The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
did u forget, Im sure its come up b4 somewhere on the boards lol. Well thge smoke tonight got me laid so must be quite good lol. In fact it must be very good cuz she fucked off to bed soon after and gave me some peace lol. So double bubble lmao, only kidding sweet heart lol mwah!!:weed::weed:. Im gonna join her now night night everyone in internet world :-P

All well that ends well:blsmoke:
Told you.. take out some and smoke... hehehe cant go wrong...


Well-Known Member
ah shit .. sorry i missed your harvest time and pics west .. been real busy lately.. but looks good so far


Well-Known Member
That's why I love this thread, because there are images here I cannot erase from my memory.
I want to remember the 'harvested colas of cheese', yet I'm struggling with the permanent impression that Jester left. :shock:
Good on you Jester for backing that shit up with 'pic bump'.
I needed it.
LMFAO bongsmilie

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
thats a bloody first lmao. Good ol jester, cheers mate. Did i tell u i got bout 8 seeds from the afgan, I mean big buddah cheese. bloody femanised seeds.

yo westie thats a good thing man they should all pop girls man! just means you left em till the last minute to chop! do they look developed properly or all green n soft?

nice colas man :weed:


Well-Known Member
8 is my favourite number i say grow em and see... you should get a few fems id say about 75%

and the others will either be hermy or maybe one male will pop up.... anyhoo theyre definately female dominant so yeah better than starting with normal seeds i guess.. give em some tlc and they could all be fems :)

dammit i got barneys farm when i wanted buddah and ya get em jumpin at ya that sux your lucky

is the glass half empty or half full think of it that way.... and yes i know no matter whether its half full or half empty it doesnt matter its still a jibb if ya paid for it lol,.. but true ya should be right westie... ya could just pop em and see maybe you will get a nice surprise... think about it the seeds will all have different traits by the sound of it perhaps... ya might get an awsome mother still who knows


Active Member
I got a couple cheese en route myself. They are actually Hermie seeds from a stressed exodus clone! Gotta breed that out. Anyway, mine are taking ages to shake off seedling stage. Saying that, They' right next to my clones:sad: and I have a tendency to to go into auto-mist when spraying!!:shock: I only got a tiny bit of bio-bizz veg in there. But still. It's slowing em down. Note to other-self. Stop getting carried away when misting. Duly noted self............:spew:


Well-Known Member
So Mr. West... How did you get those seeds ?

Did you have some male flowers that you didnt notice ?

mr west

Well-Known Member
must of done, I still aint found a male flower and belive me it wasnt intended. My advice is dunt get big buddah cheese unless u want seeds and an afgan type smoke.