same sex marriage hearing


Well-Known Member
If you going to draw any line, as in your example, between two consenting adults, for thousands of years, the line was already drawn as "between a man and a woman".
And if we are going to move that line, or change that line, HOW FAR WILL WE GO? You know we will move the line, and move the line again and again, as we have on anything connected to or concerning morality.

If we change the definition of Marriage, we will change it again and again.
Yes, never let's change the definition of marriage. I mean women are still property and interracial marriage and divorce are still illegal too aren't they? :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Roseman :roll: We all know that marrying our sister is not acceptable. We don't want offspring with 3 heads or no brain. Way to take an argument out of context.

Marriage is not a sacred institution anymore, just ask that guy I know that's on his 5th marriage. If marriage was sacred, then he'd still be with wife number one.

Marriage is if anything laughable these days, "lets get married, spit out a few kids then go our separate ways and then re-marry and spit out some more kids, then find a new spouse, spit out a few more kids, then hit the road looking for number 4"

Religion should not define marriage, there is SUPPOSED to be a separation of church and state, which means the bible should not be allowed to define who gets married, especially since the bible is a WORK OF FICTION. It's like letting a Stephen King book run your life. I can't believe in this day and age people still hold so tight to ancient superstitions.
what if my sister is fixed? or my balls are snipped? then can i marry her? if not, why?

"marrying our sister in not acceptable", .................
"acceptable"? now you are getting somewhere.

gays what to be "accepted". period. :bigjoint:


New Member
How about marrying someone with family DNA isn't acceptable? If you want to marry your sister go ahead, I could care less. It's not my problem.

Gay's aren't known breeders, they're more known for adopting children who otherwise wouldn't have homes. I don't see how anyone can't advocate that.

If 2 gay people marry, there is no way they can combine their DNA and reproduce, however inter family marriages would further contaminate the species.

I'm all for gay people getting married and adopting children. Children who would have otherwise grown up in a foster care system that is broken. Children who receive love are far more likley to succeed than ones who are just traded from place to place with no one to really care about them. You have to think long term here.


Well-Known Member
How about marrying someone with family DNA isn't acceptable? If you want to marry your sister go ahead, I could care less. It's not my problem.

Gay's aren't known breeders, they're more known for adopting children who otherwise wouldn't have homes. I don't see how anyone can't advocate that.

If 2 gay people marry, there is no way they can combine their DNA and reproduce, however inter family marriages would further contaminate the species.

I'm all for gay people getting married and adopting children. Children who would have otherwise grown up in a foster care system that is broken. Children who receive love are far more likley to succeed than ones who are just traded from place to place with no one to really care about them. You have to think long term here.
only inter families can marry if one of them is fixed. then they can adopt. same as the gays. how is this different? just because "they" say it's wrong?

i wanna marry my sister, she's hot, and adopt 5 orphan babies. and i want my rights DAMNIT!!!!

see how it's about "acceptance" and NOT rights at all?

and wtf is with all the adoption BS? how many gays run out and adopt babies? and don't even try to tell they will if they are "married". BS!!!! :cuss:

single people can adopt. bongsmilie

gays aren't "know" for adopting. they're know for some other stuff though. :wink:


New Member
A lot of gays try to adopt children, they just get blocked by the bible beaters.

You don't think screwing your sister is gross? Even animals know not to screw their sister. Yet we humans think we're so advanced.......


Well-Known Member
you had a chance to vote on it. sorry it didn't go the way of the smaller % of voters.
If you took another vote, you still wouldn't have enough votes...
Why should the smaller % of voters get their way?
lol your population is like 50% mexican descendants right?
Guess what, thoes descendants are hard core jesus thumpers and very anti gay.
Guess what, the same people who support gay marriage are steadfast against any illegal immigration laws.
Sorry, but 'implode' comes to mind.


New Member
I support gay marriage, but I'm for illegal immigration laws. If we don't have enough jobs for citizens, we surely shouldn't have jobs for illegals.


Well-Known Member
A lot of gays try to adopt children, they just get blocked by the bible beaters.

You don't think screwing your sister is gross? Even animals know not to screw their sister. Yet we humans think we're so advanced.......
what if we grew up apart, met when we were 24, fell in love then found out we were related? we don't have the ability to have children so 3 legged babies aren't an issue. we want to adopt and both have very respectable careers.

gross like butt sex gross? :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
libs are a funny breed.
silly liberals and there moral dilemmas.
Funny how those that oppose same-sex marriage like to try and couch this as some left vs. right issue when support tends to cross political lines and the opposition's arguments tend to be religious in nature at their core.


