root damage


Active Member
So i had an issue while transplanting a small seedling in which i accidentally cut the taproot in half. Stupid, i know. Now here i am like four weeks later and the plant is vigorous to say the least, yet the stem itself seems to have just stopped growing vertically, although it continues to get bushier every day. It has gotten to a point where what will become the clones from the bottom node are outgrowing the top canopy and starting to compete for light. The only reason i don't just quit on this is because it's from a collection of seeds that were amazing that i held on to for about four years and only was able to get this one out of six seeds to take. Is the vertical issue not an issue? Or is the shortened height because of the root damage, or possibly strain, for i'm not sure which it is. I have no idea and i am in quite the quandry. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and honestly, needed.


Active Member
So i had an issue while transplanting a small seedling in which i accidentally cut the taproot in half. Stupid, i know. Now here i am like four weeks later and the plant is vigorous to say the least, yet the stem itself seems to have just stopped growing vertically, although it continues to get bushier every day. It has gotten to a point where what will become the clones from the bottom node are outgrowing the top canopy and starting to compete for light. The only reason i don't just quit on this is because it's from a collection of seeds that were amazing that i held on to for about four years and only was able to get this one out of six seeds to take. Is the vertical issue not an issue? Or is the shortened height because of the root damage, or possibly strain, for i'm not sure which it is. I have no idea and i am in quite the quandry. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and honestly, needed.
Its possible there was some damage done to stunt the growth upwards.

Have you considered creating a healthy clone from this plant? If it was just the root problem then it should grow normally if it is the strain then you would see the same thing happen.

Hope that helps. Would be nice if we could have some picks.


Active Member
I have considered getting some clones, but also i am so close to the flowering stage that i've been waiting to find out if it's male or female before doing anything drastic, because i'd really hate to put in all this work and then more just to get a male. I'll get some pics up on here later today also. thanks howhi.


Active Member
I have considered getting some clones, but also i am so close to the flowering stage that i've been waiting to find out if it's male or female before doing anything drastic, because i'd really hate to put in all this work and then more just to get a male. I'll get some pics up on here later today also. thanks howhi.
If you take a few clones then what u can do is flower one of them individualy. The clone carries the same age as the motherplant you have taken it from.

Start to flower a wee clone and you can find out the sex of it through that. :bigjoint:


Active Member
Ahhhhh i see. I didn't know that, and it is a huge help. Thank you very much, and i'll keep you updated as far as the progress goes, as i can't find my camera cable yet to post any pics. Also, i had a question in another thread that no one has answered that maybe you could help me out with. I'll just copy and paste the original question to save time:

"So i am on the 6th week or so and recently had to pull 3 out of 4 of my babies after finding out they were males. So now i have one female which is not very big, maybe 3-4 feet tall and skinny. The problem was that i had one that was huge and ended up overpowering the rest and stealing light, only to end up being a male. So what i am trying to find out is if there's any way to beef up this female this late in the game to make up for everything else i lost. I have been mixing baking soda and vinegar every day in a cup as a homegrown co2 system because i have read that has positive results. I also have moved her back from 12-12 to 24 hours light for a few weeks in hope of stimulating more vegetative growth before sending her back into the flowering stage. This is my first attempt and although i grew from bagseed i'm trying to make the best of it and possibly get some clones off of this female for my next crop, so any tips would be greatly appreciated. thank you."


Active Member
Ahhhhh i see. I didn't know that, and it is a huge help. Thank you very much, and i'll keep you updated as far as the progress goes, as i can't find my camera cable yet to post any pics. Also, i had a question in another thread that no one has answered that maybe you could help me out with. I'll just copy and paste the original question to save time:

"So i am on the 6th week or so and recently had to pull 3 out of 4 of my babies after finding out they were males. So now i have one female which is not very big, maybe 3-4 feet tall and skinny. The problem was that i had one that was huge and ended up overpowering the rest and stealing light, only to end up being a male. So what i am trying to find out is if there's any way to beef up this female this late in the game to make up for everything else i lost. I have been mixing baking soda and vinegar every day in a cup as a homegrown co2 system because i have read that has positive results. I also have moved her back from 12-12 to 24 hours light for a few weeks in hope of stimulating more vegetative growth before sending her back into the flowering stage. This is my first attempt and although i grew from bagseed i'm trying to make the best of it and possibly get some clones off of this female for my next crop, so any tips would be greatly appreciated. thank you."
Im not too sure about the baking soda and vinegar... Im still a newbie myself really iv just read up so much that im confident enough in my tips otherwise i wouldnt try to answer em lol. But obv anyone can correct me if im wrong this is afterall a learning experience.

As far as I know it can take up to as much as 4 weeks before the plant is fully re-veging depending on the strain. Just to give you a heads up incase you think that something is wrong and its not doing anything.

Im pressuming that because you were flowering you will have higher levels of P than N & K... You will need to change this around to either higher or equal amounts of N to P & K.

Also one tip I picked up from an awesome book by Greg Green was that a good early sexing technique is if the plant grows really tall its more likely to be male (i think its do with the polen sacks open and the wind carries it over and down to the females but i could be wrong).

If at anypoint you think they may be male move them to another grow area and keep an eye on them to see if you were right or not.


Active Member
that makes a lot of sense. i've got one that's outgrowing the rest, and i hope it's the only male after my last foray going 1 for 4. i also tried cloning the larger plant, and followed the instructions i got online to a t and the clone is kind of withered up, but still alive. i'm not sure if it was too small or what, but it's barely hanging on. i hope to keep it alive just long enough to put into flowering to find out the sex of the parent plant. i dunno... i guess i'll have to wait and see.