K1Ng5p4d3's Cardboard Box Grow (hehe)


Well-Known Member
yea man , welcome back ... cant wait to see some pics !
i got so much shit coming down this week and next...durban..widow,HG... BB just came down, and a bunch of clone test plants.... one has the biggest bud ive grown so far ... so your coming back at a good time :)

i need to read through ur other post but ..... reconsider particle board as it does NOT like to get wet


Well-Known Member
Well I guess I didn't stay up late enough yesterday, I missed the big return. But glad to have you back bro. Sounds like its gonna turn into one hell of a grow man, can't wait to see the pics. I think you'll be real glad you didn't bust out 100 plants man. I honestly don't plan on doing anything that big until, or unless I get some omega gardens, or if I start breeding in the future. Thats sweet your gonna scrog the table, I bet that will be awesome man. Well I'll catch up with you latta bro. Cheers TC


Well-Known Member
on those seedlings that you said arent growing fast ... i would be curious to see what would happen if you put a cfl 2" above it.
i still love my cfls for veg ! when you left i had a shit load of cuttings in my cloner.... now im to the point where i got too many and have no room.
many are ready to be mother plants themselves(which they will be cuz im flowering my 3 month old mothers as soon as room is available !!!)


Junior Creatologist
Thanks for the warm welcome guys. Weedman, the thing is, when I had my widows as seedlings, they took almost two months to grow out n be ready for flower too, and I had cfls right directly over top of them bitches the entire time. N the exact same thing is happenin with these, so it's gotta be lack of oxygen to the roots, or ph imbalance(I haven't checked the ph once since I started this grow), or maybe even a nutrient imbalance. I don't know for sure, but it's gotta be something that I'm doin wrong. The environment is perfect, at around 78 all day with 40% humidity man, so it's gotta be somethin I myself am physically doin wrong.

O n as for the particle board-- it won't be getting wet at all man, it'll be pretty much attached flush to the bottom of the table, with the flood n drain fittings drilled n running straight through the board too. Either way lumber is cheap, so if it looks like it won't work, I'm gonna revamp the growroom one last time, so I may just construct a table that's attached to the beams in the frame I'm gonna build for the growroom itself. Well see over the next couple weeks what's what n I'll get the kinks in my plan worked out for sure ;)

--n can't wait to see pics of your harvest man. Let's see what's happenin in your world bro :D


Well-Known Member
the thing is, when I had my widows as seedlings, they took almost two months to grow out n be ready for flower too, and I had cfls right directly over top of them bitches the entire time. N the exact same thing is happenin with these, so it's gotta be lack of oxygen to the roots, or ph imbalance
i'd deffinitely look at your water source. too much of something in the water supply could stunt the plants very easily. RO water or store bought RO water... if ur not doing that alreadyy... otherwise, i'm clueless as well.


Well-Known Member
Very well could be the water King, I was having similar trouble with mine when they were smaller. I honestly want to go buy a distiller, or RO system, but I can't spring for it. I got a filtration system, but it doesn't really seem to make a difference in the ppm of the water, it only dropped the ppm of mine from around 400 to about 325. I have also been leaving my water to breath for about 48-72 hours to try to let the chlorine evaporate. I honestly thin I noticed better growth in the plants when I used distilled water though. Its just a pain in the ass to go buy 10 gallon of water. I think I'm about to though. Talk to you guys latta. TC


Junior Creatologist
Yeah I hear u guys, n yeah I'm using house water right now cuz buying dustilled is just too damn expensive right now to do man. So I'm gonna break in my rubbermaid tub n see how it works as a red, cuz I'm gonna fill thY shit with 55 gallons of water, n I'm gonna ph it n nute it up, n then just let it sit for a few days n marinate. I did a ph in the runoff from my growbags, n that shit read 2.2 man. It was Fuckin horrible considering that my house water is Fuckin 7.8 as it is, lol. So once I did a gallon up with some ph up n some grow nutients, I ran that through the soil n the runoff read perfect for me. So I ran 2 gals of proper ph'd water on through everythin, n hopefully it'll work pretty well.

I Fuckin bought a ppm/ec meter, n a new ph meter too, but they don't work for shit. They're like imitation truncheon meters I got from eBay man. I was hype as fuck when I got them shits but they ain't accurate for nothin man. What a disappointment. Whatever though man, I gotta go to the del shop n pick my ass up some reliable meters for sure.


Junior Creatologist
...I Fuckin hate typin with my iPhone man. It automatically corrects words that it thinks are wrong when I type so all kinds of shit don't end up makin sense n I end up sounding like an idiot LOL. Anyways, plants are showing a little improvment, n every chance I get I top the shit outta the mothers. Hope my clones end up lookin half as healthy as weedmans do man. Well see over the next two weeks I guess. It don't matter though reay cuz I'll be keeping them all in veg until 3 wks after the last clone takes root, n then I'll be flowering all of them, where if I'm lucky, I'll only be a month away from
choppin down some healthy ass Mommas ;)

- I'll hook up some pics over the weekend probably, just to let you guys check the plants out. The grow room hasn't been reconstructed yet cuz my table ain't ready, n I plan to build the room around it if I can. I'm still using the spare room right now, venting all air through the heating duct in the room, which keeps temps and humidity on an even keel. I'll show u what I mean
Over the weekend .



