Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

I have a Aerogarden Pro 100 Hood and arm 2' ( 2 lights in it ) and a Deluxe Hood and Arm 4' (3 lights ) Available ..Posting here before They hit e bay With new lights too
I've been blah all day, took 2 naps, didn't make dinner, I'm lifeless.

Waiting for Lie to Me to be on in 20 minutes when it's over at 9 I'm going to bed.

I remember a movie once depicting Don King and George Foreman in a bathroom and they both take a leak but King doesn't wash his hands afterwards...Foreman asks him why he doesn't. King not missing abeat says "I wash my hands BEFORE I touch my dick". Funny stuff...

out. :blsmoke:
I like the Fish stick commercial And The Little blond girl looks at her mom and says ,,,'" Minced FISH.... Did you ever catch a MINCED FISH?.... I about wet myself .. Cause she was Yelling .. the mom just looked at her puzzled