thats why im going back to NFT less waste to get shot will only need to get rid of very little stalks and leaf. what i would do is shread it up put it in a bag and dump it in a headge row or smothing it will bio degrade so no problems there. my m8 asked me the same Q when i was up his house helping him trim up he said WTF shall i do with this I took it out the back garden and put it all under a steel sheet and told him not to worry it will brake down in a few weeks, you could also turn it in to compost get a big compo bin and pop it in with all your house hold food waste (makes exellent compo), its much safer than walking/driving around with trim on you looking for somewhre to despose of it = less chance of the police stop search if they smell it and lets be honust you can smell good shit from 100 feet away.
what ever method you chose break it up the best you can and let it rot down befor you dump it or compost it or put it under a pank or board in your garden, if you have to dump it off your property then put it in a plastic shopping bag add some water and close it up within a few days it will rot down and will just look like a bag of shit> green waste unrecognizable.
moving earth is not so easy under the cover of darkness is your best bet or at 6am in the morning or do it bit by bit fill 1/2 shoping bag full and go for a walk and when no 1s looking sling it over the heage repeat untill its all gone.
dont throw away your clay keep it and wash it clean with bleach
that will last a life time.