Leaves looking bad during flower


Active Member
I'm using a basic potting soil mix. I'm about 4 weeks into flowering, using MG bloom booster and 3 fluoro tubes. I'm wondering if this is too much light, but I can't imagine that it is since fluoros are relatively week. This is also my first grow so all feedback is welcome.



Well-Known Member
definitely looks like nute burn. flush them with clean water and check out the new growth for signs of improvement. If I were you I'd add a few more CFL's to help with light penetration


Well-Known Member
ur good money dont worry bout anything just continue gorwing
They look like they have A) A little nute burn and B) A Shit ton of nitrogen. Those are some dark lookin' leaves. I wouldn't worry too much as they look pretty good, but you might consider backing down the nutes a bit.

Is the soil that you're using high in N? Might want to flush it and just continue on with the bloom nutes.


Active Member
They look like they have A) A little nute burn and B) A Shit ton of nitrogen. Those are some dark lookin' leaves. I wouldn't worry too much as they look pretty good, but you might consider backing down the nutes a bit.

Is the soil that you're using high in N? Might want to flush it and just continue on with the bloom nutes.
First of all, thanks tons for all of the feedback. I had been using N food for a while, and just started with the bloom a few days ago, so maybe that will help. Also, it's purple sticky punch, which explains the color of the leaves. I should probably have included that earlier. New growth has always looked great, it's just mainly shades. But I'll definitely flush anyways and try with the continued bloom nutes, although probably a little more diluted, and will report back in a few days.

Thanks a ton :bigjoint:


they look fine to me, give them lots of water and maybe less nutes, they are fine little yellow is ok


Well-Known Member
I only ever feed them three times a week with the recommended feed/water ratio. Do you really think it's nute burn? No fertilizer was used.
I guarantee those recomendations are not specifically for pot!

I only feed my plants every other watering which is at the most once per week.

You are getting to the point now where you should be using water only. It does not look too bad though so I would just keep watering them without nutes.

The plants look Dank though!:bigjoint:


Active Member
I guarantee those recomendations are not specifically for pot!

I only feed my plants every other watering which is at the most once per week.

You are getting to the point now where you should be using water only. It does not look too bad though so I would just keep watering them without nutes.

The plants look Dank though!:bigjoint:
Oh, believe me, they smell dank too. Trich's everywhere, especially the buds and bud leaves and on some of the stems. I really can't even describe the smell... it's just got that good purple smell, ya know? And the node stems are massive... like 8-10 inches, so i'm looking forward to it. But I'll definitely try once a week, because I definitely want to include some extra phos. in the nutrition for the bud growth and (quality?). You guys have been awesome help though


Active Member
its always a good idea to ease back into the nutes after you flush so that you don't just repeat your problem.I usually start with a 1/3 of the recomended dose and build up over about 10 to 12 days.good luck. Remember it will take a little time for things to show signs of improving