Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
I have a Aerogarden Pro 100 Hood and arm 2' ( 2 lights in it ) and a Deluxe Hood and Arm 4' (3 lights ) Available ..Posting here before They hit e bay With new lights too


New Member
I've been blah all day, took 2 naps, didn't make dinner, I'm lifeless.

Waiting for Lie to Me to be on in 20 minutes when it's over at 9 I'm going to bed.



New Member
I remember a movie once depicting Don King and George Foreman in a bathroom and they both take a leak but King doesn't wash his hands afterwards...Foreman asks him why he doesn't. King not missing abeat says "I wash my hands BEFORE I touch my dick". Funny stuff...

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I like the Fish stick commercial And The Little blond girl looks at her mom and says ,,,'" Minced FISH.... Did you ever catch a MINCED FISH?.... I about wet myself .. Cause she was Yelling .. the mom just looked at her puzzled


New Member
Never seen that one.... funny stuff tho.

remember the cheetos commercial with the giant rat? I thought that was terrific!!

out. :blsmoke: