What happened to my favorite Marajuana Strains???


Well-Known Member
very interesting cuz in the back of my head I kept thinking maybe these guys are just over remebering the potency because of nostalgia

or because they were more of lightweight smokers back then

I remeber when I was a kid 13 and started smokin weed in the 90's

and I would get so high like i remeber riding my bike home and the sun was out and bright it felt like we were literally in heaven. me and my friend swervin our bikes in the middle of the street grining riding home in heaven

then i heard a honk and realized there was a line of cars behind us:bigjoint:

anyway I also halucunated a little at my buddies house

I think you can never go back to the highness you used to get as a child.

hey do you have a link to the info about not gettin as hi when you grow up?

ironically i saw it on a government study of children and cannabis use. there was a bar graph depicting the highest concentrations of cannaboid receptors.

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
ironically i saw it on a government study of children and cannabis use. there was a bar graph depicting the highest concentrations of cannaboid receptors.
I like how this thread is getting all of us thinking about our hobby:weed:
For me it's not how much THC, or how high I get; believe me todays weed is out of sight.

It's the exotic weeds we smoked back in the day. Today every thing is grown, harvested and cured the same way,
GREEN. :wall:


Well-Known Member
Really great post, very informative! +reps :joint:

Landrace seeds are seeds that have been grown locally in an area for…well…a long time. They are seeds that have been grown in a isolated area for several hundred generations. The longer the plant spends in that area the more acclimated it becomes to that environment. As plants breed they evolve to grow better in their environment, gaining and losing attributes giving it its own uniqueness.

All the wonderful cannabis grown today is basically a cross of maybe 10 different base genetics (South Indian, Brazilian, Laos, Cambodian, Mexican, Afghanistan, China, Russia etc). Each area providing its own unique characteristics to produce the quality we get today. These genetics all came from landrace seeds that breeders identified for certain qualities. For instance, pure Citral is a strain that came from the Pakistani town of Chitral and easily identified by its strong lemon citrus smell/flavor. Any strain with a distinct lemony citrus flavor (Super Lemon Haze anyone) has probably been derived from the original landrace seed from Chitral Pakistan. Hindu Kush is almost pure landrace and was pulled from the Hindu Kush mountain range. Its famous for its potent indica high and copious resin production.

Breeders are constantly searching new areas for landrace genetics that offer something new to our ever-expanding strains. Once a landrace seed has been selected, it has to be stabilized. This is the process of crossing desired phenotypes (of the same plant) to achieve a plant that produces uniform and consistent babys. An un-stabilized cannabis plant can have several phenotypes that can be for the better or the worse. AK-47 has a very cherry phenotype that is absolutely amazing. You may get one of these phenos after buying several packs of non-feminized seeds.

The big hit on the market today is auto-flowering strains. These strains are landrace seeds from taken from the northern hemisphere where days may have 24 hours of light. Well obviously a plant is never going to flower on 24 hours of light (since Indicas and Sativas rely on the shorter days of the years end to flower near the equator). These northern hemisphere plants basically got thrown into the ‘other’ Cannabis category named Cannabis Ruderalis. Ruderalis simply flowers after two or so weeks of growing since it has no idea what time of the year it is. Outdoor growers are reading this going…”wait…I don’t have to build a light deprivation green house to yield more than once a year”. This is indeed a fact. The problem is that Ruderalis in its native environment produces NO THC.

Breeders identified this two week flowering trait and thought “This would be awesome for outdoor growers if it got you medicated.” I don’t know exactly who (probably Dutch Passion) made the first but somebody stabilized a cross of Cannabis Ruderalis and Cannabis Indica/Sativa that produces a good amount of THC. Two months from seed to harvest pushing 5+% THC. The plants are small but with a complete grow time of two months what can you expect. Now that the genes are stabilized watch for some unique auto-flowering strains.


New Member
very nice guys...sub i don't know what your growing but 2/3 of my garden is of the reddish marroon to gold to purple in color..very few are just green..hell i got seeds from 15 yrs. ago came from a bag of purple haired skunk i bought in boulder colo..where i grew up..to this day i still grow this out..my fav is some strain my wife and i got when we were on vacation in the caymen islands..a old man local i met in a bar invited my wife and i to dinner with his family and he had these plants growing in his yard..he kept us high all vacation and handed a bunch of seeds to bring home..it turns almost black with gold hairs and taste of honey hash..very trippy and up..i call it honey bud..have had it for many years now..i crossed it once to blockhead by sol ..but i didn't like it..to couch locky..good luck and peace


Well-Known Member
cool thread + rep

and for all you medical marijuana patients out there in California just letting u know i saw panama red in san francisco at a club called hope net


New Member
hey kitty you know, i found out reading your posts you know good strains and obviously have some we all can't get..do you have any more from places you went on vacation too..


