2nd Attempt - CFL PC Grow - Going good


Active Member
hey guys im new to this

i got a pc box started, but my 2 3 day old plants died. guess it was to hot.

anyways, im trying to install 2 100watt cfls, but am lost. i bought a flood light system that holds 2 bulbs, but can seem to wire it correctly. any tips? or is there a post on here with what im looking for? any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks - nice grow btw its pretty much is what got me to do mine lol


Active Member
hey guys im new to this

i got a pc box started, but my 2 3 day old plants died. guess it was to hot.

anyways, im trying to install 2 100watt cfls, but am lost. i bought a flood light system that holds 2 bulbs, but can seem to wire it correctly. any tips? or is there a post on here with what im looking for? any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks - nice grow btw its pretty much is what got me to do mine lol


Well-Known Member
hey guys im new to this

i got a pc box started, but my 2 3 day old plants died. guess it was to hot.

anyways, im trying to install 2 100watt cfls, but am lost. i bought a flood light system that holds 2 bulbs, but can seem to wire it correctly. any tips? or is there a post on here with what im looking for? any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks - nice grow btw its pretty much is what got me to do mine lol
WOAH 200watts would fry the plants, i would use one of them then have two outtake fans and one intake.
Start a new thread and post pics youll get a better response then =]


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

I'm home from the wedding, and I have some bad news. The little fella isn't doing to well.

Lots of height growth, very sativa indeed. Lots of burn and droopyness. Thats what happens when you go away for a week and you cant give your plant the TLC it needs! I will post pics when I get the chance later on tonight.



Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

I'm home from the wedding, and I have some bad news. The little fella isn't doing to well.

Lots of height growth, very sativa indeed. Lots of burn and droopyness. Thats what happens when you go away for a week and you cant give your plant the TLC it needs! I will post pics when I get the chance later on tonight.

Sorry to hear that dude! got my fingers crossed for you that they recover..
How was the wedding btw?


Well-Known Member
Wedding was fantastic! Aitutaki, Cook islands down near NZ. On the beach, no shoes, really nice. The type of stuff you see on post cards. I'll post pics in my next update :)

This is what it looks like.



Well-Known Member
Wedding was fantastic! Aitutaki, Cook islands down near NZ. On the beach, no shoes, really nice. The type of stuff you see on post cards. I'll post pics in my next update :)

This is what it looks like.

Woah looks amazing! i need a holiday cant wait for barcelona in june..
Lookin forward to the pics ;)


Well-Known Member
Day 33 - 11MAR09 - Back from Holiday. Bad news.
Lights: 3x 32w 6700k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6

So, being that I was away for my sisters wedding I couldn't give my plant her daily little watering. She got a big feed the day I left, my girlfriend gave her another big feed half way. And when I got home I saw a very unhappy plant.

I have taken some advice and trimmed the dead part of the leaves and completely cut off the brown ones. The logic that was given to me is that if you cut the dead part of the leaves, they won't try repair the shitty part, but the good part will still absorb light and help the plant grow. Or something...

What should I do now?


T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
bad news cut all shitty leaves off cood news i think i might be seeing a female preflower....... right under the new set to the right


Well-Known Member
Don't know temps. Got my thermo today which i'll install in the next few days.

Should I trim ALL the leaves that are dieing?

Also, that's not a pre-flower. Thats stipules. I think.


Well-Known Member
Personally i wouldnt, just give her a nice dose of h20 :)
Dont cut the leaves unless more than 50% is damaged. If i were you, i would just cut the tips off of the damaged leaves.

If you are only giving it water then it could need some nitrogen. Or are there nutes in your potting mix?


Well-Known Member
It's in potting mix. Never had a problem til i went away.

I think i'll just keep the water regular and see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Day 34 - 12MAR09 - On the road to recovery!
Lights: 3x 32w 6700k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 34 c

So, she got burnt. It's going to take time to forgive myself. I also tortured her. She's had a quick trim and overnight, look at her progress! Opened up a fair bit, and starting to look a lot healthier and less droopy. I'm satisfied she'll live.

Also, going to randomly monitor the temp as I picked up an $8(AUD) digital thermometer.

QUESTION - In 1 - 2 weeks should i start flowering?



Well-Known Member
Day 35 - 13MAR09 - Super duper!
Lights: 3x 32w 6700k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 34 c

God, she's making a golden recovery, and only in 48 hours. Nice and perky :)



Active Member
recovery is looking really good. I like these micro pc grows alot, they are so good for if you have a family that likes to nose into your business.
Is that yellow discoloring normal?


Well-Known Member
Day 36 - 14MAR09 - Roller Coaster.
Lights: 2x 32w 6700k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 36.9 c

It seems on a daily basis my plant is going through mood swings. Maybe its PMS. I dunno. Yesterday it was good. Earlier when i checked it was lousy. Almost immediately after watering and taking out a light (now running on 2x) the plant started to perk up. SO, back to daily waterings and only running the two lights. Will monitor progress.....
