into other illnesses effectively treated with marijuana and allow for those illnesses to be included in the medical marijuana law.
"It is vital that the legislators in Iowa understand that by approving this bill, they are supporting patients who are suffering," said Scott Colvin, NORML Publications Director. "This is a public health issue and not part of the war on drugs."
The Iowa legislature joins Maryland this session by introducing a medical marijuana bill. Since 1996, California, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Alaska and Maine, have approved voter initiatives to legalize medical marijuana. Colorado and Nevada citizens will vote on similar medical use initiatives in November.

you can check the story out here --->

I'd say thats dated all the way back to 2000 it says


Well-Known Member
as i stated above... i know this is a little late but i figured some of you would like to read this....

lol its all good, I guess they are goin for it again....hope it passes this time, although I didn't know they had tried before(kinda depressing to think of).


Well-Known Member
in a way im glad they tried to push it thru before because now we can learn from our mistakes .... we can rise up from our 2000 failure and pass this one

lol its all good, I guess they are goin for it again....hope it passes this time, although I didn't know they had tried before(kinda depressing to think of).


Well-Known Member
OK so there is a sub-committee meeting Tuesday, March 10, at 2pm in the Iowa Senate Lobbyist Lounge in the State Capitol Building at East 12th & Grand, in Des Moines. I plan on going!!!! Will know for sure tomm if I am or not, tryin to get half the day off. Hope we get alot of support, Would REALLY like to see this happen


Well-Known Member
HELL YES!!! keep me posted bro ... the people of illinois is having great progress as well... now its just up to us missourians to catch up with u all


Well-Known Member
HELL YES!!! keep me posted bro ... the people of illinois is having great progress as well... now its just up to us missourians to catch up with u all

thats good to hear!!! I lived in MO and can care less about that state really but hell go for it!!!! I will be goin to the meeting for sure tuesday just got off da phone with my boss.


Well-Known Member
chyeaahh!! thats ballin. might have to go to ;)
Hope to see ya there!!!! We need all the help we can get!!!!!!!!!!! As of now it is not looking good for us, This is our last chance to change the minds of the people that approve the bills or else the bill is considered dead for the year. The actual cut off date is Friday, Pray for this to atleast get in so we can vote on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope things go good tomorrow