New Member
no, but i wish i did..we've been to mexico 3x and costa rica once..i always comb the forest looking but never found..the time i got some in the caymens was from a local..this year we are going brazil..i will find some there..i have a relative who lives there and promises me he knows growers and can get me in touch with some locals..maybe i can get a few kinds..who knows..i love having a rich wife...peace

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
very nice guys...sub i don't know what your growing but 2/3 of my garden is of the reddish marroon to gold to purple in color..very few are just green..hell i got seeds from 15 yrs.
I would love to see that garden, sounds like paradise too me. I grew a few plants in the past, 3 times outside and once inside.
Then life and 20 years later, I'm stuck with todays genetics and indoor grows.
This is what I'm growing at this time, I just wish it was really this color...

What do think about this name: California Gold...
Just kidding... It's a Seedsman Seeds White Widow bongsmilie


New Member
there's tons of good genetics out there..SOL, DJ,SHANTI,NEVILLE,SUBCOOL'TGA..the list goes on..i have noticed that the smaller breeders seem to have really good gentics going..i'll tell ya i've been buying up some stuff on s-bay..all sorts of seeds been being sent in for the 420 fundraise..like someone said in another forum it's fun trying out what regu;ar peeps are growing/crossing..i've seen good dtuff on theoir lately..the bidz has had some really good beans too..outlaw ,sonic,some landraces there too..check it out.you'll find something that meets your dreams..peace


Well-Known Member
i agree all the weed is good today,even bad indoor today is better then most of the old weed,but the old great weed was great,their is no way you can grow a 20 foot african sativa from botsawana inside,or the 4 month long flowering of the panama red,it was meant to grow out doors then and still is,when i say i have never smoked anything like the botsawana sativa i never have,i soared like an eagle and just kept soaring i even holucinated on it.


New Member
fuunny you said that, but i was justing sitting watching the the colbert report when i noticed myself twitching abit..i'm puffin' on smoke blockhead..it's pretty potent too..i seem to use it for crosses alot with sativas..works good..inho..

Big P

Well-Known Member
there's tons of good genetics out there..SOL, DJ,SHANTI,NEVILLE,SUBCOOL'TGA..the list goes on..i have noticed that the smaller breeders seem to have really good gentics going..i'll tell ya i've been buying up some stuff on s-bay..all sorts of seeds been being sent in for the 420 fundraise..like someone said in another forum it's fun trying out what regu;ar peeps are growing/crossing..i've seen good dtuff on theoir lately..the bidz has had some really good beans too..outlaw ,sonic,some landraces there too..check it out.you'll find something that meets your dreams..peace

Kittyron you sound like you got it goin on, can you recommend to us one of these smaller breeders that you are particularly fond of and possibly a very good strain of theirs that you may favour?

we must mine each other for all the hard earned knowledge we have so we may one day finally break these chains of government bondagebongsmilie

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
i agree all the weed is good today,even bad indoor today is better then most of the old weed,but the old great weed was great,their is no way you can grow a 20 foot african sativa from botsawana inside,or the 4 month long flowering of the panama red,it was meant to grow out doors then and still is,when i say i have never smoked anything like the botsawana sativa i never have,i soared like an eagle and just kept soaring i even holucinated on it.
That's what I'm talking about, thanks trapper...:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Well-Known Member
Ok so it took 4 days for my Brazillian seeds to crack their shells. Not all of them did but I diddn't want to leave them out of soil for much longer. Just planted today in a 50/50 mix of soil/perlite. Will update when or if these babies start to grow. By the way the weed was very very solid and a goldy browny shade. We'll see what happens.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Ok so it took 4 days for my Brazillian seeds to crack their shells. Not all of them did but I diddn't want to leave them out of soil for much longer. Just planted today in a 50/50 mix of soil/perlite. Will update when or if these babies start to grow. By the way the weed was very very solid and a goldy browny shade. We'll see what happens.

how did it smoke, also did it look like it was mass produced, cuz if it was you plants will prolly be much more potet and tasty


Well-Known Member
Its most likely mass produced in my opinion. otherwise a tourist probably wouldn't be able to get their hands on it. Its smokes good. Its got a very strange taste and aroma to it. Like nothing I've ever smoked before but then Living where I do I've probably never smoked outdoor grown weed so maybe thats a factor. The smell is avery earthy, oaky one. Is there really that much of a difference in smell/taste between indoor and outdoor weed???