Well-Known Member
Funny how those that oppose same-sex marriage like to try and couch this as some left vs. right issue when support tends to cross political lines and the opposition's arguments tend to be religious in nature at their core.
Does opposition also cross party lines?
The majority has spoken, that's as american as apple pie
...made with masa.:lol:

silly liberals and there moral dilemmas;-)


Well-Known Member
I don't care who you're fuckin. mom, dad, bother, sister, gandmother or some hottie down the street.
Sure, I'll talk a bunch of shit, 'butt' it's none of my business.


New Member
It is about as gross as a man sticking his dick up another man's ass.
It is not acceptable to me.

You either approve of and legalize abnormal behavoir and perversion, or you don't.
One mans perversion is another mans pleasure. As long as the participants are willing adults, I see no crime.


Well-Known Member

You either approve of and legalize abnormal behavoir
Yes I do approve of abnormal behavior! Everybody here that partakes in this herb is considered "abnormal" by society, We are grown adults right? I could care less about peoples "perversions". Do what what you want in your own home, if adult wants to smoke herb why would I care why would you care? Same thing goes with Homos if they want to go at it, Why do you care they are grown adults right?Why are YOU so concerned with OTHER peoples personal lives? Do you have dreams at night (or nightmares) of gay dudes or something?


Elite Rolling Society
Yes I do approve of abnormal behavior! Everybody here that partakes in this herb is considered "abnormal" by society, We are grown adults right? I could care less about peoples "perversions". Do what what you want in your own home, if adult wants to smoke herb why would I care why would you care? Same thing goes with Homos if they want to go at it, Why do you care they are grown adults right?Why are YOU so concerned with OTHER peoples personal lives? Do you have dreams at night (or nightmares) of gay dudes or something?

You evidently did not read the entire thread.

I already admitted I was and am abnormal and perverted and said that I and many do not care what anyone does behind closed doors.
I have 8 grandchildren, and i do not want them encouraged to be abnormal. .
And my abnormal behavior of growing and smoking pot is illegal where I live. That is why I do it behind clsoed doors.


Well-Known Member
legalizing gay marriage isnt gonna make your grandkids gay lol. You should really learn to be more understanding, seeing as how 1 in 10 people are gay, you have a 4/5 chance that you will have atleast one gay grandchild.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Being gay happens in nature.And raping children isn't about sex, it's about hurting someone who has no power so you can get off on how powerful you are.This is about CONSENTING ADULTS.(who are not closely related) That's where the line gets drawn.Children and animals cannot give consent,Children because they are CHILDREN,and animals because they CAN'T SAY YES. And if you actually do a little research, you'll see homosexuality and bisexuality were widely accepted in many cultures.Then Bible thumpers came along.:roll:
Who are you to dicate who can and can't spend their life together?


I agree, anyone should be able to marry anyone, so let me marry my sister for the tax benefits!

Let me ask,

Traditionally, Marriage for thousands of years, was the union, a contract, a covenant of a, or between a male and female. Now, those traditions are changing to allow perversions.

Perversion in the Dictionary says:
per ver sion

Spelled Pronunciation[per-vur-zhuh
n, -shuh
Show IPA
–noun 1.the act of perverting.
2.the state of being perverted.
3.a perverted form of something.
4.any of various means of obtaining sexual gratification that are generally regarded as being abnormal.
5.Pathology. a change to what is unnatural or abnormal: a perversion of function or structure.

And what is "abnormal" ?

People are allowing the courts to decide what Perversion is and should it be allowed.

To address the question

Who are you to dicate who can and can't spend their life together?

Am I to assume you mean I should legally be allowed to marry whoever? My Collie? My Golden Retriver?

And how about marrying my Brother or Sister? Don't I have a civl right to do that?

And Marrying my Mother or Father? Why don't I have the civil right to marry anyone I want to marry? Isn't that what is being debated?

And IF I have the civil right to marry the same sex person as I am, why can't I marry a child? a dog? a relative? a monkey?

Where do you draw the line?
Perversion IS Perversion. Abnormal IS Abnormal.

If we legislate PERVERSION OR PERVERTED MARRIAGES, and ABNORMAL UNIONS, where will it stop? If a man has the civil right to marry a same sex man, he ought to have the same right to marry a chimpanzee, a child, or one of his relatives. We either accept and approve of Abnormal perversions, or we don't.

We discussed this at work this week, where I work with my two grown STRAIGHT single sons. They agreed to marry each other, if these laws are passed, so they can file a joint tax return, and get discounts on health insurance and take advantage of all the rights and priviledges afforded to married men and women.

And I am going to start a business of helping these STRAIGHT SINGLE PEOPLE find a same sex spouse, and take advantage of the new laws so they can also get married and have the same priviledges as married people share.

Why was homosexuality and perversion wrong for 3000 years, and hidden, and now it is OK? WHY ?