Junior Creatologist
werd. Its just wierd having to set everything up from scratch man. I loved having the tent at my disposal, with everything all self contained n ready to go. Piecing everything together for a larger scale op is a pain in the ass, lol. Itll be worth it though in the long run. Its time to see if everything ive been reading is gonna actually help me, or if its just gone in one ear n out the other (or in one EYE n out the other i guess, lol).

Hydro is kind of an intimidating prospect to tackle for me man. Just the maintaining of everything is gonna be a little sketchy until i have everything down to a science, i mean, i know that all you guys that have done dro say its way way easy, but ive read alot of horror stories about people ruining n losing entire crops because of one bullshit detail being off, n that shit right there was enough to make me wanna steer clear for a while n play it safe with soil. But, i guess its time to make the step up to dro, otherwise ill never be able to progress in this shit. If i can pull this off for a couple grows, ill switch off to organic hydro, n then ill probably go back to organic soiless growing for a while, n learn how to do teas, n composting, n all that good shit, lol. But lets not get ahead of myself(LOL). I need to go get some Hannah testers that are reliable, so i can learn how to control PPM n EC, cuz i still dont know dick about all that right now. Havent needed to pay attention to that shit as of yet, but i guess i should probably start learnin the ropes before i actually have to keep a plant alive going by it, lol. I have my 55 gallon rez full of phd water, all nuted up, so that the chlorine can dissipate and i can use it for the plants i got goin right now, and for the clones too, so hopefully i have my growth problem handled. Well see after the next week or so, but they look alot happier already. I just hope the clones will like the new mix....


Junior Creatologist
..So i went to water up my moms today, n i opened up the tub that i was keeping all my ph'd water in, and i got fuckin wafted with the smell of frog shit and pondscum.

It looked like there was a giant transparent oil slick floatin on the top of the water, n when i touched it, it broked up into a million pieces, n it just looked like somebody with a whole shitload of dead skin on his body jumped in n took a bath in my shit. Im assuming i did something wrong here, lol.

So do i need to keep the water arrated because its not moving at all?? do i need to put a couple airstones in there to keep everything oxygenated? im asking this because i know its an easy answer, but im not 100% on how to do it, as ive never filled up a rez ever in my life, lol. That shit was NASTY man. Any help would be much much appreciated..


Well-Known Member
Sorry I don't know more about hydro yet King. I don't think its good to leave nutes sitting around mixed up though. I would imagine an air stone might help, I'm not sure though. Is any light getting into your rez? I know this can grow algea and shit.


Well-Known Member
That's what happens when I mix up nutes in my watering can and leave any leftovers in there for even a day. You should probably just empty it and wait until you start to use it, (you aren't using it right?). As far as when you do, I'm not sure if you need an airstone or not but it probably wouldn't hurt. I remember you saying something about your table but I don't remember if you're using the ebb and flow method, but if you are I would think that the nutrients being pumped in and then drained out it will aerate itself and keep it from doing that again. It might say right on the bottles of nutrients not to mix it too long before use. I use Earth Juice nutrients and that's what it says on mine.


Well-Known Member
i've got a 44 gal. reservoir. i use G.H. nutes (both flora which is chemical and flora nova which is organic) i havn't had any problems yet and i leave the nute solution in there for up to a week sometimes.

it may be because after mixing it up and every 3 or 4 days there-after i add an ounce or two of H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide). its only 98 cents for a 32 ounce container (3 percent at walmart). i add about 3 ml per gallon whenever i am watering the plants as well.

other than that, i don't use aeration or bubble stones or anything. the water just sits there, though i do try to keep it covered with a lid for the most part. good luck with it, it could just be that the nutes you are using 'go bad' quickly.


Well-Known Member
i've got a 44 gal. reservoir. i use G.H. nutes (both flora which is chemical and flora nova which is organic) i havn't had any problems yet and i leave the nute solution in there for up to a week sometimes.

it may be because after mixing it up and every 3 or 4 days there-after i add an ounce or two of H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide). its only 98 cents for a 32 ounce container (3 percent at walmart). i add about 3 ml per gallon whenever i am watering the plants as well.

other than that, i don't use aeration or bubble stones or anything. the water just sits there, though i do try to keep it covered with a lid for the most part. good luck with it, it could just be that the nutes you are using 'go bad' quickly.
So it just sits there without going into plants or your flood table unused?


Well-Known Member
So it just sits there without going into plants or your flood table unused?
ya/no. it sits in a 44 gal. rubbermaid trash can. i'll mix up say 40 gal. at 1000 ppm, but only use 1/3 of it. 2 or 3 days later i'll use another 1/3. 2 or 3 days after that i have a 1/3 left, but i just add more RO water and nute it back up to 600-1000 ppm. apparently the hydrogen peroxide keeps things in check. Having been RO filtered may also help.