as much as we disapprove of what LEO does ................

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Well-Known Member
Maybe if just 1 cop I had encountered in my life (getting arrested and not getting arrested) gave me the slightest reason to feel bad I would.....

I'm certainly not saying that all cops are bad I bet theres many many good decent individuals that are cops. I haven't met a single one though.
EVERY single time I have encountered a cop he was a fucking asshole to me or whoever he was talking to, EVERY TIME.

That makes it extremely hard to feel bad.
when you hear about things like this

and the guy that shot them....I don't feel bad for him either


Well-Known Member
Alot of you guys are mad petty. These men lost there lives in vain. They now have children with no fathers, wives with no husbands, and parents without or one less son. Sorry you can't accept the fact that LEO's aren't all bad, and can be victimized as well. Loss of human life is horrible anyway you slice it. I just find it very sad you guys would distinguish between the two just because the deceased wore a badge.

ive met some truly fine officers of the law, ive also been hancuffed and beaten. but im smart enough to know that every badge isnt the same.


New Member
The only polite cops I ever met were on the receiving end of the free coffee I used to give them. I figured if they were always swarming the place where I worked for their free coffee, I wouldn't be as likely to get robbed.


Well-Known Member
Maybe if just 1 cop I had encountered in my life (getting arrested and not getting arrested) gave me the slightest reason to feel bad I would.....

I'm certainly not saying that all cops are bad I bet theres many many good decent individuals that are cops. I haven't met a single one though.
EVERY single time I have encountered a cop he was a fucking asshole to me or whoever he was talking to, EVERY TIME.

That makes it extremely hard to feel bad.
when you hear about things like this

and the guy that shot them....I don't feel bad for him either
back when i was a young punk(admittedly so) every cop i encountered was an asshole. now that ive grown and act accordingly i find that there are less and less dickhead cops out there.

maybe if people acted right more often cops wouldnt have to be dicks as often.


Well-Known Member
Even now that I have cleaned up my act from my young punk days I still see cops being assholes me and to other people.

I had a cop give me a ticket because my dogs barked. He came by my house at 11:30 at night (my dogs were barking at ducks on the lake because they could only hear them as it was night time)

Not only did he swear at me when I did not invite him into my home(politely) he was banging on the door so damn hard my dogs started barking at him.
Is that an example of a respectable police officer?

Im not saying all cops are bad but I have not seen one be polite in the slightest


Well-Known Member
The only polite cops I ever met were on the receiving end of the free coffee I used to give them. I figured if they were always swarming the place where I worked for their free coffee, I wouldn't be as likely to get robbed.

That in no way shape or form reflects reality.


Well-Known Member
several years ago, last time i was incarcerated, there were guards that were dicks and guards that were cool. i was always respectful to the cool ones. about a year after i got out i got pulled over by one of the guards. it was on a country road, i was going 20mph over the limit and due to the fact that i was looking at something that caught my eye, i was in the oncomming lane as i went up a hill. i looked up in time to see a county mountie comming at me in the other lane. i swerved into my lane as we both went over the hill. i immediatly pulled over before he even turned around. i was polite as i told him why i was in the other lane, asked him how his kids were, and he let me go with a warning.

he could have written enought tickets to revoke my licences no problem. had i been one of those tough guys with a "fuck the police" attitude you better believe i would have gotten those tickets.


Well-Known Member
Thats awesome that you have had good experiences with cops....

However I have no had any good experience.
Which is why its hard for me to feel bad when I hear about one getting killed.

I do not disrespect the cops. I am 100% polite every time I speak to them.
They are on such a hard power trip they feel its ok for them to act as if they are gods among men


Well-Known Member
i am respectful and polite and they still go on their ego trips and treat me like shit. i have never met a cool cop but i dont wish death upon anyone though.


Well-Known Member
This can, and does, happen everywhere. This is what officers have to concern themselves with, not just dealing with calls where they have some idea of what they are getting into. Not just having to deal with drunks, or domestics, robberies, assualts, missing kids/adults, abuse cases, and the every day person that feels that cops should do it all.

So for those of you that ever wondered WHY an officer might be a...dick...when you're first get pulled over.....this is why. Right here. Cause it is, quite literally, the most dangerous situation that they have to tend with. That officer has no idea if the person behind the wheel, whom they are walking up to, is going to drive off, pull a weapon, or worse.

Perhaps that should be considered the next time anyone is pulled over for something minor.

In the meantime, my thoughts, prayers to these officers who gave their lives, their families, the Oakland PD and law enforcement everywhere who have been reminded of what they sacrifice every time they head into work.


Well-Known Member
the cop job sucks....dudes dont deserve death much as i wish it on them heart goes out to their families.

and then people wonder why cops are dicks....


Well-Known Member
Alot of you guys are mad petty. These men lost there lives in vain. They now have children with no fathers, wives with no husbands, and parents without or one less son. Sorry you can't accept the fact that LEO's aren't all bad, and can be victimized as well. Loss of human life is horrible anyway you slice it. I just find it very sad you guys would distinguish between the two just because the deceased wore a badge.
you and slikwill13 are unbelievable

how dare you call us mad petty because we dont share the same belief....

we dont try to belittle your dont dare belittle ours.

sorry you've had a peachy keen life with the pigs...... on the other hand pigs have been the many reasons why families are destroyed, wrong people jailed, etc etc.

cops are not our friends. we pay their salary, yet its LEGAL for them to lie to us in any shape or form.

being multi-racial and coming from the streets of dare you call me petty when i can bet you havent even seen half the shit i have.

stop being so naive and sticking up for these jerks. the same jerks that will lock your ass up for growing a simple stupid little plant.

last but not least.

if we are so petty, i dare you....triple dog dare you to tell that to these people:

you think they gave a fuck that they had the wrong house? their response: 'oops'

and you never see those cops jailed


Well-Known Member
cops are sad as it is....I find it extremely hard to feel bad for dead cops.
I missed the part where it identified these particular murdered officers as the ones who committed any of those raids. All I know about the service record of these two dead SWAT members is that they died storming a building that contained a criminal with an assault rifle.

how dare you...dont dare...coming from the streets of dare havent even seen half the shit i have...stop being so naive.
Okay, so where is your argument?

if we are so petty, i dare you....triple dog dare you to tell that to these people:
What I can't believe is that a person with your "multi-racial" background could do something as ignorant as profile an entire profession based on some stories.
The criminal in this situation was black, does that say something about all black people? Isn't that essentially what you are suggesting?


Well-Known Member
the only thing them pigs were eatin is some hot lead...ya score 1 for the little guy wooohoooooo...:eyesmoke:celebrate good times cmon:blsmoke:


New Member
Cops don't make the laws, they merely enforce them. It is incidents like this one which make them go overboard. If the weed laws changed on the books, the cops would follow the new law, just like any other.

They have my sympathy. Always... :peace:

If you are going to shoot someone, shoot a politician. :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Cops don't make the laws, they merely enforce them. It is incidents like this one which make them go overboard. If the weed laws changed on the books, the cops would follow the new law, just like any other.

They have my sympathy. Always... :peace:

If you are going to shoot someone, shoot a politician. :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:

sure they dont make the laws, but they know them and they chose to go with the plan.

need i cue the quote 'you are only as good as the company you keep'

so while what you say is correct (they dont make the laws, they enforce them)

it still doesnt change their image because they obviously believe the lies and propaganda bullshit that is fed to them in police training. funny how police officers go after drug users, when they are the biggest junkies ever! adrenaline junkies that is.

'you are only as good as the company you keep'
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